Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Thursday 12.26.13

Congrats to Max and Kate for getting engaged!

Dex got engaged this week too!


1.  EMOMx10
3 Squat Cleans + C2B Pull ups - you choose the weight
Ninjas:  Complete 6 C2B each round and push the load on the cleans.
Beast:  Start with 10 C2B.  Goal is to hold 10 each round.  Scale back the weight on the cleans slightly to focus on the pull ups.

Rest 10 minutes

2.  EMOMx10
Row for calories, (guys: 15, girls: 12) + 3 Deficit HSPU - you choose the deficit.

Rest 10 minutes

3.  EMOMx10
Odd:  10 Back Squats
Even:  5 Front Squats
Use a rack, one barbell and the same weight for both movements.  

Rest 10 minutes

4.  EMOMx10
Odd:  :15 second L-sit on Parrallettes
Even:  5-7 Double Ring Extensions

1.  EMOMx10
3 Squat Cleans + C2B Pull ups - you choose the weight
Ninjas:  Complete 5 C2B each round and push the load on the cleans.
Beast:  Start with 10 C2B.  Goal is to hold 10 each round.  Scale back the weight on the cleans slightly to focus on the pull ups.

2.  EMOMx10
Odd:  10 Back Squats
Even:  5 Front Squats
Use a rack, one barbell and the same weight for both movements.  


  1. Thanks for the early post coach! Congrats again Dex!

  2. I cannot wait to get back to a gym. Saturday cannot come soon enough!

  3. 1. EMOMx10- I had all kinds of ideas for the SC's but since the focus was on the CTB I dropped the cleans all the way down to 135. Missed 10 on the last 4 mins.

    Rest 10 minutes

    2. EMOMx10
    6" plus deficit, didn't measure. Guys you are going to have to plan this out way better than I did. I had my paralettes too far away from the rower. I made 15 cals easy the first 3 rounds but by the time I made it to the paralletes and back I ran out of time. It became an AMRAP instead of an EMOM, hit 8 complete rounds.

    Rest 10 minutes

    3. EMOMx10
    Complete with 185. This was puketastic. Could have gone higher on back squat, could not have gone higher on Front squats.

    Rest 10 minutes

    4. EMOMx10- Complete, missed 15 seconds on the last round.

  4. Open:
    1) #155/ 5... at about rd 6 pwr cleans started mixing in. Kept all c2b unb and that was the goal!

    2) #155... did a lot of front rack stuff this week so FS proved difficult!

  5. 1. Cleans @ 185# w/ 6 C2B
    2. 45+25+10 lb bumper plates for deficit; First 3 rounds finished in time, fell behind from there finished all 150 cals and DHSPU's in 13:20ish
    3. These high volume squats really highlight the quad dominance of my squat (i.e. quad fatigue sets in very quickly). First round 205, Next 2 rounds at 185, Last 2 rounds at 155.
    4. Done w/ 5 ring rows; core still tight from GHD's on Tuesday

  6. Replies
    1. 1) Started @ 185 but turned into a ninja at 6th min on c2b and scaled to 155...

      2) Just completed 10rounds ...
      Couldn't keep up with time.

      3) Done @ 145 going up to 185.
      145 way too light.

      Tough day...

  7. 1. Sq. Cleans/c2b 115# and 5 c2b (1-7 5 unbroken c2b, 8-9min 4unbroken +1, 10min 3unbroken +2) Sq. all unbroken
    2 Row/hspu(35plates and abmat): it took me 3 rnds to figure out what I could accomplish in 1min, started with 8cal row and 3hspu (over by 12sec), 8cal row missed hspu, min 3-10 5cal row and 3 deficit hspu
    3.BS/FS 95# (should have done 100 or 105

  8. I just locked in a sitter for the E.C.C.
    Any hotel suggestions? Rolling up with a a good group from Apex

    Congrats to all on their engagements

  9. Question on squat cleans. If we are going the ninja route is it ok to drop on the squat cleans at heavier weight or keep a weight we can still TnG? Doing this tonight after work in the garage.

    1. Clayton I went with a weight I thought I could move well. My first 7 rounds were TnG. The last three were done as fast singles. Grip got blown up. Good luck!

    2. Thanks Michael. I unfortunately had a change of plans and need to push this back until Sunday. Screwy work schedule during the holidays. Looking forward to getting back into a consistent routine after the new year.

  10. Regional:
    1) 200# squat cleans, 6 CTB Pullups every round.
    2) 10-12 calories, 3 Deficit HSPU @ 9" every round.
    3) 175# back squat and front squat across.
    4) DOne

  11. Regionals:


    1. 185 lbs. squat cleans/6 CTBPU. Fell almost a minute behind somewhere in the 7th and 8th minute.
    2. 10 calories/7" deficit. Did 15 calories the first round and realized I was in big trouble. Scaled back to 10 calories per minute and still fell a little behind the clock. Tough stuff.
    3. 185 lbs. and managed to stay on the clock. Happy with that.
    4. Just horrific and not worth discussing.

    Much tougher day than it appeared on paper.

  12. Masters Open
    1. Scaled to 3 SC / 3 C2B
    7 rnds 105
    2 rnds 115
    1 rnd 125
    2. 105# across

  13. Regional
    1. 105#
    2. 6 cal/2 deficit HSPU (est 1-2" deficit)
    3. 115#
    4. 15 sec L-Sits w/ GHD

  14. Open
    1) 185# - footwork was pretty bad on the cleans. C2B were very smooth
    2) 185# - stopped after minute 5 - piriformis was really acting up again so I shut it down.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. EMOM #1 - 3 squat cleans @ 185# , 6 chest to bar
    EMOM #2 - 10 cal row + 3 hspu with 1 45# plate each
    EMOM #3 - 5 Front Squat + 10 back squat - 185# across
    emom #4 skipped

  17. Open/Masters 43

    Hope everyone is having a great holiday!
    1) Squat cleans with 135, started with 10 C2B, ended up soon scaling to 8, than 6 (certainly not a beast!)
    2) row/HSPU: started with 15 calories, soon went to 12 calories on the row, 3 strict HSPU
    2) 10 back,5 front squat: used 155, actually felt better and better as rounds went on, should have gone heavier
    4) chop fire wood for an hour, having a true Canadian winter!

  18. Open Master:
    1. 2 r @ 105#/4 ctb, 8 @ 110#/ 4 ctbs
    2. Bs/fs: 115#

  19. 2014 REGIONAL & GAMES ATHLETES-Brutal day today.

    1. EMOMx10
    3 Squat Cleans + C2B Pull ups - you choose the weight-Done at 165lbs.
    Ninjas: Complete 6 C2B each round and push the load on the cleans.
    Beast: Start with 10 C2B. Goal is to hold 10 each round. Scale back the weight on the cleans slightly to focus on the pull ups.

    Rest 10 minutes
    2. EMOMx10-This turned into an AMRAP. Got through 8 rds.
    Row for calories, (guys: 15, girls: 12) + 3 Deficit HSPU - you choose the deficit.-4"

    Rest 10 minutes
    3. EMOMx10-Done with 165lbs. OUCH.
    Odd: 10 Back Squats
    Even: 5 Front Squats
    Use a rack, one barbell and the same weight for both movements.

    Rest 10 minutes
    4. EMOMx10-Done
    Odd: :15 second L-sit on Parrallettes
    Even: 5-7 Double Ring Extensions

  20. Regionals.

    1) done at 200 and 6 c2b
    2) done with 6" deficit. Turned into a amrap like Jeremy. 8rds and 10 cal in 10min. All 10rds in 12min flat.
    3) done at 220. This was rough.
    4) ran out of time.

    Congrats on the engagements guys.

  21. 1. cleans @ 185#, got 10 chest-2-bar every round. very pleased with this. i stuggle with butterfly c2b under fatigue

    2. row 15cal+3 deficit hspu all done on the clock. again, pleased with this cuz i upped my deficit to 9" and really mowed down 3 under serious fatigue to stay on the clock.

    3. both done at 225#. felt just right.

    4. done, did l-sits on rings and got 7 ring ext every time.

    great. day. thanks for all the congrats guys. My fiance is about to start following the blog i think, she went to regionals as a individual last year in south central.

  22. Open
    1. 135/5 for the first 5, 135/3 for the last 5.
    2. 115 across
    Between family gathering, an ice storm, and a stomach bug it's been busy this last week. Feels nice to be back on a schedule.

  23. Regionals; Masters

    1. 185# cleans / 6 C2B - TNG for the first 6 sets, all C2B butterfly unbroken

    2. My chest is still full of congestion so my lungs are beat up. Did :45 row, 12" deficit HSPU

    3. 155 squats across - this felt way to light

    4. L sits on rings, 7 ring extensions

  24. Had a full gym today with friends from out of town and they wanted to do a team workout, so did my best to try to get some of the stimulus.

    EMOM x 10
    3 squat Cleans (increasing) + 1 strict c2b + 2 c2b - I got to 195# pullups didn't let go.

    2. Then we did this :
    Each team member completes the following:
    15 OHS
    15 strict press
    20 burpees each
    15 front squats
    15 push press
    20 burpees eavh
    15 back squats
    15 push jerks
    20 burpees each

    We did 95, 115, 135, I probably could have went a little heavier. But my partner couldn't have. Was really fun though, had 5 teams going and we won.

    3. 3 rounds
    500m row
    20 GHDSU
    20 Hip Ext

    Didn't time but went all out.

  25. Open
    1. 1st time doing any type of pullup in about 9weeks!!!
    165#/5 c2b- last 3 rds i did 3, didnt want to push it
    2. 200#- tough!
    3. 10 min - 10 cal row/ 3 hspu 5"- only 7 rds
    Tough but a good day.....Happy to get back on pullup bar!

  26. Regionals

    Had some time today so I added the extra regionals work

    1. Dropped the cleans after the 3rd minute to work on UB C2B, Made 4x10, 3x8, 2x7, 1x6
    2. Started with 12 cal on the rower, but dropped to 10 cal after 2 minutes. HSPU done on 6" parallettes.
    3. 85kg for the first 3 rounds, than 80kg for the last 2. Tough.
    4. Done

  27. Open/Masters 47

    1) done with 115 and 5 c2b

    2) done with 145

    3) also did the rowing hspu wod. Turned into an amrap quickly. Tried a 2" deficit but went to regular hspu after round 2. Did 10 cals and got 7 rounds I think.

  28. Open 5'10"/174/37

    1. Completed with 115# and 3 C2Bs. This is the most unbroken C2Bs that I've ever done (one miss but I didn't let go of the bar!)
    2. Complete with 115#. I really should have done it with 135, but I didn't take much rest in between sets and I was beat from round 1.

  29. Open

    1.) Ninja: cleans @ #205 and 5 c2b

    2.) #205...light for back squats but fair for front

    Holy quads! Thanks Ben, I enjoy a swole session....congrats to the two engagements always awesome to hear, I wish nothing but happiness for you guys.

  30. 1. 3 TnG cleans at 155. 8-10 C2B for the first 6 rounds, then it got to be 6 Ctb. The christmas season has not treated my gymnastics capabilities well if you know what I mean. I am up about 10# from thanksgiving. I feel like I am doing pull-ups with a vest on. Saboteurs and they're delicious cookies...

    2. Couldn't keep up, respect to the guys that did. 8 Rounds at a 4" Deficit.

    3. Done at 165. All I can say is during this workout, I had to go away to another place mentally, and that place was punching Ben in the face.

    4. Done. Had sort of a tuck thing going on for the L-sits. Couldn't hold up my legs after those squats.

  31. Merry Christmas guys, been doing the work but haven't been posting, partly because we have been without power for a few days (Canada-Ice storm). Congrats to the newly engaged!!

    1. SC+ CTB: Focusing on the squat cleans, overshot it at 275 and switched to 255, Chest to bar went to shit but only because I was sucking wind on the Squat cleans, normally that's my jam tho... Think I missed the point of this one tho, urgghh

    2. ROW+ HSPU: got it done - 1 minute behind, Paralletes

    3. BS/ FS: 185, probably could have gone heavier here. All good.

    4. L -Sit + Ring extensions: Done as rx

  32. Masters 46
    2014 Open added row to WOD

    1. EMOMx10
    3 Squat Cleans #155+ 5 C2B Pull ups (missed one rd)

    Rest 10 minutes

    2. EMOMx10
    Row for calories 10+ 3 HSPU
    (2 ab mats)
    Rest 10 minutes

    3. EMOMx10 (#155)
    Odd: 10 Back Squats
    Even: 5 Front Squats

  33. Regionals

    1. Squat cleans at 205 TnG, 10 chest to bar first 5 min, 6 for the last 5.
    2. Tough. Got the 15 cals and 3 def. HSPU with an abmat and 25 lb plate under (not sure on inches there) for the first 5 min and couldn't keep up today so unfortunately dropped it 10 cals for last 5 min, but made up the lost 25 cals at the end.
    3. 205. Felt good.
    4. Abs are gonna pop!

    Congrats on the love boys and gals!

  34. Open
    1) 135# squat cleans did 7 C2B first four rounds then 5 C2B the last six minutes
    2) 155# should of used 165-175
    3) Did the HSPU and row. Did 10 calories and 2.5" deficit on HSPU. This became an AMRAP real quick and was 7 rounds + 7

  35. 1. Row as warmup 15cal, 3hspu from 45#'s
    2. Sq cln 165#, 5rds of 10c2b, 5rds of 6c2b
    3. 185#

  36. 1. 185# w 6 c2b for 7 rnds. 3,5,4 for last 3rnds. all broken in sets of 2 or singles
    2. 10/10 at 15 cals + 6" deficit. best I've felt on dHSPU ever.
    3. 10/10 at 205#. It's my lower back on FS that gets fatigued more than legs.
    4. Done, but can't keep legs straight else quads cramp crazy

  37. 1) 185# Squat Clean x 10 Rds
    5 C2B x 5 Rds
    4 C2B x 5 Rds
    Stayed EMOM

    2) Shared rower with partner
    Rowed 15 cal/Rd
    3 Strict HSPU with 45# plates/Rd
    Took ab 20 mins

    3) 135#
    BS Tried to stay under 30 sec/rd with speed and form
    FS Tried to stay under 20 sec/rd with speed and form

    4) Ring extensions were solid
    Used two boxes instead of parralletes
    Need to work on hip flexor strength/ROM

  38. 1. Used 155 and did 6 C2B on rounds 1-8. My goal was to move as quickly and efficiently as possible through these. Each round was kept between 20-22 seconds. Rounds 9 & 10 I did 10 C2B. They were around 28-30 seconds.

    2. This turned into an AMRAP. Did 7 full rounds. Figured out a more efficient way to pull for the row on round 4 and started catching back up. Used roughly a 6 inch deficit.

    3. 155 for this. I've been relying on a belt a lot lately so I didn't use one at all on this. Legs felt pretty good, lower back, not so much. Any advice here?

    4. Done. Stuck with 5 ring extensions.

    Today was tough

  39. 1) 80kg squat clean & 5 C2B pull-ups. Stayed EMOM. Stayed unbroken until round 6. But, missed round 7.
    2) Row 10 Calories + 3 HSPU. Stayed EMOM
    3) HBBS & FS @ 70kg. Might of went a little light, but I was pretty tired by then.

  40. Regionals tonight !!
    1. Done at 105. 3 Squat cleans tng + 2 C2B with regular grip. I always do c2b with an alternate grip but want to be able to do them more efficiently.

    2. EMOM 6cal row + 2 deficit HSPU (45lb rogue plate)

    3. Did with 95 lb bar. Should of read the blog again before starting because I thought it was 10 bs+5 fs all in a min. So I did 20 OTM 10 back squat odd min + 5 front squat even min. Double the time ... Oh well I needed the squat work!
    4. Skipped

  41. Regionals

    1. #145 squat cleans and 4-5 C2B pull ups (This was HEAVY.)

    2. 9-10 calorie row + 3 deficit HSPU (2 #45 plates on each side)

    3. Back squats and front squats done at #125 (This probably should have been heavier.)

    4. L sit hold were all 15 seconds. First attempt ever at ring extensions! 4 per round.

    All of these were done as their EMOM/OTM except the squat clean/C2B ran over one minute.

  42. Open
    1. 95# with a goal of 3 UB C2B, only had 2 sets that weren't UB
    2. 75# for squats
    -this is week 2 into this new training

  43. Open
    1. 165# squat clean/ C2B 10-7-7-5-5-5-5-5-5-5.
    2. Skipped, had to coach class

  44. Open/Masters 40-44
    1) 115#/5CTB
    2) 8-10 cal row + 3 HSPU
    3) BS/FS done at #125
    4) ran out of time

    Battling a Cold...hopefully better for 27th

  45. Regionals:
    Completed today as gym was not open yesterday...
    1. EMOMx10: 3 Squat Cleans + C2B Pull ups @ 125# made it through 8 rounds with 10 CTB unbroken then hand ripped, EFF. Butterfly CTB are feeling damn good though!

    2. EMOMx10: Row for 12 calories + 3 Deficit HSPU (45# Rogue plate on each side)

    3. EMOMx10
    Odd: 10 Back Squats
    Even: 5 Front Squats
    @ 125# kept it light as was feeling burnt by this point

    4. Skipped

  46. Open:

    155 + 3 C2B
    135 for the back + front squats.

  47. Open
    1-135 first 3 min 8 C2B next 7 min 5 C2B
    2-225 fell of the by 2 min but finished all the reps

  48. Open Program
    1) 165 cleans and 10 c2b - felt good, kept it light on cleans.
    2) 185 - made it through 8 minutes on schedule, then slowed down and finished the whole thing in 11 minutes. This was brutal.

    1. Oops, realized I messed up and tarted the sq clean/c2b portion as an odd/even minute thing. No wonder it felt pretty easy. Oh well, it allowed me to really push the envelope on the squat WOD afterwards.

  49. no pude hacer estos wod pq me fui a la playa, los cambie por

    1) EMON x 10
    odd HSPU stric 5
    even Du's 30

    2) EMON x 10
    odd 15 push up
    even 3 squat therapy

  50. 1. SC @ 60kg/7x C2B
    - focus on form with the C2B
    2. Row - started with 15x 2 rnds then cut it back to 13 - 4-5inch deficit
    3. Did 12min 60x2, 65x1, 70x1, 75x2
    - unmotivated before I started this so backed off the weight, but was happy with how I finished
    4. Completed 7x double ring ext

  51. Cliff Lewis Masters 49
    1. 205# and 5 CTB
    2. 185#
    This destroyed my legs. Got it all in time but smoked!
