Monday, June 3, 2013

Tuesday 6.4.13

Check out Heather's beautiful post about the South West Regional.

This is fun to check out, Worldwide Regional Rankings Leaderboard

Regional ONE & TWO
1.  Squat Clean
10 x 1 OTM at 85%

2.  Pull up Complex
7 sets of:
Ninjas:  5 Wtd Pull ups for max weight (then drop the weight w/o coming off the bar) + 6 C2B
Beasts:  3 Strict C2B + 6 C2B + 9 Kipping Pull ups

3.  For Time:
12-9-6-3 Thrusters, 175/125
Between every set of Thrusters:
Run 25m and back
Run 50m and back
Run 75m and back

Tuesday - Training
Wednesday - Training
Thursday - Training
Friday - Rest Day
Saturday - Training
Sunday - Training
Monday - Rest

REGIONAL THREE:  May 31-June 2 
Rest Day

Wednesday - Training
Thursday - Training
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Training
Sunday - Training 

1.  Row
1K Row at projected Jackie pace.

2.  OHS
3 x 3 at 90% of previous 3RM

3.  21-15-9
Wall Balls
C2B Pull ups

Wednesday - Rest Day
Thursday - Pregame
Friday, Saturday, Sunday - Regional Competition!
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Rest


  1. Might be me being stupid here but want to check.

    Is the thruster workout

    A) 12 thrusters then 25m, 50m, 75m, 9 Thrusters, 25m, 50m,75m etc


    B) 12 thrusters, 25m, 9 thrusters, 50m, 6 thrusters, 75m, etc


  2. 265# Across

    Beast 7 sets


  3. 265 across
    Metcon- did 75#dbs instead of barbell- 8:00
    Pullups- did 4 rounds beast

  4. 1 - 120kg
    2 - beast pull ups - broke the 6th set into 3,6,3,3,3 unbelievable forearm pump
    3 - to make maths easier did 400m 'run' instead of shuttles
    14:46 @ 80kg

  5. 1-had to skip
    2-Beast pull ups
    3-did something a little different to rest on overhead stuff 12-9-6-3 of: cleans, 185-205-225-245 ran in between each set 100m-200m-300m-400m (time 12:35)

  6. 1) 200lbs
    2) came off bar on 3rd kip on 4th set. Lost it alon 5 ctb on 5th. 5 sets total
    3) probably tomorrow morning since I don't have equipment for most of tomorrow's workout.

  7. 1)Used 155
    2) Did a different version of Ninja - but still did 7 rounds-
    Max Effort CTB with Weight (10 lbs)
    Drop Weight - Max Effort CTB
    I was able to do 3 with the weight - and then 2 without except one round I got a 3rd one! Yeah!
    3) 10:52RX but I did the runs wrong (option 2 above - not a stupid question, see! lol)...I did 4 thrusters in a row the first set - then it was singles/doubles from there on out.

    Does anyone have any advice for what you do when life gets extremely crazy? Right now, I am teaching high school from 6:15 (when I get to school) until 2:50 and then I have Grad class four nights per week from 5:00-8:45. I am able to squeeze my workout inbetween, thankfully - and I am not complaining - but just curious as to how those of you in similar situations handle this...
