Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Wednesday 8.1.12

Dave's crisscross chain push ups.
1.  Bench Press
Work up to a 1 rep max

2.  Push Press
1 set of 15-20 reps
1 set to failure
You should be reaching failure between reps 15 and 20 reps on the second set.  Use the first set to determine the appropriate weight.

3.  3 Supersets of:
A.  Strict Bent Over Row, 6-8 reps - Overhand grip.  No torso movement up or down throughout ROM.
B.  Rehab High Hang Muscle Snatch, 8-12 reps - This isn't about how much weight you can get up.  Focus on the external rotation (aka "the turnover") and slight press up at the end of the movement.  NO OVER EXTENSION of the midline.  Watch the demo video here.

4.  Clean Grip Shrugs
4 sets of 12 - Retract shoulders as you shrug.  Shoulders should go up and BACK, not up and forward.

5.  4 RFT:
15 KBS 70, 53
12 Hand Release Chest Slap Push ups
9 Strict Pull ups
6 Strict HSPU
3 Muscle ups
Ninjas:  wear a 20# vest
Beasts: as Rx'd

6.  ShoulderExternal Rotation
Shoulder External Rotation:
Elbow should be at 90 degrees and tight to hip throughout ROM.
Don't go heavy, 5# max.


  1. Oh....my....god....we are gonna be ha-uge

  2. what is a chest slap push up?

    1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbSCjxo7diU

      Those but remove hands from the floor at the bottom i believe

    2. Full extension at top and slap your chest while in the air - similar to a clapping push up just touching your chest insted

    3. Thanks fellas. Next time I will not be retarded and You Tube it myself...

  3. Anyone game to take this on tomorrow evening at CFNE ? Say 5 pm ish. Can't do this at globo gym!

    1. Jenn and I will be there around 5:15.

    2. I'm in, Bubs/Smully. We should get a head start on 1-4 and possibly work into the class for 5.

  4. By the way I love these workouts. Makes me think of just getting big doing bodybuilding workouts for the first 20 years of my life... Ah the good ole days.

    Let me also say that I am REALLY happy that tomorrow is all upper body because I can barely walk or sit up thanks to yesterday's workout...

  5. Hello from New Zealand
    1. 95kg (possibly a bit more there but no spotter, didn't want to risk it)
    2. 50 kg
    3. A 60kg B 20kg bar
    5. 19:50 (kipping hspu)
    6 done

  6. 1. 255#
    2. 1st set 95 -20 reps, 2nd set 135 - 17 reps
    3. 155 rows, 45# bar HHMS
    4. shrugs -225#
    5. 16:20 rx

  7. My arms are smoked. Lots of shoulder mobility tomorrow....
    1. 265 (PR)
    2. 135(18), 135(16)
    3. Rows - 135, Muscle Snatches - 90
    4. 185/175/165/165
    5. 15:38 rx'd - This one was difficult!!! Arms were out of gas. Had to break the pushups/muscleups into singles at the end. Killer.
    6. Done.

  8. 1. 315 (failed miserably on 335, because I am crappy)
    2. 135 x 17.....155 x 16
    3. 155 rows (crappy, again) 65 hhms
    4. shrugs 275
    5. 16:44 (chinups, surprise surprise, exceptionally crappy)

    1. You're strong enough, you're smart enough, and gosh darn it people like you.

  9. 1. 245
    2. 95x20, 115x14
    3. 135/45, 135/45, 155,45
    4. 4x12 @ 185
    5. 19:03 Rx

  10. 1. Bench: 295#, crossfit PR
    5. 4RFT: 21:18 w/ 20# vest, except ended up taking off vest for 6 MU's only, put back on for everything else, first time ever using vest for HSPU and MU
    2. Push press: 125#*15, 135*16, smoked
    3. 3 supersets of BOR 185*8 and muscle snatches 45#*12, kept light
    4. Shrugs: 245#
    6. no time will do later

  11. 1. Bench: 185# (think it could be a 20# PR, and its a 2012 goal accomplished. think i have more in me, ran out of time.)
    2. Push press: 95#x20, 105#x15
    3. 3 supersets of BOR 135#x8 and muscle snatches 45#x12
    4. Shrugs: all over the place, but ended up at 155# which felt good
    5. Disaster after the presses. 3 rounds complete (KBs to eye level, 3 HSPUs, MU attempts for 2 rounds and then got 3 in 3rd round)
    6. No time will do later

  12. Used 80# Dumbbells for 3 rep max. No spotter.
    115# first set was too much went down to 105

    135, 145, 155 for rows and use 45 for the snatch

    4 rounds. Had to heavily modify
    Only had. 63# kettle bell
    Push ups no prob
    Pull ups no prob
    2 rounds of HSPU 2 rounds shoulder to OH with 50 # DB
    And finally sissy muscle ups with feet on ground. Don't have real rings at my gym.

  13. Bench 185# (failed at 190 old 1rm)
    Ten-Ichi: 27:10 with Muscle up attempts
    Push Press 85# 15 on first set 16 on 2nd
    BOR/Snatch 105/35
    Shrugs 115#
    Shoulder External Rotation

  14. 1. Bench: 225# PR
    2. Push Press: 115#x20, 135#x16
    3. 3 supersets of BOR 95#x10 and muscle snatches 45#x10
    4. Shrugs: 95# (worked on form)
    5. 29:15 RX (Disaster after the presses)
    6. Done

  15. 1.155
    2. 115(14 reps) 105 (17)
    3. A. 32(12),42(9-started to arch),32(12)
    B.95,105,105@8 reps
    4. 22:07..did strict muscle ups ... And forgot the hspu ( don't know how I missed them)... I definitely wasn't in go mode and took my time for some reason.
    5. 2x20 w/5#
    feeling tired today ... And mad I did the wod without the hspu!

    1. Clean shrugs! Forgot to type... 4x12 @ 155
      ... Some new movements for me today !

    2. haha better redo the whole thing! :)

  16. Anyone in the San Antonio or tucson area?

  17. Trained with CFNE class, so out of order
    1. Bench 255
    2. WOD 25:03 RX with vest
    3. PP 135x15x2
    4. Superset BOR: 175x6, HHMS: 45x10
    5. Shrugs: 155x12
    6. Check

  18. 1. 305

    2. 115 x20, 135x15 I made sure to actually PP these. I think I let my form slip and ended up jerking them last time I did a max set of 15-20

    3. Had to skip the superset for time. Maybe during naptime.

    4. 22:20 This wrecked me. My Bi's and abs were extremely sore from my vacation workouts and it showed during this. The strict PU were extremely hard to begin with, then throw in a fatigued core on top of it and I was doing MU singles. I was shooting for sub 20

  19. 1. 285
    2. 95/115
    3. 185/45
    4. 185
    5. 16:45 Rx no vest
    6. Done

    1RM BP hovers around 300. Shoulder a bit tweaky and did not want to go higher. 115 PP for 17. I think I maybe could have done 125.

  20. Also out of order:
    1. Bench 105# pr
    2. WOD 21:11, rx, rx, rx, used 1 ab mat for strict hspu, 2 kpu/2dips for mus
    3. PP 20 x 53# 23 x 60# too light, but shoulder was talking to me
    4. Superset BOR: 85# x 8, HHMS 15# x 10
    5. Shrugs: 105# x 12
    6. Will do at home
    Fun to work through all this w/ Heather B w/ Bode cheering on sidelines!

  21. Ten Ichi:19:46 (Subbed muscle ups for 9 C2B + 9 Bar Dips) and 2 Abmats for HSPU's

    Between warming up and cooling down, I didn't have time to 1RM Bench Press nor the rest of the competitor WOD.

  22. Cheryl! We are in Tucson! Crossfit Purgatory.

    1. Me and my brother r on a road trip! Will it be ok for us to drop in? Are they cool with us following this set programming?

    2. Only if you can come during open gym. Which is MWF 11:30-2 (except this Friday unfortunately cuz I'm getting my kids cert this weekend!) but if you guys are around here next week then most definitely!

  23. 1. Bench - 165#
    2. PP - 15 @ 115#, 17 @ 115#
    3. BOR - 3 sets @ 105# for 8 reps
    HHMS - 3 sets @ 35# for 12 reps
    4. Shrugs - 2 sets of 12 at 135#, 2 sets of 12 at 155#
    5. "Ten-Ichi" - 13:12Rx
    6. Check

  24. 1. bench 230# 10 under all time pr
    2. PP 95#x20 100#x16 shoulders just felt gased
    3. BOR 135# 8,8,8 HHMS 45# barx8,8,8 external rotation of shoulders bleh
    4. ran out of time will do later
    5. WOD 22:51 took vest off for MU those are goat for me.

  25. 1. 275 close grip (shoulder still not right)
    2. pp 135x15/ 155x20
    3. 8.8.12@155/8.8.12@45
    4. 4x12@185
    5. 26:40 w/23# vest. Wanted to try to hang with big boys/ninjas, instantly regretted that decision! Gaining 10lbs since regionals didn't help. hspu = very hard
    6. check

  26. Bench 255#

    4 RFT w/ vest- 26:34

    limited time today, that's all I got done.

  27. 1. Bench Press- 180#
    2. Push Press- 115# 16 reps, 110# 16reps (Should've gone heavier but shoulders starting to feel it on 2nd set)
    3. A: Bent Over Row- 115#,135#,150# all 8 reps each
    B: High Hang Muscle Snatch- 45# bar 10reps first set and 12 reps 2nd and 3rd set.
    4. Clean Grip Shrugs- 135# first set, 145# sets 2,3 and 4
    5. 15:44 rx'ish. Didn't have a vest to wear, and after first round had to switch to muscle up progressions. After looking at other peoples times, maybe I should have suffered more and tried to do all muscle ups with a longer wod time instead. The 70# Kettle Bell felt like it wanted to swing me a couple of times, but I did it!
    6. Shoulder external rotation- 5# 2 sets of 15

    Can't wait till Friday!


  28. 1. Bench 285
    2. Push Press 135 x 15, 155 x 11...still struggling with overhead
    3. Bent over row 155# x 8,6,6, High Hang Snatch 45# 12,12,12
    4. Clean Grip Shrugs 4 x 12 185#
    5. 17:06 didn't have a vest to wear, HSPU and chest slaps were brutal
    6. Shoulder External Rotation- 5# 2 sets of 20
    Tough day looking forward to recovery on rest day! Mobility WOD all day!

  29. 1. Bench press 285. Failed @ 295.
    2. Push press 95x15 then 135x15
    3. Bent over rows 135, 185, 185. Used 45 bar for muscle snatch (holy trap burn).
    4. Shrugs 185.
    5. 18:56 rx besides muscle ups (not enough space for full range of motion. Had to modify with knees bent and feet on ground) you know what I'm talking about shoshenq. Oh and 63 lb kb we don't have anything heavier.

    1. Maybe we should get doofus to get one instead of a 50# slam ball!!

  30. 1. 220# pr
    2. 105#x20 115#x20
    3. 20:14 had to kip HSPU
    4. rows 95# ms 45#
    5. shrugs 135#
    6. done

  31. 1. 275# - Failed 295
    2. Push press 135x20 , 155x15
    3. BOR 135x8, 65# HHMS
    4. Shrugs @ 185# 4x12

    Had to skip wod, short on time. Would make it up tomorrow but want the rest day. Bummer.

  32. O.K. all you Beast. Don't be intimidated by my big numbers (I was NOT going to post my scores but I feel more accountable this way)

    Bench- 100
    Push Press-75
    Rows- 85/ mu 25
    Shrugs 85-
    WOD- 25:58
    Thanks Ben. This is awesome. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow!

  33. 1.Bench 255
    2.P.Press 135x15, 145x15
    3.Bent Row 145,165,185 x 6, HHMS 45across
    4.Strict Shrugs up and Back 185,225,245,275 all x 12.
    5. 4 RFT 22:12 Rx'd No gas at this point but it was a great challenge.
    6. Yup

  34. Bench 275
    Push press 155x17, 155x15 (I think I read the directions wrong)
    BO row/MS 155/45
    Shrugs 155
    WOD 17:02
    Shoulder things done too

  35. 1. Bench: 105#
    2. Push Press: 75# x 17 reps
    3. Bent Over Rows: 75#
    High Hang Muscle Snatch: 33#
    4. Shrugs: 115, 115, 125, 135
    5. Ten Ichi: 26:40, banded muscle up transitions, 1abmat HSPU
    6. External rotation: 5#

  36. 1. 275
    2. 145 x 16 each
    3. 155 x 6 / 45
    4. 185 x 12
    5. 36:31 w/ vest for 2 rounds muscle ups sucked
    6. Done

    1. Way to gut it out. Others would have hung it up. Mental win today.

  37. 6AM
    1. Bench Press 230#
    2. Push Press 20 @ 105#; 16 @ 115# (failure)
    3. 3 Supersets of:
    A. Strict Bent Over Row, 8 reps @ 115#
    B. Rehab High Hang Muscle Snatch, 12 reps 45#
    4. Clean Grip Shrugs 135# 4x12

    5:30 PM
    5. 4 RFT:
    15 KBS 70 RX
    12 Hand Release Chest Slap Push ups RX
    9 Strict Pull ups R1 RX, R's 2-4 blue band
    6 Strict HSPU (did 9 HSPU off wall w/ bent knees)
    3 Muscle ups (blue band from floor - progression)
    Time: 21:52

    6. ShoulderExternal Rotation - done

  38. 1. Bench - 235# (Just missed 245)
    2. PP - 15 @ 135#, 11 @ 135#
    3. BOR - 3 sets @ 135# for 8 reps
    HHMS - 3 sets @ 45# for 12 reps
    4. Shrugs - 4 sets of 12 at 135#
    5. "Ten-Ichi" - 20:33Rx With 20# Vest
    6. Oh yeah.

  39. 1. 225# failed at 235#s
    2. 95#x20 115#x15
    3. 115# 8,8,7 MS 45# 8,8,10
    4. shrugs 135#
    5. 22:22 Rx'd *didn't have a 20# vest... and If I did, I would have died :P
    6. 2x20 @ 10#s

  40. Oh. My. Lord.

    All done in one session (ie didn't break them up in AM/PM)... felt it with all that upper body stimuli in one sitting.

    1. Bench: 225
    2. Push Press: 135x12, 135x17
    3. WOD: 23:33 RX no vest
    4. Row/Snatch: 135/45
    5. Shrugs: 135, 135, 155, 175
    6. Shoulder Rotations: Yup

    1. How long did it take to complete all?

  41. 1. 1 rep max bench press 250lb

    2. Push press 15 reps=135lb
    Max set at 145lb=14 reps

    3. 3 supersets
    8 reps BB row 125lb
    8 high hang muscle snatch 50lb

    4. 4 sets Clean grip shrugs

    5. 4 rounds: (in 24lb vest)
    15 KBS 70lb
    12 HR chest slap pushups
    9 strict pullups
    6 HSPU
    3 muscle ups ***
    (couldn't do muscle ups in vest so took it off and did muscle ups with 10lb wall ball between knees, put vest back on to complete everything else)


    6. 3 sets shoulder rotation
    15 reps at 5lb

  42. 1. Bench - 250 (tied pr) 255(F)
    2. PP - 15x135, 15x145
    3. BOR - 3 sets @ 155# for 8 reps
    HHMS - 3 sets @ 45# for 12 reps
    4. Shrugs - 4 sets of 12 at 135# - these got better as I learned the movement
    5. "Ten-Ichi" - 19:54Rx With 20# Vest - except first set of PU were not hand release
    6. 1x20, 1x15 each side

    Done in order in a rush to make the class WOD

  43. 1. Bench: 265
    2. PP: 135x15, 135x16
    3. BOR: 95x8(2), 135x8
    HHMS: 45x12
    4. Shrugs: 135x12
    5. Ten-Ichi: 22:58Rx
    6. check

  44. Awesome working with you buddy. Great job tonight.

  45. 1. Max bench- 105 ( didn't hit pr)
    2. Push press - 75#- 14, 65#- 12
    3. Bent row, msnatch- 75(8), 85(8), 85(8)
    4. Shrugs- 4 rounds - 85 (12)
    5. 26:43- floor/ banded muscle ups, wall hspu, some strict, some red band strict pullups
    6. Done!
    We're joining you at Crossfit Cape cod!

  46. Did it out of order..
    1. Bench: 102, not a PR struggled to stay active
    2. Ten-ichi: 31:45, kipping HSPU
    3. Push Press: 11@83#, 8@93#, prob should have used less weight
    4. BOR: 8@83#, 8@93#, 8@93#
    HHMS: 12@15#, 12@15#, 12@15#
    5. Shrugs: 12@113#, 12@113#, 12@123#, 12@123#
    6. Shoulder rotations: 5#

  47. So i couldnt get this done today....should i do it early in the morn...or take the rest day tomorrow...i feel fresh. Any suggestions?

  48. 1. #165 (PR!)
    2. Set 1-#75 easy Set#2- #105 got to 11 then did 2-2-3 (dropped it but definitely reaching failure)
    3. BOR #125-snatch-#35
    4. Shrugs #155
    5. Wod - 25:00 ish - bands for HSPUs and MU pass throughs... Don't have those movements yet... Still great wod! Loved the push ups!
    6. Shoulder rot-2.5

  49. 1. #290 - #20 PR

    2. Set 1: #135 x 16 Set 2: #135 x 15 - cycling this kind of load is new, definitely struggled with it.

    3. BOR: #185 x 6, HHMS: #65 x 12

    4. #205

    5. 16:07 - MU's and HRCSPU's were the limiting factor for me here.

    6. Completed

  50. Neither beast not ninja but here goes...
    1) bench 112 (7lb pr)
    2) pp 65 -17 67-17
    3)bor 85 - HHms 35
    4)just under 30 no mu yet, strict Hspu to 1 ab mat
    5)close grip shrug 75
    6) 5lb check

  51. 1.) 135# x3 155# x3 185# x1 205 x1 Fail. didnt match max
    2.) 75# x13 Strict, cause im an idiot, lol. 85# x19 push press
    3.) A. 95# x3 115# x11 115# x8
    B. 45# x12 across
    4.) 115# x12 125# x12 130# x12 135# x12
    5.) 32:24
    50lb KB, HSPU inverted band assist off pu bar, MU on rings from pu
    bar off knees
    6.) done

  52. 1. 215
    2. 95x20, 100x20 Didn't think I'd get there. More weight next time.
    3. Superset. A. 95 across for 8's (new), B. 45x12 across
    4. 95, 135,135,135 (new).
    5: 28:46 1st round with vest. Then realized, I'm actually not a ninja, I just play one in real life. Oh, and rings were all set up for dips from class so did bar muscle ups.
    6: Check.
    Fun. Painful. I'm wrecked after a week and three days but loving it and finally getting used to eating like a carnivorous horse. 25 blocks for 3 consecutive days!

    m/32/5'8"/167 (now 170)

  53. 1. Bench 1 RM 245(f), 235 (fuckin' sad)
    2. 115- 20 reps, 135- 21 reps (oops)
    3. Rows 155 x 8 across, HHMS 45lb bar x 10 across
    4. Clean grip shrug (hook grip) 225 lbs x 12 across
    5. 13:28 as Rx (no vest)

  54. Bp 295
    pp 135, 185, 205
    row 155 ms 95
    shrugs 275
    upper body demolition completed rx about 14 min

  55. Bp 295
    pp 135, 185, 205
    row 155 ms 95
    shrugs 275
    upper body demolition completed rx about 14 min

  56. 1) Bench: 235#
    2) Push Press: 20@105, 20@120
    3) Ten Ichi: 21:13 Many HSPU and MU attempts especially the last few rounds
    4) 3 Supersets of Bent over Row 10@95 High Hang Muscle Snatch. 10@45
    5) Shrugs: 4 sets of 12×135
    6) check

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. 1. Bench 120#
    2. pp 65#-17reps 70#-19 reps
    3. Row 95#, HHMS both 15# and 35# practicing correct form
    4. Shrugs:75#
    5. Didn't get time on workout, just know it took a while. Scaled on HSPU - Completed 4 strict, the rest kipping. Don't have muscle ups yet - swapped out for ring dips.
    6. check

  59. 1. 255 ( 10# PR)
    2. 135x18, 135x20
    3. 185 & 45
    4. 225
    5. 17:26 RX
    6. forgot this part, good day otherwise though

  60. 1. Bench #110
    2. #65 for 15, #65 for 18
    3. Row #65, HHMS #35
    4. Shrugs #65/#88/#88/#88
    5. 10:30, scaled HSPU, only 3 Rounds, everything fell apart on 3rd round, no muscle ups yet.
    6. Yep.

  61. Bench (no max (shoulder)), did a few light sets up to 150#
    Ten-Ichi – 16:13 (4 rounds)
    2 rounds with 70# kb and 2 with 53# kb
    Was advised by Mel to skip the push ups (tried a few and decided she was right).
    Rx’d pull ups and HSPUs
    3 dips in place of MUs
    Push Press
    2 x 15 115#
    3 Supersets of:
    A. Strict Bent Over Row, 8 reps – 135#
    B. Rehab High Hang Muscle Snatch, 8 reps – 33# bar
    Clean Grip Shrugs
    4 x 12 225#
    Shoulder External Rotation – 1# on injured shoulder, 2.5# on the good one.

  62. Bench 205
    PP 115, 135 (11, missed on the way down)
    Shrugs 115
    Row 115

    3 rounds in 15 mins as RX, no vest

  63. Body Weight 205#

    1. Bench 325# (10# PR)
    2. PP 135# x 15, 135# x 15
    3. 155# Row x 6, 55# x 10 Rehab Snatch
    4. 225# Shrugs
    5. WOD as RX 14:34 (Used a 70# DB for KBS, Muscle Ups were strict due to using pull-up bar to hang rings not high enough to kip)
    6. Check

  64. Bench Press 230 lbs (used closed grip)
    Push Press 115 X 15, 120 X 18
    Supersets, #155 X 8, #40 X 10
    Shrugs #220
    WOD - no time
    Shoulder Rotataion - done

  65. Today was a bit scary for me coming back from a shoulder injury, but I got through it and feeling ok right now. We'll see what tomorrow brings, but at least its a rest day.

    1. BP-220# (didn't go heavier as I didn't have a spotter)
    2. PP-95# (20 reps), 105# (18 reps)
    3. BOR-125# (supinated b/c of shoulder), HHMS-25# (kept this light, have to be careful with external rotation)
    4. 185# (wasn't sure what weight with these, could have gone heavier)
    5. As Rx'd except 53# Swings - 16:34. Psyched to be doing hspu's again, fun workout!

  66. 1. 300 PR
    2. 95 for 20, 135 for 16
    3. Rows @ 95 - 105 - 135, SN @ 65 across.
    4. 145, 165, 165, 185
    5. 16:40. That was brutal. Way harder than I expected.
    6. Done. 5# or 2.5# don't remember.

  67. 1) 285
    2) 135 x 15. 155 x 13
    3). Used a landmine with 135 on the bar and MS at 75
    5) didn't time it

  68. 1) 235
    2) 115x20 115x15
    3)185x6, MS @ 45
    4) 185x12
    5) Didn't time
