Friday, September 7, 2012

Saturday 9.8.12

1.  "Jackie"
For time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters, 45#
30 Pull ups

2.  AMRAP 4
2 Power Cleans
2 Frond Squats
2 Jerks
Dudes: 185
Chicks: 135
Garage Games are at CFNE this weekend.  
Be sure to put the Competitors Competition (Jan. 19th, 2013) on your calendar. 

What did you Jerk yesterday?


  1. 1. 7:06
    2. 5rds, rx'd

    Shoulders and legs are surprisingly tired from yesterday. Good stuff!


  2. 1. 12:30
    (ROW: 03:31 THRST: 06:36 PU: 02:20)
    2. 4 rounds OTM #155

    Not a great day. Felt strange - Think i was completely out of muscle glucogen after Jackie - even the 95# fealt heavy for #2.

  3. 1-
    8.44 (pr is 8.08)

    4 rounds.

  4. Mini garage games with Bravo
    Jackie: 6:51
    Rest 10mins
    Mini Quest: 400run 400plate run 800run 400plate run 400 run
    Rest 10mins
    AMRAP 4
    6 rounds + bar to the face RX

  5. From yesterday:

    1 RM Snatch - 185. This is actually the same as my PR but I consider it a PR because the last time I did this was in the Regionals and my form was AWFUL. I basically got it to my face and push pressed it the rest of the way. Now I am legitimately catching in a full squat snatch and I had 200 up 4 times but just couldn't quite stick it. 200 is coming in the next few weeks though.
    1RM Clean - 265
    1RM Jerk - 245

    Jackie - 7:04 Rx
    #2 today - 5 rnds +2

    Not a lot of gas in the tank today. I can do better on both these.

  6. Awesome weekend of PRs! Yesterday PR'd my snatch and c&j.... Today PR on Jackie by almost a minute! Much more effictient on the rower... Focused on spm... Kept a 1:50-1:56 pace mostly at 1:53-1:54, 45# bar on thrusters ... Worked on not pausing n e where ...pull ups were what slowed me down today... Still not efficient enough with the butterfly.. Did some butterfly and some Kipping ...
    1. Jackie 6:49
    2. 6 rounds + 2 PC and 1FS
    Going to a yoga class today

  7. 1.Skipped. Taking an off day since I have a game tomorrow.
    2.Did yesterday after maxing out yesterday. Scaled to 155#, got 5 rds.

  8. "Jackie"
    For time:
    1000m Row
    50 Thrusters, 45#
    30 Pullups

    7:08 (PR)

    4 min AMRAP:
    2 PCL, 185lb
    2 FS, 185lb
    2 Jerk, 185lb

    6 rounds+1 rep

  9. Jackie- 10;47 rx. Pr by a minute I think.

  10. Started to do Oly Total but was not feeling it. Did Jackie 6:29 & 3 Mile Run Feel much better. Ready to go heavy again next week!

  11. Jackie 5:48
    avoided part lower body beat up after Oly total

  12. 1. 4 min amrap: @135#-5 rounds + 2 Power Cleans. Joints are really sore today.
    2. Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups: 3x10


  13. 1. power clean from yesterday hit 245, could have hit much higher but need to work on my catch, still no heavy overhead on the shoulder

    2. Jackie 6:52...probably could have gone faster was slow on transitions and broke up the pullups

    rest 5 minutes

    3. 4min amrap 2 PC 2 FS (185)
    6 Rounds

    After a week of rest because of injury happy with today. Wish I was still up north so I could do the garage games. Good luck to everyone competing

  14. 1. jackie - 7:37, not a PR by about 25 seconds. HELP! off the rower at 3:15, thrusters were 30-10-10, and pull ups were 10-10-10. ugh. i'm so pissed.

    2. AMRAP 4ish - 4 rounds, RX'd, OTM.

  15. 1. 6:08
    2. 5 rnds

    That wedding last night...ugh

  16. Jackie PR 8:53 rx
    AMRAP - 3 and 2 cleans rx. I had no legs and had to clean it 3 extra times lol. Going try this one again!!

  17. Jackie- 9:31 PR

    AMRAP- 3+4

    I started and my countdown timer went off :20 sec into after I blitzed through a round UB. I looked for my stopwatch but couldn't find it so I opted to rest for a few minutes then just restart. Stupid move. I never felt the same. I should've just did 4 or 5 rounds and called it. I need to stop being so type a sometimes.

  18. Jackie 8:43 horrible

    Mini quest 400m run 400m with 45# plate 800m run 400m with 45# plate 400m run

    AMRAP 4
    2 power cleans
    2 front squats
    2 jerks
    6 rds Rx

    Good Garage Games Day with JC

  19. Jackie- 7:39

    Amrap - 5 rds used 135

  20. 1.Max OHS-185#
    2.Jackie-6:48 (PR)
    3.AMRAP-3 rds+2 PC

  21. Dead lift (Week 2 Wendler) 3x 335, 3x385, 4x425

    Jackie 6:22 RXed PR (-22) :-)

    To beat up to do CSJ AMRAP from going 5 days straight. Resting tomorrow... maybe?

  22. 1. No rower at work.
    2. 4 rounds + 2 & 2 @ 105#

  23. 1) Jackie as rx'd - 7:18 (all unbroken)
    2) Skipped this today because I hurt my thumb on the C&J's yesterday and it was tough enough to hold the bar. I'll make it up later...

  24. 1. 7:40 PR

    2. 185 across, 4 ends plus 3 FS
