Sunday, July 14, 2013

Monday 7.15.13

Rachel's Football Sled Push.  

1.  Paddle Board
30 mins - have fun, then work hard

2.  3 RFT:
100' OH Walking Lunge, 135/95
30 TTB

3. AMRAP 10:
100' Hand Over Hand Rope Pull, you choose the weight
30 Hand Release Push ups

1. Snatch
5 x Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch

2.  Clean and Jerk
5 x Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

3.  Gymnastic Benchmark
Max Deficit Parallette HSPU - these are strict HSPU.  Start with a stack of 10# plates and an abmat between the parallettes. Complete one rep and then take away a plate until you are as low as possible.  If you can go to the floor, complete as many reps as possible.  

4.  Metcon of:
C2B Pull ups
Box Jumps, 30/24"
25 Double unders after every round.

1.    Metcon of:
C2B Pull ups
Box Jumps, 30/24"
25 Double unders after every round.

2.  Snatch
5 x Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch

Klokov's Deficit HSPU


  1. OPEN How much weight i used on the snatch?

    1. Choose your own weight. I would use 70-80% of 1RM.

  2. Love the programming! Anyone have advice for someone who doesn't have paralettes?

    1. Awesome see that's why you guys are so great! Thanks!

    2. I got a pretty cheap pair from Amazon. Good quality.

    3. I built mine out of PVC pipe. Two 10" lengths plus fittings costs less than $20 and an hour to build.

  3. 1. Snatch
    5 x Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch- 135, 155, 165, 170, 175

    2. Clean and Jerk
    5 x Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk- 185-195-200-205-210 (Harder than it looked on paper)

    3. Gymnastic Benchmark- Down from five 10 lb plates to one, missed on one

    4. Metcon of:
    C2B Pull ups
    Box Jumps, 30/24"
    25 Double unders between rounds

    Ok I finally learned my lesson, I will bring an Ipad from now on, I've lost my time on too many occasions now. I was at 10 min on my round of 4 when the clock stopped. Sarah at the gym said I was in the 12-13 range.

    1. Hi Jeremy,

      Did you still split your Olys? Heard from Tanner that's how you do it.

    2. I don't, the only split lifts I've done is split jerk since last time Tanner and I maxed. I may be stronger at the split lifts but I don't see any carry over to other elements of CrossFit and split lifts are programmed once in a blue moon whereas squat lifts are programmed often. Kind of like my decision to move away from lbbs, less carry over to oly lifts and other elements of CrossFit.

    3. You lost me on splits. Haha!

  4. Regionals.

    1) 110/121/132/143/154. Pr on power snatch.

    2) 154/165/176/187/176. Oly lifts are a big weakness of mine particularly the jerks. Need to focus on my jerks big time.

    3) don't have part alleges but used some plates worked up to about a 10.5" deficit.

    4) 10.15

  5. OPEN
    1. Metcon
    C2B scaled down to regular kip pullups
    20:00+ (Ripped mid-wod. No excuses, DUs took forever. Must practice!)
    2. Snatch
    No time left.. will do this tomorrow.

  6. Do we end the metcon with DUs? Or with the last set of CTBs/BJs.

    1. Well, "in between rounds" so my understanding is that you end with the box jumps. But I did the last 25 DUs anyway because Sarah nagged me to do so. Lol.

    2. After every round. sorry for the confusion.

  7. Regionals

    1. 135,135,155,155,155 good weight for this

    2. 185,185,205,205,205 good weight again, split jerk is a big weakness, need to practice deep landings and keeping back foot straight..... I'll get there.

    3. 5 reps at 2 45's stacked appx. 9 inches

    4. 8:34 Fun WOD! I did DU's after the "1's", so I ended with a set of DU's. Not a grinder at all. Could have been faster on box jumps, but all else was smooth and fast for me. Only broke one set of DU in the middle.

  8. 1. 95, 95, 115, 115, 115 wanted to stay light today and work on technique. Very frustrated with snatches right now.

    2. 185, 185, 195, 205, 205 felt good, need to work on getting under on the jerk and need to drop lower on the split.

    3. 8 or 9 can't remember for some reason. on 2 45's stacked. Same as Shane. 9''

    4. 9:11 All felt good. I also did DU's after the 1's.

  9. 1) 135-145-145-135-140
    2) 175-185-195(f)-185-190
    Oly lifts felt terrible this morning for some reason.
    3) Was able to go all the way from the floor. Started with 5 10 lb plates + ABMAT and worked my way down.
    4) 10:42. Did dubs after last round.

  10. 1. Could not go over 75# so did 5 sets at 75#....also couldn't squat snatch just did PS + Hang Power Snatch + OHS all at 75#
    2. 135x3 145x2...heaviest weight I have put over my head in 10 weeks
    3. 4" Did a lot of negative self talk on this one...but then remembered to tell myself I am proud I can still do a deficit hspu
    4. 12:32 Hit my shin on a damn box jump in round one ...normally, that would have stopped me....I cleaned up the blood and remembered I need to work on c2b pull ups badly right now....they were all in sets of 1-3...pretty horrible...but I was never tired. I was always able to get right back on the bar

    Rebuild phase in progress... :)

  11. Open

    1) 13:31 - I read it as 10 c2b, 10 bj's, then 25 double unders, then 9 and so on. So I did double unders every round. Although today I could not string more than 15 together which is not usually the case and box jumps are still not on my favorite list, but oh well.

    2) Still favoring my left elbow so stayed light with 115, 125, 135, 135, 135. worked mainly on technique as this a a GOAT

  12. Open.

    Damn you´re all fast! :)

    1. Wod done in 18:12. Also did double unders after the last box jump and it was the double unders slowing me down. CTB unbroken on 10-5-4-3-2-1

    2. Done at 83%.

    Can someone explain why open athletes do the metcon before the strength/ technique and reginals vice versa?

    1. I second that question, as I have always done strength/skillwork before the metcon. I think the idea if you're working on Open training is to condition your body for max effort work after it has been pre-exhausted, to push through the fatigue, as the Open commonly tests. I could be wrong though.

    2. From the Programming Philosophy page:

      "Metcon – The Open is first and foremost a test of work capacity. How much work can you do in a given time. 100% of the events that have come up over the past three years have been a test of Metabolic Conditioning. Our number one goal for this program is to build a huge engine. Metcons will come first every training session as this is your primary focus."

    3. The programming in the order posted. If the metcon is part 4 you do it fourth. If he wants the metcon done first it would be part 1.

  13. Open
    1) scaled 25 DUs to 50 SUs. Time: 11'49"
    2) 40Kg

    Thx coach.

  14. 1. Metcon: 13:24 Rx
    2. Snatch: 145# across

  15. Open
    1. Metcon: 15:51 - C2B scaled to kipping pull ups. It took me forever to finish the DUs (this is one moody skill)
    2. Snatch: 80# across (85%)

  16. Open:

    1. Metcon : 9:19

    2. Snatch, 125# could power 135 but failed into the hang squat snatch.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Opens:
    20:03 rx
    Snatches 75, 75, 85, 85, 95

  19. Regional

    Snatch 155,155,165 tried 2 attempts at 175, got the power snatch missed the hang squat snatch. Caught it in the bottom both times couldn't stand it up.

    Clean complex

    Paralette HSPU got down to just an ab mat no 10's got 9 1/2 (locked out 10 but my feet came off the wall)

    8:57 also finished with DU's

  20. A. 7:37. Everything UB

    B. 155lbs. Dialing in technique before we leave for the games

  21. 1. 11:58
    2. 145, 155, 165 (failed hang), 165, 170 (failed hang)

  22. 1. (Snatch) 135-165-185x2-205

    2. (Clean & Jerk) 185-225-245-265-280

    3. Gymnastics . Done!

    4. (Metcon) 9:47rx. I hate Mondays!!

  23. @Ben
    For the lifts x5. Is it your intention to always increase weight or pick a bw% and stick to it? What would you recommend as an entry weight? I'm not a noob, just want to be accurate with the game plan here.
    I'm ready to do this hardcore

    1. Hey Mike,

      Good question. Check out the FAQ page. If you still have questions let me know.

  24. Took a little break after hyper thyroid and did some main site stuff but the doctor cleared me for Bercheron pain so it's good to be back.

    1). 175 across
    2) 225 across
    3) 24 on paralettes
    4) 9:06 one set of DU I messed up the rest was UB. I'm slow on box jumps, any advice on speed or technique I'm open to

  25. Open Metcon 14:20 i need to improve the DUs!

  26. On vacation in mtns so had to get creative. Did metcon however did c2b on deck rafters, jumped 30" stone wall and used mother in laws jr for dus.

    Back tomorrow. Can't wait to get back on track.

  27. Open

    1. 14:40
    DUs slowed me down a bit, but this felt pretty good.
    2. 125, 135, 135, 145, 145 lbs.

  28. Open
    1. 13:33 DU's gave me a bit of trouble.
    2. 95-105-115-125-135(f)-135. Snatch is a GOAT

  29. Open
    2) 155,165,175,185,200

  30. Snatch complex- 95,105,115,120,125
    C&J complex- 115,125,135,140,145

    Strict Parallette HSPU- took two 10 pound plates off the top

    Metcon- 9:19 Rx

    1. wow! very impressive. good strength numbers, and great time on the metcon. equally impressive is how you handled the strict HSPU.

  31. Snatches-65/70/75/80/85
    Cleans- 85/95/105/110x2
    Handstand pushups- done no paralettes
    Metcon- 12:48
    Really need to increase my oly lift #'s!? Hopefully Soon!

  32. Open:

    A) 10:54. Had sub 10 in hand, but the last couple rounds of double unders slipped away from me.

    B) 165, 175, 185, 195, 205.

    Gonna do the clean & jerks from Regionals tonight, possibly also some heavy deadlifts and heavy presses.

    1. Clean & jerks: 215, 235, 245, 255, 265

      Klokov presses: 135x10

  33. Replies
    1. Still have to do snatches after mowing but I liked this video for snatch. Some good cues for me so I thought others may want to see it.

    2. 2) 125 - 135 - 135 - 140 - 145

  34. Open

    1) 11:18 Rx
    2) 60-62,5-65-67,5-70 kg

  35. 1. 155/155/165/165/175.

    2. 185/205/225/225/235

    3. Handstand stuff is far and away my biggest weakness. No Parallettes, but used 3 45's on each side. Got down to 5 10's+Ab Mat. So, not much of a deficit.

    4. Did C2B in a local comp sat, still a bit smoked from that. So did 70#KBS instead. 10:49.

  36. Regional

    1. 155/ 165/ 170/ 175/ 180

    2. 185/ 195/ 185/ 185/ 185

    3. Done. 25, 15, & 10 plates stacked and head to ground

    4. 12:45

    Ups and downs today. Snatches felt great. C&j were an unexpected struggle, ended up dropping weight well below a norm. Deficit HSPU are a huge goat @ 6'3 so was great to work those. DU tripped me up more than usual on the metcon.

    Back at it tomorrow. Good work everyone.

  37. Open
    1. 10:01 used the deck as a pullup bar & 31" boat trailer jump overs
    2. Snatch & clean & jerk complex together

  38. Open

    1. 13:22 - did my first 10 c2b UNBROKEN! AHHH!! :) :) Never did less than three in a row - most were four or more. So excited! I rebounded all box jumps - and tripped a few times on double unders, but - whatever- my c2b are getting better!

    2. 95-105-110-115-120

    1. Awesome time with slow c2b. Impressive improvement on those too!

  39. OPEN
    1. 13:21. Still working on those double-unders and butterfly C2B.
    2. 60 (kg) across

  40. Open

    1. 15:19 - Doubles were not happening towards the end

    2. 95-105-115-125-125

  41. Reg:
    1) 185 x 4 - 205 x 1
    2) 250, 260, 270, 280(F HC), 280
    3) Down to just the abmat
    4) - Scaled to: Airdyne (+5 Cals aka 15, 14, 13, 12...), Box Jump (30), 25 DU after each round due to lat problems.

  42. Regionals:

    1. 135, 155, 165, 175, 175

    2. 185, 195, 205, 215, 225

    3. 8 Full reps head to ground and full lock out on tall parallettes.

    4. Metcon: 9:14 RX

    1. Nice job man. We've got pretty similar numbers all around- gonna try and shoot for you on these CompWOD's.

    2. Thanks man, Sounds good and welcome If this is your first season following the blog!

  43. 1. 135x2,145x2,155, bicep tendon is starting to feel a bit better so holding the weight overhead doesnt feel as bad
    2. 185,195,200,205,210
    3. no paralletes, used 4 45 lbs plates with stack of 10 in middle, made it down to the last one.

  44. Black Mamba - 12:09.... Rope snapped after round of 9s! So had to change rope twice;, tripped up a few times. No sub 11s today.

    No Oly work, just mobility and rehab.

  45. Regional:
    A) Snatch #65/85/95/105/115
    B) Clean Complex #115/125/135/150/160
    C) Gymnastics (I benched instead.)
    D) Metcon 13:44 RX (With DU's after "1")

  46. Open Program
    1) 11:40 - double unders unbroken except last set, c2b had to break some, mainly due to a really sweaty bar. Impressive that some are going sub-10:00!
    2) Used 145 for all 5 sets, squat snatch portion didn't feel great but power snatch felt good.

  47. Open
    1) 15:38
    2) 75, 75, 95, 115, 135

  48. My workout days revolve around my work days. So I was still feeling Sat workout that I did yesterday, today... fml

    Snatches 145x3 155x2
    Clean n Jerks 195x2 205x2 225x1 All solid and feel great.
    Parralette HSPUs: got down to 2 10 plates and abmat... just barely failed. Steady improvement.
    Metcon 14:04 rx BJumps were taking a lot longer than they shouldve.

  49. Open
    1) 10:08
    2) 135/140/145/150/155

  50. Open
    1) 17:28 Really shocked how bad that went for me today. My Metcon and mental game have fallen tremendously. Need to start pushing again, been holding back for too long. On the brighter side doing 30" BJ is good, and got my rhythm back on my Dubs. So I am progressing.
    2) 95,105,115,125,135 - Finally snatching again, feels so good!

  51. Regionals


    2) 185-205-215-215-220

    3) 3 reps on bars head to ground (HUGE GOAT!!)

    4) 12:56 DUs once again killed me!!


  52. Open: 13:49 @ RX (2 rips on "3" round)
    My first Competitors WOD and loved it.

  53. Open:

    1.) 12:46

    2.) 115# - 125# - 135# - 145# - 155#

  54. Open.

    1. 12:53
    2. 95, 105, 115, 125, 135

  55. Open-
    -Male/ 21 years old/ 165lbs -93rd in SE Open in 2013

    Metcon- Rx 9:30-
    -UB on everything...butterfly c2b's for the most part, Regionals standard BJ's w/ bounding, and finished with dubs

    Snatch complex- started at 95, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185 FAIL
    -hit the PS but just missed standing up the h.squat snatch. PS starts to break down around 155 with feet shooting wide, and bar swinging out in front.

    -diagnosed with a sinus infection, but didn't want to miss a day of training. Anyone know it's safe to workout on antibiotics? (Z-Pack)

  56. Regional:

    1) Snatch: 165, 175, 185x2, 195

    2) C&J Complex: 215, 225, 235, 245, 255 (felt strong here today!)

    3) HSPU Work: 2 reps with nothing below me on 9" parallettes.

    4) Metcon 11:15 RXd (C2B is one of my biggest goats, so I'm okay with this, for now)

  57. M/29/S.Central

    1) Snatch: 165, 175x4
    2) C&J: 225 across
    3) Parallette HSPU: 6 reps, head to floor
    4) MetCon: 9:12 RX

  58. Open

    1. 9:46
    2. 125#(3),135#(2)

    1) 5 x PS + HSS up to 105# (not pretty today)
    2) 5 x PC + HPC + PJ + SJ up to 135#
    3) successful minus 2 plates, failed on 3
    4) “black mamba” – 13:29 Rx

  60. Regionals:
    1. 135,135,155,175,185
    2. 205,225,245,245,245
    3. Did one with a hi temp 25# plate under my head.
    4. tweaked my shoulder on the last few HSPU so I did some band work and let it rest.

  61. Open

    1. Max effort c2b (from last week) - 21
    2. 12:13 metcon
    3. 50kg. Gonna work on snatch balance to improve speed under bar and bottom position.

  62. Open

    1) 11:07 - everything UB. Need to start practicing butterfly C2B.

    2) 95/105/115/125x2 (failed hng sqt snatch first attempt. I was to far in my heels and could not recover)/last set @ 140#

  63. Open

    1) 10:48 couldn't get into a rhythm on DU until the end but went unbroken on everything else

    2) 95/115/125/135/145

  64. Regionals
    1. 140, 150, 160, 170, 180#
    2. 190, 200, 210, 220, 230#
    3. 2 reps to floor, 10" deficit
    4. 11:34

  65. Regionals Pt2

    6:30 am is NOT my prime time but had to get this done!

    HSPU deficit.
    The top of my Paraclete is 13". I started with 7 - 10# plates at 7" and AbMat. A 6" deficit to start
    Got down to 4 plates and got it.
    Finished at 9.5" deficit

    Run/Burpees. 10:36

    Row - I decided to change paces to 2:10/1:55/1:40
    Held those paces consistently. I think I could have managed the Rx'd paces. First compWod day, ill take it for now.

    I put rower out on sidewalk as my box was foolish with humidity at 6:50 am

    Great numbers being posted. Keep it up everyone!

  66. A little behind this week ...
    AM Session
    1) Metcon - 11:50 Rx'd (C2B unbroken which for me is a big deal)
    2) 115-125-135-140-145

    Going to "catch-up" and do Tuesday's WOD this aft ...

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. First time to post, but been here since last year!

    1. 135-145-155-165-165
    2. 165-175-185-195-205
    3. Skipped
    4. 11:30

  69. Open:

    1. 9:28. Need to work on c2b when im tired. Everything unbroken.
    2. 50kg across. Need to be faster under the bar!

  70. Open:
    93# for Snatch Work

