Sunday, July 21, 2013

Thursday 7.25.13

1. Snatch
2.  Metcon
7 Power Snatch, 115/80
14 C2B
21 BJ, 24/20 - games standards.

1. 1. Snatch
2.  Metcon
7 Power Snatch, 115/80
14 C2B
21 BJ, 24/20 - games standards.


  1. Ben,

    Thanks for posting during your busy week!

  2. OPEN
    2) 2 + 3box jumps
    1) later

  3. Worked up to 215 on squat snatch. Last time I did 1RM on squat snatch it was 175. This isn't my max for snatch but it's close. I've always split snatch because it always felt way more natural but there is pretty much zippy carryover to the rest of CrossFit. So while this was a 40 lb PR on squat snatch I have done 225 on split snatch.

    Metcon- There was traffic on the pullup bars today, could have probably done 4 rounds if I had just gotten a bar and stuck with it. 3 rounds plus 7 power snatch.

    1. That sounds like a damn excuse after re-reading it. Let's put it like this, I could have done 4 rounds if I had pushed myself hard enough to get 4 rounds.

    2. Lol. My 12" box was in the way *vertically challenged*. Still, good job! :)

  4. Open
    1. 100lbs PR for squat snatch. I attempted and failed to snatch 105lbs a few times.
    2. Scaled (75# snatch, ctb to kipping pull ups) - 2 rounds + 7 snatches

  5. OPEN
    My legs were still killing me from Tuesday, but here we go.

    1) 175, couldn't get under anything else
    2) 2rounds + 7 snatch + 14 C2B + 12 BJ

  6. 115# not a pr off by 2#, but first time lifting that weight since knee surgery so I will take it!


  7. Regional
    1) 120#. I've got more in me
    2) 3 rnds + snatches

  8. Open
    1. 185# PR +20
    2. 2rds + 6 ctb

  9. Open
    1. 165# (Current PR 170#)
    2. 2 rounds + 21
    ... legs are fried from Tuesday - moved like I left the emergency brake on ...

  10. 245# Fought hard for it
    Metcon 3rds plus 17 BJ

  11. Open

    1) 175# 10 off PR

    2) 3 rounds

  12. Had a set back with hip, and it wasnt from WODing. Frustrated, will take a couple days and see how it goes.

  13. 1) 205 Still same PR
    2) 2Rnds 6Box Jumps

  14. Masters (40)

    1. 195
    2. 2 rounds + 7 snatches + 14 C2b + 18 box jumps

  15. 1. 185 lbs.

    2. 2 + 10 box jumps (2 + 31 reps)

  16. Open

    Masters (40)

    1. 155
    2. 2 Rds + 7 snatches

  17. I finally caught back up
    1. 225#....missed 245#, i know i can get! Legs are smoked from this excuses
    2. 3rds +36(6reps shy of 4rds) went unbroken on snatch....pullups got rough...kept moving on the bj

  18. 1) 85kg PB (had 90kg up to my chest twice but headbutted one of them. That shit hurts!!)

    2) 3 rnds + 2 snatches

    3) did a little beach wod with my friend

    For time;

    1200m run
    Swim out til you can't touch the bottom
    10 dives for sand ( throw at the top to show you got some)
    Swim back in
    1200m run
    = 13:58

    Awesome day.

  19. 1. 250.

    2. 3 + 5 box jumps rx damn chest 2 bars!!

  20. 1RM snatch @ 195. PR

    3 rounds 4 snatches.

    @ 6'3 200 lbs, BW snatch has been a goal of mine for a few years. Took 3 attempts with it but just couldn't stabilize. 195 went clean and easy. Mental block I guess.

    Lots of PRs out there today. Great work

  21. 1. 235, PR tie. Amped to have gotten this because it didn't seem that hard. This had also regressed a touch from the spring. Caught 240 but couldn't stand it up. Little chicken legs need to stop actin' up. I know my year end goal of 245 is going to get crushed.

    2. 2+14 BJ. 6 No reps on the last set of C2B. Was just smoked for some reason.

  22. Open
    1) 235# 10# PR
    2) 3+7 Snatches

  23. regional
    1. 255 (5# PR!!)
    2. 3 ROUNDS +14 REPS

  24. Open

    1. 200lbs! 15 lb PR. Got 195 nicely, then failed the first two attempts at 200. Almost stopped there, but I wanted it so bad since it's been a milestones for so long. Gave it all I had and got it. Almost passed out after the lift... love that feeling. :).

    2. Pull-up rig not ready, so I used a couple hooks and a bar, which don't work out too well. Had to mess with it a couple times during the wod for the c2bs.. But I wasn't about to stop once I started. 2 rds + 14 reps.

  25. Regionals:

    1. 200lbs. Tied previous PR, Haven't PR'd in a year now.

    2. 3 Rounds + 24 Reps

    1. So there is a chance I will be starting a strength program Friday and not following the program until my strength is up. But i will continue to be active on the blog. I just really feel that I need to increase that area.

    2. I would think long and hard about this man. I guarantee if you do the Regionals programming you will get stronger. Also, your metcons are good, do you really want to possibly take a step back in metcons just to take a step forward on strength?

    3. that's very true, I just got discouraged today with the snatch

    4. Yeah dude, stick with it, just one day. Tomorrow will be a fresh beginning.

  26. 165#...Miss @ 175# (could not stabilize on stand-up)

    3 Rnds + 1 Snatch

  27. Masters (41)

    1) 185#...10# PR, was very happy with this. Like Mark, I want to be able to squat snatch my bodyweight. Almost there.

    2) 3 rounds + 2 snatches


  28. Last night:

    Klokov press, 5x5 @ 135

    Squat party:
    5x5 @ 225
    5x5 @ 275
    5x5 @ 315


    1RM snatch - 225, missed 235 a couple times. 235 is my current PR.

    Metcon - 2 + 5 box jumps. C2B pull ups blow.

  29. Regionals

    1) 195 and it felt great (20lb PR!!). Put 200lbs on and was so close 4 time. couldn't stand it up. I need to work on the catch. I can pull the bar high just need to get stronger in the hole.

    2) 3 rounds + 6 snatches. C2B need some serious work. I had to break them up into 2's


  30. Open -

    Snatch - 180, pretty pissed about this...20# off my PR and I power snatched 175 for a double a few weeks ago. Lots of contributing factors but still disappointing.

    AMRAP - 2 + 31 (10 box jumps), no CTB due to head room in the shed gym. Lungs felt decent here, I just hate rebounding box jumps and went to step downs in round 2.

    6'-0" 185 28yo SE PA

  31. open
    1) 205 on the snatch 30 under my pr really bad day for snatch
    2) 3+22

  32. open
    1) 205 on the snatch 30 under my pr really bad day for snatch
    2) 3+22

  33. Open:

    1.) 170# no pr today

    2.) 2 rounds + 17

    Dragging tonight for sure

  34. Snatch 165lbs. (10 lbs under PR) I'm still sore from Tuesday lol!

    Metcon: 2+ snatches and 8 C2Bs

    1. Ha, I was surprised I tied my PR after how sore I was from Tuesday. Still sore this morning!

  35. Open
    1) 160# a 15# PR
    2) 2+20

  36. 1-195lb 50 lbs off of pr, I just got my first pair of oly shoes last night. messing around with the shoes and figuring them out. had 205 over head multiple times but couldnt lock out.
    bittersweet day bc on part 2 i got 3+7!!!!!
    So all in all a good day. I will figure out these shoes and get my snatch back. also I did tuesdays wod yesterday bc of scheduling so my legs are fried!!!!!

  37. Hiya,

    Just started following this programming a few days ago. I'm still pretty new but I want to try and see how much I can gain in a year. M/19/5'5/~140lbs.

    1.)150 (I can get the bar overhead with heavier weights, I just can't get it up, my OH squat is WEAK.)
    2.) 2 rounds + snatches and pull ups.

  38. Open.

    1. 175# (PR by 10). Caught 185 at the bottom but couldn't stand up with it

    2. 3 rounds

  39. Open
    1) 180#
    2) 2 rounds + 27 reps (6 box jumps)

  40. 1) Went in the AM and only got 145, and failed 155 a bunch of times. Went back in the PM and Hit 160. Not anywhere near where I want to be, but I will take the 25lb PR. Its a work in progress.

    2) Did not do because of time, and really wanted to work on the snatches more.

  41. Regionals:
    1: 205 PR tie. 205 felt good but 215 felt super heavy. It's a mental block I know.
    2. 3 rounds

  42. I have missed following CompWOD all week, but I have had a great time at Stay Strong CrossFit in Troy, MI- they have really great programming. Excited to come back to it next week! :)

  43. Open
    1) 165# - 5# PR (failed 170# x4)
    2) 3 + 20 @ 80# snatch

  44. Open
    1. 120# PR
    2. 3+13 @ 65# snatch

  45. Open
    1. 120# PR
    2. 3+13 @ 65# snatch

  46. 1. 185# Snatch. PR but a lot of room to improve
    2. 3 rounds + 4 Power Snatches -- not happy with this performance, felt I rested too much; will continue to work on conditioning

  47. Open
    1- 195

    2- 3 rounds + 7 snatches

  48. Open

    1) 185# PR
    2) 3 rounds + 11 @ 95#

  49. Open

    1. 80kg power snatch but only 50kg squat snatch :( gonna work on speed under bar tmoz.
    2. 3 rds.
