Sunday, July 21, 2013

Monday 7.29.13


1. Snatch
3 x Max Reps with 185, Tng
if you can't get at least 4 reps on all sets, scale the load.

2.  Clean 
3 x Max Reps with 225, Tng
if you can't get at least 4 reps on all sets, scale the load.

3.  Jerk
3 x Max Reps with 225, Tng
if you can't get at least 4 reps on all sets, scale the load.

4.  Gymnastic Benchmark
1 set of max unbroken reps of TTB

5.  Metcon
"AMRAP 15 Diane"
Complete many times as possible in 15 minutes.
Deads, 225/155

1.    Metcon
"AMRAP 15 Diane"
Complete many times as possible in 15 minutes.
Deads, 225/155

2.  Snatch
5 RM, TnG

3.  Clean and Jerk
5 RM, TnG


  1. ***Huge congrats to the team on earning themselves second place!!! Good job coach!!****

    Diane ladder for my first day back on comp wod? Might have to! Anyone know when the next phase starts? Tomorrow seems as good as any to get on board.

  2. Congrats to CFNE Team A and all the CompWod athletes for reppin' it at the Games!

  3. Snatch- w/ 155 6,4,4
    Cleans- w/225 4,4,4
    Jerks- ran out of time

    TTB-16 and grip failed, an area for improvement

    Death by Diane- 154 reps, 1 complete round plus 7 HSPU on the round of 15.

    On my first round I PR'd Diane by 50 seconds at 6:20.

    Thanks to MP for the push.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Regionals.

    1) Snatch at 144: 4/4/4

    2) clean at 225#: 5/4/4

    3) jerks at 176#: 5/4/4

    4) 25 ttb

    5) 1rd +18 deads.
    One of my worst showings in "Diane" ever.

    Just didn't have it today got wore out quick. Still smoked from Saturday. Oh well tomorrow is a new day and at least I got some work on form for some of my weaknesses.

    1. I know what you are saying Drew only I did my Saturday on Sunday and was feeling it today.

  6. OPEN
    1) 1rd + 15 deadlifts. HSPU TAKE ME FOREVER
    2) 145
    3) 195 wanted 205 but too smoked.

  7. Reg

    1. Snatch @ 145: 7,7,6
    2. Squat Clean @ 185: 8,8,7
    3. Split Jerk @185: 6,6,- just thought it was enough shaky overhead.

    All of these were so mental, it wasn't muscle failure nearly as much as mental game in knowing I wouldn't fail in the next rep.

    4.....totally forgot, will do tomorrow instead of yoke carry.

    5. Diane: 1 Rnd +21,21,15,13. Thought I would get to the 9' time

    I have to say that today felt like I redlined on every set, then a challenging WOD nearly doubled. Just saying it was a FULL day of work today. I will definitely be foam rolling tonight...shoulders smoked.

  8. Congrats to the CFNE Team! I bet you never want to see "the worm" ever again!

    Open (out of order)

    Snatch - JUST missed rep 5 @ 155, could have had it if I took another crack but I moved on. Oh, and I started with power snatch and crept down to a squat by the last rep.

    C&J - 155 good, jumped right to 185 and failed on 4th jerk. So much time under the bar, this was rough.

    DianeRAP - 1 full @ 11:40 (45 second PR) plus 21 deads. HSPU slow me down but my back was smoked on that 2nd set of 21!

    1. Did some interval work on the rower at lunch time.

      500m (1:33.4), 400m, 300m, 200m, 100m with 0:60 rest between efforts. Barely squeezed it all in under 9 minutes.

  9. Open:

    1) 101 reps
    Stopped at 9min mark due to lower back stiffness. Maybe because of KBS last sat?

    2) 155# 5RM snatch

    3) 185# 5RM C&J

  10. OPEN
    1) Diane - 129 Rx'd (need to develop a kip on the HSPU - strict only goes so far)
    2) 145# 5RM TnG
    3) 175# 5RM TnG

  11. Open
    1. 9:00 did 1rd only
    2. Snatch 155# 5rm
    3. Clean and jerk 155# 5rm *back stiffness

  12. Open
    1. 10:58 did 1 round only
    2. Snatch 85# 5RM (85% 1RM Snatch)
    3. C&J 105# 5RM (85% 1RM C&J)

  13. 1) 125, 5,7,6
    2) 185, 5,7,5 kept losing my grip
    3) 185 4,5,4 still need to work on foot placement but good weight
    4) completely forgot. Too excited for the WOD.
    5) 1 full round and got 10 hspu's on the rnd of 15's. was also hoping to get to the 9's seeing as though I had a 4:17 "Dianne" at the garage games in Canton. Something to be said doing it after all the thee work. Great day though, feeling it.

    1. *other work. Also big congrats to the CFNE team! Way to represent the northeast.

  14. Open
    1) 1rds + 21 reps
    2) 46 kg
    3) 60 kg

    Thanks coach.

  15. Diane 1+16 Rx

    Snatch (squat)90#

    C&j 100# kept it light bringing down the weight bothering shoulder.

  16. Open

    1. Diane - 2 rounds plus 27 reps - Less than a year ago, I wasn't able to finish Diane in a 10 minute time-cap at a competition - and I PRd my 1st Diane time today (3:58) -- just goes to show how much you grow (and how much slower you get as the rounds go on lol)

    2. Snatch - 110

    3. Clean and Jerk - 130

  17. 1 Rnd + 3 DL on 15 set
    135 Reps Total

    155# (could feel it in shoulders)


    Congrats to TEAM CFNE and to Coach!!! Job well done!!! You guys looked awesome on the computer screen...pushing each other and working hard!

  18. Open

    1) 1 round + 21 deads + 16 HSPU.

    2) 65kg

    3) 90kg

    Rouuuuuugh. I blame Briggsy for making me stay up til 1am UK time to see her win. Congrats CFNE Team on your win!

  19. 1. Snatch
    100# 5,4, lowered to 95# on the last round and got 6

    2. Clean
    only got 3 at 155#, so I lowered to 145# - 5, 4, 5

    3. Jerk
    lowered to 135# - 4,4,4

    4. Gymnastic Benchmark -24

    5. Metcon
    still rehabbing a back injury and it tightened up on my first rnd of 9s, so I stopped after 1 rnd of Diane - 7:09

  20. 1. 8-5-6 @ 185. Pissed off I missed the catch on the second set. All squat snatches too. Felt good about those considering I haven't squat snatched in over 2 months.

    2. 10-10-12 @ 225. Focused a lot on form. Felt good too.

    3. 10-8-9 @ 225.

    4. 32

    5. 1+5 deads on set of 15. Lower back tightened up pretty bad. Total reps: 137rx

  21. 1) 155, 6, 6, 4
    2) 205: 5, 5, 3
    3) 215: 5, 3, 3
    4) 35
    5) 2 rounds + 1

    Congrats Ben and CFNE Team. Great showing

  22. Open
    1) 1 round + 69 reps.
    159 total reps

    2) 155#

    3) 185#

  23. 1) Snatch @ 165 4/4/5, Clean @ 225 5/6/4, lost my grip on the way down on the last set, Jerk @ 205 5/6/6. Could probably have have done 225 for 4's in hindsight.

    2) 18 TTB, Had more in the tank, just lost the grip.

    3) 142. This was brutally hard. 2 Minutes off my Diane pace, and the 21's on the next set was pretty rough.

    Also, note to self, eat lunch before training session next time, I felt awful.

    1. On these longer workout days I always bring an almond butter or Larabar or something easy to snack on halfway. between warmup, god, and cooldown/stretch. its a 2hour gym day sometimes. brutal

  24. Regional
    1. Squat Snatch 155 4,4,4
    2. Squat Clean 225 4,4,5
    3. Push Jerk 205 4,4,4
    4. TTB 20
    5. Diane- 1 Round 15 DL (HSPU, enough said)

    I am motivated by so many on here and figured it was a good of time as any to start posting myself. Thanks to all who post and Coach for sharing his knowledge with the rest of us.

  25. First day back after 5 days in Cali. Rough!

    1) 135 x 5/140 x 5/145 x 5
    2) 185 x 4 for all
    3) 185 x 4/185 x 5/185 x 5
    4) 31 TTB
    5) 1 round + 4 DL on set of 9 - 166

  26. Open
    1. 161 reps(14 hspu in set of 15's...I PR'd in Diane 5:09! Over a min.......mentally tough after 1st rd!
    2. 185- power snatch
    3. 235- power cln n jerk

  27. 1. 8, 6,6 185#
    2. 12,6,10 225
    3. 8,5,4 225
    4. 27 ttb
    5. 2 rounds + 26 reps.
    dont know what happened i was just on one today

    1. Open

      1. 2 rds + 21. Diane = 3:38, 2 min pr!!!!
      2. Did games c & j ladder instead in class. Just missed 120kg :(

  28. Regionals.

    1. 4,4,4 155#
    2. 4,4,4 205#
    3. 4,4,5 185#
    4. 35 TTB
    5. 2 rounds + 21 reps.
    Strength felt off today,scaled and met the 4 minimum one each.
    Felt good on the metcon.

  29. Pumped to be back! Haven't posted since the open I've definitely missed the community and competition. Will be doing the metcons from here but specializing weightlifting on my own to get after my weaknesses.

    1.) Snatch complex: hi hang+hang... hit #135 failed #155 on the hang.

    2.) Amrap 15 Diane= 173 reps ( 1rd + 83)... did strict hspu to try for a PR but missed it so kipped the rest. Happy with this hspu are a big weakness.

  30. Open
    1round +86 10 hs push-ups short of 2 rounds

    Clean and jerk
    Missed the last jerk with 225

    Did max TTB

  31. Open
    1round +86 10 hs push-ups short of 2 rounds

    Clean and jerk
    Missed the last jerk with 225

    Did max TTB

  32. Open
    1. 1 rd+39 rx

    Shoulder is hurting really bad...decided to listen to my body and not do the c&j or snatch.

  33. Open:
    1) 153 reps
    2) a) 150# (after 5 failed attempts getting to the 4th rep!!)
    b) 155# (damn tired by this point)

  34. So I am on the fence about which program to follow. I am a firefighter medic and have time to follow Reg and I really like the volume, but not interested in being a regional competitor. I have followed OPT Will for 8 months mainly for the volume but my cardio sucks at best. I feel like i can do more then the open but not sure where I truly should be. I want to be the best fittest and leanest i can get and thats my goal. I opted to go to OPEN until you (Ben) tell me otherwise.
    I have any equipment i could ever need so that is easy enough.
    My thoughts were to go for OPEN and add a skill or task everyday to it.

    1round+ 42 reps... =132reps. I did the HSPU from a deficit of 2''
    Back felt a bit tight but overall this is my first time doing Diane.

    SNATCH 155#squat snatch for 5.
    Felt tough with shoulders. after resting a bit more (from last week program) I could do more but didnt push it today.
    CLEAN & JERK 205# felt pretty good on push jerk. probably could have done more fresh.

    Also had a question about splitting these up to focus on form... Is that acceptable? 3+hours between some of the sessions?
    Clean & Jerk 5rep

    1. Also added the Ub T2b at 20reps before failure of hips, not hands or cardio

  35. Open
    1) 1+36, was very deliberate and broke up deads early. Don't need a set back. Felt awesome doing Diane Rx again
    2) 165
    3) 205
    These probably are not true 5RM,but they were tough and happy to be at least able to move this weight. Very happy, great day

  36. Went off programming to do a squat program and planned to come back after the games, glad to be back posting on a regular basis

    Snatch - 4,4,4 @ 185
    Clean - 5,6,6 @ 225
    Jerk - 5,5,7 @ 225
    TTB - 28

    AMRAP Diane - 181 Reps ( 2 Rounds + 1 Dead)

  37. Open:

    1.) 1 round plus 21 dl + 12hspu


    2.) 135#

    145 x 3 but no cigar

    3.) 165# but failed last jerk cuz I'm a quitter

    Spent after today's workout but overall good day of work. Hit it twice as hard tomorrow.

  38. Regionals)

    1) 155lbs 4,4,4

    2) 205lbs 4,4,4

    3) 205lbs 4,5,4

    4) 20 TTB then the grip went

    5) Tight back. Did not complete

  39. had time to do "Diane" 15 min amrap
    first time through pr on diane at 6:51 rx!!!!!! PR by 3 minutes. then HSPU kicked my butt!!! only made it through 21 dl and 17HSPU

    then finished up with snatch technique working with my new oly shoes. very different feel than what I am used to.

  40. 1. 7-5-4 @ 185
    2. 5-5-6 @ 225
    3. 4-6-5 @ 225
    4. TTB: 26 reps
    5. Skipped. Tweaked shoulder during TTB & didn't want to chance it.

  41. Regionals
    1. 4,4,4
    5.Still nursing low back tightness. Sat it out.

  42. Open
    1) 128
    2) 190#
    3) 225#
    1) 162

  43. Open.

    1. 123 reps. 9:16 Rx for reg. diane- this is actually like a 6 min PR for me. I went unbroken on DL, but still have some work to do on hspu.

    2. 135 on snatch

    3. 155 on C&J. Rotator cuff was starting to feel weird so I stayed light

  44. Open

    1. 1 rd + 33 reps. Lower back tightened up real bad, slowed me down. Continuously fighting this tight back on the left side... Frustrating.

    2. Didn't want to chance the back so did some snatch technique with 135 instead of 5RM.

  45. Open

    1.) 2 complete rounds. Man was my back tired at the end!

    2 & 3.) Didn't do because I was worn out from doing Elizabeth before and I was Golds Gym and they were closing in 5 minutes. Concerning the snatch and clean and jerk though, how does one go about finding a 5rm?

    1. Just go for it man... pick a weight u think u can do 4times and bust ur ass to get a 5th rep!
      once u try it once, the next time u'll have a starting point

  46. Regional

    Snatch - 7,11,10 @185#
    Clean - 11, 10, 9 @225#
    Push Jerk - 15, 13, 14 @225#
    Diane - 2 rds + 27 reps

  47. OPEN
    1. 2 + 21x DL + 4x HSPU
    2. ME TTB - 31
    3. 3x 4 TnG Snatch (155)

    *I mixed up the Open and Regional programming

  48. Open
    1- 144 reps
    2- 145# got three at 155
    3- 175#

  49. Regional
    1. Squat Snatch @ 185 4,6,5
    2. Squat Clean @ 225 4,5,5
    3. Jerk @ 225 4,5,4
    4. TTB 13
    5. Diane 1Rd + 15 HSPU Rx

  50. Snatch @ 155
    Cleans @ 185
    Jerks @ 185
    20 Reps
    1 Rd. + 59 Reps

  51. Masters (40)

    1.Diane 2 rounds + 8 deadlifts

    2. Snatch 150x5

    3. C&J 170

  52. AMRAP 15 Diane:

    Rest a few hours, then:

    6x185 power snatch
    6x225 power clean
    21 t2b.

    My knee was feeling a little better, but still started acting up on the snatch and clean. We'll see what tomorrow is like.

  53. Open
    1- 1 round + 21 DL and 16 happy
    2- 85
    3- 115
    Also did t2b test- 20
    Congrats CFNE!

  54. Open
    1- 1 round + 21 DL and 16 happy
    2- 85
    3- 115
    Also did t2b test- 20
    Congrats CFNE!

  55. Open Program
    1) 1 round + 21 DL + 21 HSPU + 4 DL (136 reps) - Not what I was hoping for, but I did this right after landing back in Indy coming home from the Games. Also had to go downstairs after each rd of DL's to do the HSPU. Not ideal circumstances, but oh well. Had to do some work after sitting around watching other people work out for 3 days.
    2) Started to get dark and ran out of time. Did 95x5, 115x5, 125x5, 135x5.
    3) Didn't have time.

    Back at it full speed on Tuesday.

  56. Open

    1) 2 rounds + 5 DL = 185. DL @ 185#
    2) 120#
    3) 165#

  57. Open

    1) 1 Round + 3 HSPU on 2nd set. 205# DL and did 15-10-5 on HSPU to keep moving. 129 reps total
    2) 135#
    3) 185#

  58. First post, did Dianne++ Monday and Fran++ today. Uf dah.

    1. 157 rx
    20 min rest
    2. 90
    3. 95 (shoulders pretty tired after all those HSPU)
