Friday, June 14, 2013

Saturday 6.15.13

1.  3 RFT:
6 Deads, 335/225
400m Run

Rest 3-4 hours

2.  3 RFT:
500m Row
7 Power Snatch, 175/115
12 Burpees

1.  Power Snatch from blocks
5 x 2, bar should be just above the knee

2.  Dead Lift
Come to a complete stop between reps.  No touch and go.

3.   3 RFT:
500m Row
7 Power Snatch, 155/105
12 Burpees


  1. Ben , I'm trying to make a run at the masters in 2014 . I started comp wod back in Dec. I am currently working on aug of 2012 strength training you had posted. My question is should I continue this until after the games when you start programming again or should I be following what you are posting now for 2014 regionals . My strength does need to come up and I work on goats once a week.
    Thanks for any input. I realize this is a broad question

  2. Ben , I'm trying to make a run at the masters in 2014 . I started comp wod back in Dec. I am currently working on aug of 2012 strength training you had posted. My question is should I continue this until after the games when you start programming again or should I be following what you are posting now for 2014 regionals . My strength does need to come up and I work on goats once a week.
    Thanks for any input. I realize this is a broad question

  3. 1. 6:42. My 400 is about 440. (plus it's uphil both ways, through a dinosaur sanctuary, and over lava-right, Conor?)

    Rest 45min

    2. 12:54.

    1. I would subtract exactly :27 seconds per round from your score. (N+1)N/E=(MC)2. It all makes sense if you cross multiply. It comes out to 26.9 repeating, of course.

  4. 2014 Regional WOD:

    1. 155p

    2. 385/405/405/405/405p

    3. 14:48 Rxd.

    I was fully smoked by the time I got to the 3 part of the work out and it took all my will power just to get on the rower. Couldn't string the Power Snatches together; all were dropped from the top.

    Ben - You are a great American for posting these workouts for us! Looking forward to the next year of training!

  5. Had a competition today - TOOK 1st in every event :)
    1. AMRepsAP 10 Min
    440m Run w/ 25lb dumbbell
    30 Deadlifts with 155
    Max Hand Release Burpees with time remaining
    -- 82 Burpees

    2. AMRAP 6
    7 Squat Cleans (95)
    14 Double Unders
    6 Rounds even

    Rest one minute --

    3. Three Attempts at Max Broad Jump
    Got 80 inches

    Final WOD
    Time Cap:9 minutes
    300m Prowler Push (120) - up some pretty wicked hills (got back at 5:30 though, so that was awesome!)
    50 TTB
    -- Got 35 TTB in - my legs felt like lead - and now feel like jello :)

    This would not have been possible without your programming, Ben! Thank you!

    1. Where are you finding all these competitions? Good work girl!

    Plus, I go with friends to different boxes from time to time, and this was at CrossFit Hanover, a box that I have been at before. They do a program called Special Warriors, CrossFit Kids for kids with autism and other special needs. This 100% benefited this awesome program. Happy to be a part of their day.

  7. 1. 135, 145, 145, 155, 155

    2. 295 x 5, 365 x 3, 385 x 2, 405 x 2, 415 x 2
    Really minded form on the DLs. Trying really hard not to round my back but it still rounds a little at heavy weights.

    3. 21:35. I feel worn out. 4th training day in a row.. Need a day off.

    1. Here's a video of my deadlift 415lb for 2 reps, with full stop between reps. Any critique on form is welcome! Thank you!

  8. 2014 Regionals
    1) 155,165,175,185,195

    2) 335,365,385,385,385

    3) No Rower sub 500 M run-13:10

    Loving the 2014 regional post Thanks Ben!!!

  9. Regionals

    1) 110/121/132/143/154(f)/143

    2) 308/352/374/396/418

    3) 13.26 sub'd 155# power snatches with 132#. Snatches and especially power snatches are a huge goat.

  10. Regionals

    1. 40kg/50kg/50kg/54.6kg/50kg Haven't Snatched in a while. This was good for me to do.
    3. 3RFT: 13:16 Had to scale down the Snatches to only 50kg, but was good for technique work.
