Sunday, July 21, 2013

Tuesday 7.23.13

Rachel Martinez.

1. Back Squat 
5x5 at 55%
5x5 at 65%
5x5 at 75%

2.  Metcon
"Fight Gone Bad"

1.  Metcon
"Fight Gone Bad"

2. Back Squat 
5x5 at 55%
5x5 at 65%
5x5 at 75%


  1. 2 . back squat:55 65 and 75 pourcent of 1 RM??

  2. Regionals

    1. 185, 205, 235....this is a much heavier than if I went with my real 1rm, but was good work.

    2. 350, 16 rep PR! And a perfect tie with Jimmy.

    Doing this programming with someone so close in ability is turning out to work really well. We are both improving quickly and we keep each other on track. We both PR'ed AND tied on FGB! Great stuff Coach, thank you again for what you do.

  3. Squats 210, 245, 285

    FGB- 340 which is a 41 rep PR from the last time I did it. Working on turning fast/light workouts from an area for improvement to a strength!

    1. Wild! Keep it up! Thanks also for bringing in your rower and letting us use it!

  4. Open
    1. 253
    2. Skipped - wrapping up a 7 week squat cycle this week.

  5. Only got in the 5x5x55% (195) squats. Will try to finish them later.

    FGB - 240, think my PR is around 270 something, not sure

  6. OPEN

    1) 341, push press made up for my slow box jumps and I stuck to the plan I had going in. 10 rep PR over last time.

    2) 55% -185, 65% - 215, 75% - ran of time for the last set

  7. I hate to ask but is FGB 3 rds or 5???? Ive seen it posted both ways.

  8. Open
    1. 248 reps. First time to do FGB! Went right in without stretching and warmup.. and immediately regretted it.
    2. 105#, 120#, 140#

    Good workout!

  9. Did BS first
    95, 115, 135

    FGB 249RX

  10. Open
    1. 252
    2. 3x5 @185
    3x5 @225 otm no time hehe!

  11. Open

    1. 285 RX
    2. 95#, 115#, 135#

  12. 185,205, 235 Based on my previous 1rep max of 315. They all felt strong and perfect. Safe to say my 1rep max is over that now.

    350 on FGB tied Shane. Burner after all those squats.

    Helps having a partner to push with most definitely. Especially one that gets ya most of the time :)

    This programming is great, thanks Coach.

  13. OPEN
    1. Fight Gone Bad - 400 Rx (PR)
    2. 200, 230, 260 (2 min rest between efforts)

  14. Open
    1. 260 w/ step ups- hamstring healing
    2. 100#, 120#, 140#

  15. 1. So. Many. Squats. Ouch.

    2. 302. 30 reps off my PR. Those wall balls might as well weighed 80 lbs and it might as well have been a 60" box, the squats made that one tough.

    So amped to see the numbers posted on here, you guys are beasts, I wish I could train with each and every person here everyday.

  16. Open:

    1) 300

    2) 3x5 185#
    3x5 225# we only have 15mins to finish the second part.

  17. Regional:
    1. 205, 235, 265
    2. Later

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Open

    1) 282 (did 3 rounds, wasn't sure if it was a 3 or 5 round FGB, but only had time for 3 + Squats---looking at scores it appears I guessed right)
    2) 170, 200, 230--tough after the WOD


  21. 1) done at 120, 140, 160
    2) 326

  22. OPEN/Masters
    FGB = 310 (PR) did "step-up version" of box jumps and was able to be consistent

    Back Squat = 190# / 225# / 260#
    90-120sec b/t sets...2-3 min b/t wt changes
    55% & 65% were High-Bar...then had to move to Low-Bar

    Just to let you guys (& gals) know...Have been following the blog for a while now...This seemed like a good time to start posting...You guys are amazing and inspirational...
    Bostwick said that he wishes he could workout with everyone on here...I agree!
    The community is the greatest and CFNE (Ben B) has done a great job and service to everyone with the competitors WOD!!!

    More Wisconsin Rapids Football shirts coming Ben! Let me know if there are sizes you want!!!

  23. What i can do if i did nott had a rower machine?

  24. I did a competition qualify attempt

    60 DU
    50 WB
    40 KBS 24kg
    30 Pull-ups
    20 SquatCleans 60kg
    10 HSPU

    time: 13:25

    I went into the wall at SC and they were heavy and lost a lot of time on the HSPU. I will do this again after a rest day.

    2) 85 kg
    102 kg
    120 kg

  25. 1.) 165lbs, 195lbs, 225lbs
    2.)326. First time doing this. Pretty happy with the results
    I leave for Louisville tomorrow for my last tournament of the summer. I'd just like to thank you, Ben. With your programming, you have tremendously helped me become a much better athlete in only 7 short months.

  26. 1. 281
    2. Complete
    195, 230, 265 lbs.

    That sucked a little :)

  27. 1.55%- 275#
    65%- 325#
    75%- 375# felt strong as hell today for some reason.
    2. 407- first time doin fight gone bad

    I felt like i got better today. mental. physical. just felt good. thanks coach.

  28. 1. 210 (bout 8min), 250 ( bout 9:30), 290 (14min)

    2. 413 (happy however 30reps from PR) legs were smoked from squats.

  29. ^^^ last 2 posts + 400. Mutants.

    1) 337 PB

    2) 90kg, 105kg, 120kg

    No more legs. Crawled up my stairs. Game over.

  30. 452
    Didn't get to do the 2nd part not time today

  31. Regionals:

    1. Done

    2. 323 Reps. 52 Reps behind PR.
    Found this to be extremely difficult after all the squatting. Great test.

  32. 55% - 225. 65% - 265. 75% - 305. 5x5 Done

    FGB - 412 (146/134/132)

    Couldn't find an old score for this, but I would be willing to bet its a PR.

    Legs are feeling all the squats lately.

  33. Couldn't do FGB due to rain and time.. So made up last weeks work

    1. "Isabel" - 4:15. PR by 1:12 from a year ago

    2. OTM 12 - 5 band assisted strict MUs / squat therapy

  34. 1) 340 (37 rep PR)
    2) 165#-195#-235#

  35. 1) 240

    2) 359 - Pr is 402

  36. Absolutely crushed from Elizabeth yesterday. Couldn't warm up, couldn't get moving today. Put up the worst FGB score I've ever had, including the scaled versions I did when I first started CrossFit.

    251. PR is 417. Those reps were basically an extra 25 box jumps and 25 push press every round which I just didn't have today. Lots of factors went into that, including not enough sleep/food/recovery from yesterday as well as being very rusty with bounding box jumps. Next time 450 or bust.

    Had some sweet PRs in the past few days too, so I guess it just comes with the and downs, ya know?

    Skipped out on the squats, will complete them tomorrow. Hopefully by then my soul will feel normal again lulz.

    1. I felt like that last week and it sucks but your right it's all part of the territory. Way to push yourself.

  37. 1.205,245,275. This started to hurt real bad on the last 3 sets

    2. 370, BJs after the squats were not fun

  38. Regionals

    1) 165-195-225 Squats actually felt great today

    2) 324 (PR by, ready for this, 59 reps!)
    SDHP's are the devil!


  39. Regionals:
    2. 392 first time doings this. Used an airdyne instead of rower not sure if that makes a difference.

  40. Open
    1)304, first time doing this. Better next time
    2)135,185,225 Light, but no hip pain at all. Very encouraging

  41. Open Program
    1) 340 - Games standard on box jumps, no rack on push press, started on wall balls every round. Pretty happy with this but I think I got 360 or so on a good day, and without dreading the squats coming afterwards.
    2) 190, 225, 260 (got 5 on first set then 3 on the rest) - hoping my legs aren't still trashed when I get out to LA to watch the Games on Friday!

  42. That was 5 rounds 3 rounds was 302

  43. Open
    My wife and I have both been following since last year and with this programming we are seeing huge results. I am going to start posting her scores along with mine. she makes me look bad which is why I usually don't post her score.
    1) 404 PR
    2) 185,215,255
    2) 125,145,170

  44. Open
    1) 279 (very disappointed, debated trying again after squats and some rest)
    2) 215#-255#-285#

    What saved my day was nailing my first Muscle-Up after the WOD. I've been CrossFitting for around a year and tonight was #1. Happy that now I can stop modifying/scaling when they're programmed! Thanks for all the programming!

  45. Open.

    1. 355. Used a 24" box. PR by like 130 reps. I haven't done this in about 18 months or so. Pretty happy with this.

    2. 190 - 225 - 255.

  46. Back squat:
    5 x 5 230#
    5 x 5 275#
    5 x 5 315#

    Did my sets of 230# and 275# on the minute then switched to every 2-2.5 minutes for the last 5 sets. Brutal 75 reps on the legs but major mental win today... Struggled a bit on last 5 sets and wasn't sure I could finish but stuck to it and pushed myself a lot further than I thought I could handle and got every rep.

    This is why I love Crossfit.

  47. 1) 5x5 185
    5x5 215
    5x5 245

    2) 352 reps. This was tough with legs like jello after all those squats.

  48. Open
    Round 1 135
    Round 2 101
    Round 3 116
    Total 352 reps

    Missed the squats to prevent overloading my dodgy knee.
    I'll get them in tomorrow!

  49. Open
    1. 427....29 rep PR!
    2. 190/225/265- legs are beat up!

  50. Open
    1) 334 - I believe I was in the 290's last time I did FGB.
    2) 155#/180#/205#

  51. Open:

    1.) 301

    First round felt alright but that was about it haha

    2. Didn't know 1RM so did the following in pounds:


  52. 1-210, 250, 285 just got new oly reebok shoes used with squats and felt awesome.
    2-379 reps FGB pr by 19 reps

  53. Open

    1. 348. 13 rep pr! :)
    2. Ran outta time for the 75%. Got 5 x 94kg, 3 x 111kg.

    god bless rest days.

  54. Open
    1- 296 crashed in second round. Only 75 reps. Ugh!

    2- skipped

  55. Open

    1. Hit 360 reps on FGB, RX´d.

    2. Didn´t have time to do the squats, gonna try and get them in tomorrow.
