Thursday, September 13, 2012

Friday 9.14.12

1.  Dynamic Box Squats
6 x 2, @ 60% plus band tension - Set the box at 1" below parallel.  These are still about SPEED.  If the weight isn't moving fast decrease the load.  

2.  Snatch
6x2 at 70%, OTM

3.  Clean and Jerk
6x2 at 70%, OTM

4.  3 GIANT SETS of:
A.  Bulgarian Split Squat, 6-8/side.
B.  Reverse Hypers, 20-30 reps
C.  Landmines, 6-8/side. - Demo Vid.  If you don't have a landmine put the opposite end of the barbell in a corner.  
Go through A-B-C without resting between movements.  Rest as needed between sets.

Stadium Stairs...


  1. Any sub for reverse hypers, Romanian deads maybe?

  2. That's what I was going to use. Not a perfect sub. I know reverse hypers are awesome but it's still weighted hip extension for those of us without one.

  3. LIe face down on a GHD and hold the ankle pads with your hands. Grab a light dumbbell between your legs/feet and rock and roll.

  4. 1. 245 + green bands
    2. 155#
    3. 185#
    4. 2 poods x 8, RH x 20, 25# landmines

  5. 1. 135# + red bands
    2. 95#
    3. 145#
    4. 45# dbs in each hand/8, RH on GHD/20/20/30, 25# landmines/8

  6. 1. 225 across
    2. 140 (missed some of these - not feeling it today)
    3. 180

    The extra rep each minute sure made this harder. Still super sore from the Sevens the other day. Will do #4 this afternoon. Ran out of time this AM.

  7. 1. 205 + red bands
    2. 145 (155 first set, then failed and dropped)
    3. 205 (215 sets 1-3, then failed and dropped)
    4. BSS - 45sx3x8
    RH - 3x27
    LM - 25/25/35x8

  8. 1. 175# w/ red bands
    2. Snatch: 140#, no misses felt good today
    3. Clean and Jerk: 185#
    4. 3 GIANT SETS of:
    A. Bulgarian SS 8/side: 45# DBs
    B. Reverse Hypers: 30 reps on GHD
    C. Landmines, 8/side w/ 25# on bar

  9. 1. Snatch: 75#
    2. CJ: 100#
    3 Giant Sets of:
    a. bulgarian SS 8/side: 30# dbs
    b. reverse hypers: 25 reps on GHD
    c. landmines, 8/side w/ 10# on bar
    4. Box squats/ red band: 3 x 2 @ 135#, 3 x 2 @ 105# wasn't getting the speed at 135#- better at 105#

  10. Snatch: 105
    C&J: 135

    Did not do anything else given my back issue. Which feels great right now...or at least good.

  11. 1. 225# + red bands
    2. 135# snatch, 200# c&j
    3.A - 45#DBs, 6/8/7
    B - 35#, 20/20/25
    C - Bar + 25# 6/6/6


  12. Dynamic box squat 6x2 60%
    (1" below parallel)

    215lb+band tension (black bands)

    Snatch 6x2 OTM

    (all touch n go)

    Clean and Jerk 6x2 OTM


    3 supersets:
    A. 8x Bulgarian Split Squat, 44lb KBs
    B. 20x Reverse Hypers, 30lb
    C. 8x Land mines, 10lb on 45lb bar


  13. 1. DBS-185#+blue RF bands(100#total)

    2. Snatch-95#

    3. Clean & Jerk-165# *harder than expected

    4. 3 GIANT sets:
    A.65#DBs x8/side,55#DBs x8x2/side
    B.Modified RHs w/physio ball on top of bench 20x3

    5. Bulletproof Shoulders *Hadn't done it this week, and I felt like I needed it.

  14. 1.185+40lbs of chain
    2. 145 then tested max to 205 pr by 5lbs
    3. Shoulder didn't like jerks today so worked up to 255 on a clean- I missed the total last Friday so went for it today.
    4. 85lbs of dbs on bss, 75lb RDL x 20, landmines with bar 45&25. Those were a better stimulus than I thought I would get from those & I love giant sets.

  15. DBS-185# + chains(215#total)

    2. Snatch-75#
    3. Clean & Jerk-155#

    4. 3 GIANT sets:
    A. BSS: 75# bar on back 3 x 8/side
    B. RDL instead of Hyper 75# 3x 20
    C. Landmines-25#x8x3/side

  16. 1. 185 plus green bands, went light to focus on explosiveness
    3. 185#
    4.2 pood each hand, ghd sub hypers, 45# bar w/25# plate

  17. 1. 185 plus green working for speed
    2. skipped (shoulder)
    3. Power Cleans 165# (no jerk)
    4. 2 pood each hand, ghd sup hypers, 45# bar w/25plate

  18. 1.202.5 plus green bands
    2. 122.5
    4. 3 GIANT sets:
    A. BSS: 40# DB 3 x 8/side
    B. Hyper 75 on GHD 3x 20
    C. Landmines-135#-6x3/side
    5. 2 MU OTM for 15 min

  19. 1. 155- w/ bands. Felt good!
    2. Snatch #90
    3. Clean/Jerk #120 (a minute it so short! Lol)
    4. Bulgarians #30 each hand
    -no weight reverse
    -#20 on bar landmines

  20. Box squat- 220 plus the big blue bands

    Snatch- 110 6x2 worked from the hang felt OK

    C&J- 165 6x2 Felt ok I guess

    Didn't have time to do the giants sets. I tried to do some rev. hypers on a back extension but the ROM was cut short bu the physical layout of the apparatus.

    I did do 3x8 land mines with 50# on it. I had never done these and they felt awesome.

  21. 1.145+ bands
    4. a.85# bb on back was i supposed to use dbs?
    b. 100#
    c. 45# bar/55#/55#

  22. 1. 140# Regular back squats
    2. Snatch: 90#
    3. C&J: 125#
    4. Bulgarian Split Squats: 25# 8x each leg 3 sets
    Reverse Hypers 6# 20x each set
    Landmines Bar plus 20# 8 each side all 3 sets.


  23. Banded Box Squats: 85#
    Snatch: 73#
    C&J: 93#

  24. 1-
    230+green bands
    Done bssquats@65
    Landlines @95

  25. 1. 2x2: 235#, 4x2: 225#
    2. Snatch: 140#
    3. Clean and Jerk: 175#
    4. Giant sets:
    BSS: 32 kg
    Reverse Hypers: free weight
    Landlines: 45+25

  26. 1. +blue bands
    4. Giant sets...x6, x20,x6

  27. 1. 195# plus green band
    2. 145#
    3. 200#
    4. A. 70# each hand (brutal - tear jerker)
    B. Hug the Twinky's w/ 5# DB for 20 reps
    C. Used 55# on bar

    The giant set felt worse to me than most WOD's as of late. The squats were painful to get through. I loved it!

  28. 1) Box Squat @ 175# + 1" bands x 6 x 2
    2) Snatch @ 120# x 6 x 2
    3) C&J @ 150# x 6 x 2
    4) BSS @ 95#,105#,115# x 8/side x 3, RH (on GHD) x 30 x 3, LM @ 55# x 8/side x 3

  29. So seeing as it's March, I'm in the midst of the open. So today I did 13.1. 148 reps. Metcon is awful, those burpees were torture. Then worked up to a heavy single DL with some of the guys in the gym. 405.
