Friday, September 21, 2012

Saturday 9.22.12

Michelle M.
5 RFT:
20 Burpees
20 KBS, 53/35

Only two more weeks of "Getting Ha-uge".  The next phase, which I call the "Whadyasnatch" phase will take us through November.  We will be doing more Oly lifting (snatch, clean, jerk and skill transfer movements), Squatting and Conditioning.  Here is a sample day during the next phase.
1.  Snatch Balance, work up to a heavy single
2.  Snatch, 3x2 heavy/ 2x2 moderate
3.  Front Squat, 2x2 heavy
4.  "Helen"
Guidelines for "max," "heavy," "moderate", and "light" loads are posted on the FAQ Page.

Hanging with Coach B...


  1. sorry for the break in posting. back on it, regional stability pending.

    1. 9:41, rx
    goat work

  2. Replies
    1. O and bullet proof shoulders and bi's and tri's with my fellow ninja partner.

  3. still day behind
    55# db 20 in box
    155# 9x1 otm snatch
    190# 9x1 otm c&j
    sled drag 15 ghd check
    incorporated 5 bsar m/u in rds with small red/ orange band

  4. 11:50 Rx

    Preceded by Snatch Balance and Sotts press work.

  5. 10:05 Rx, could have gone faster felt low on energy

  6. 14:53 RX. Could have gone faster but got tired and could not breath. Ha!

  7. Replies
    1. Plus my Saturday Superset: 15/15 db bicep curls 20#/ lat pull downs

  8. Death by Tire Flips (600lbs) 8rnds plus 6 flips

    Burpee & Kbs WOD 8:43 I love burpees said no one ever!

  9. 1) 9 x 1 Split Jerk - 225# (PR)
    2) Burpee/KBS - 10:17 (Rx)
