Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wednesday 9.12.12

Some of the boys made "Built By Bergeron" shirts.  

1.  Bench Press
1 RM off blocks or Pins

2.  Push Press
1 x 15-20
1 x failure

3.  Superset
A.  Strict Bent Over Rows
B.  Band Pull aparts

4. 3 RFT:
5 Hang Power Cleans, 185/135
10 Strict Ring Dips
1 Legless Rope Climb

Bench off pins.  Set up one inch above your chest.


  1. I agree. A great way to honor heather!

  2. Ben and Heather made our local paper! I will be there Saturday so I will bring a copy.

  3. It would definitely be sweet to get one of those shirts!

  4. 1 superset for bb row and band push aparts??

  5. 1 superset for bb row and band push aparts??

  6. 1. 255#
    2. 135#/17 reps, 135#/23 reps
    3. 135# - 12/12/12
    red band - 12/12/12
    4. 3:45 Rx'd, My grip was gone on the last rope climb. Damn near fell!

  7. 1. 235#
    2. 95#/15, 95#/15
    3. 135#/8, 185#/8, 185#/8
    Red Band- 12,12,12
    4. 5:08 Rx

  8. 1. Still can't bench (shoulder). Luckily it's the only thing that seems to bother it.
    2. 125 x 17, 135 x 15
    3. 185 x 8, doubled up thin band x 8 - 3 ends
    4. No ropes. Subbed in 10 strict ring pull ups/toes through rings which definitely sucked. 8:27 Rx.

  9. 1. Bench Press off blocks: 275#
    4. 3 RFT: 3:00 Rx, everything UB except last set of ring dips, almost fell on last rope climb
    2. Push Press: 115#*15-20, *13 arms were smoked after wod
    3. Superset
    A. Strict Bent Over Rows: 185
    B. Band Pull aparts: red band

  10. 1. 305#, no blocks or pins. Triceps pretty sore from yesterday.


    B.Green RF band 3x12

    4.12:57, Everything RXed except subbed 6 towel pullups for LRC. Grip was totally gone last set.

  11. 1. 275#
    2. 165x15, 175x15
    3. 2 rnds - 165 x 10, red x 10
    4. 4:28

  12. 1. Bench - 175#
    2. 17 and 18 at 75#s (strict press and 4-6 reps more than a few weeks back at same weight)
    3. Did not do
    4. 5:25 (135#s, strict ring dips and 1 1/2 legless climbs)

    Back feels a tiny bit better. Emphasis on tiny.

  13. 1. Bench 100#
    2. Wod: 10:46 125#- 115#, tried legless for all, 1st time at this, my legs jumped in to help sometimes, dips on bars, body was tired today.
    3. bor/band pull aparts 85# 8-10/12
    did not do presses

  14. 1. 245, fail @275,265
    2. PP 20, 20 @ 115
    3. BOR 3x8 @ 135
    4. 3:38, MY GRIP!!!!!

  15. Bench: 175
    PP: 15, 17 @115#
    BOR: 115x10/ red band x10
    3rft: 4:51 Rx

  16. Bench 250
    PP 115# 16,16
    Rows 135 3x10
    Bands - red 3 x 11
    8:12 not rx'd 175 first round clean then 185
    Leg less 1st climb only... Arms smoked!

  17. ‎1. 1rep max Bench press (off blocks)

    255lb (5# over max)

    2. Push Press
    1x15 at 135lb
    1x failure at 140lb = 16 reps

    3. 3 supersets
    A. 10 Strict Barbell Row, 150lb
    B. 12 band pull aparts

    4. 3 rounds for time:
    5 hang Powerclean, 185lb
    10 strict ring dips
    1 legless rope climb


  18. 1. Bench-325
    2. PP 15X 185
    3. 185 Row 12 band pulls
    4. 1:55 RX

  19. 1. 270
    2.15x135/ 20x155
    3.bor 3x12 @ 155
    rev band: purple 3x12
    4. 1st grade reading level, I did power cleans.

  20. 1. 155
    2. 18 @ #95 - 14 @ #105
    3. #115 rows/ band pull aparts
    4. 7:46 rx'd - 3 rope climbs cuz we have 12ft ceilings and I'm really tall. Need more dip work! I'm weak sauce!
    Thanks Ben!!!

  21. 1. 145# definitely harder today
    2.115# 15/16 2nd set was better than the first
    3. 95# x8 reps / red bandx12 reps
    4. 11:02 ish ... Paced it worked on tight ring dips / no leg rope climbs= big goat

  22. Bench 265
    Push press 165x15, 165x15
    10 BO rows, 10 pull aparts, 4 sets

  23. Pin press: 95#. (so close on the 100 attempt)
    Push press: 75# x 16
    Beer Goggles: 9:13, 120#, banded ring dips, regular rope climbs
    BOR/BPA: 3 sets: 80# x 10, red band x 10

    Felt good to get bak in the gym again.
    Muscle up practice.

  24. 1. 130
    2. 85 x 16, 95 x 10
    3. 3x8 BOR (95), 3x8 Band pull-aparts (green)
    4. scaled to 105# and subbed 15 towel pullups for rope climb
    T = 8:41

  25. 145# bench
    95# press 15 rep

    9:17 135hang clean, first set of dips RX then switched to red band half through the second round. Regular rope climb

  26. 1. Bench: 185# PR
    2. Push Press: 115# 15/17
    3. Superset: 135# BOBR & Red Band Pull Apart 12/12/12
    4. 3RFT: 8:49 145# Hang Power Clean, 10 Ring dips, and subbed 15 strict pullups for Legless Rope Climb

    Great wod to celebrate 28th bday!


  27. 1-
    15 reps @ 95
    21@ 115
    21 @115
    21 @ purple band
    As rxd

  28. 1. 95
    2. 75x15, 75x12.
    3. 75x8, red band pull aparts. 3 sets
    4. 8:27- 115 pounds, Im not sure how strict my dips are, but I also don't kip. I kind of wiggle at the top

    115 was my old 1 rep max. I was going to use 105 but warming up it felt so easy I kept going up. Prd by 10 pounds putting me at 125. Thanks Ben!

  29. 1. 245
    2. 145x15
    3. 8x205, red band-3 sets
    4. 3:59 Rx'd-Posted to You Tube (crossfitcapecod) if anyone wants to give feedback-I always appreciate it from a fellow CrossFitter! (I'm the one in the black and green shirt in the video)

  30. 2 board press- no pins to work off- 315x2
    Push press- 95x15, 135x13
    BOR (underhand)- 135x12, 155x10x2
    Pull aparts- 12,12, 12
    WOD- 4:52 did the climbs legless and seating b/c my rope is only 10'.

  31. Yes to t-shirts btw

  32. 1. 195
    2. Strict Press 2X15 75#
    3. 3x8 BOR (125), 3x12 Band pull-aparts (red)
    4. 6:25

    Am I the only one that can barely walk from the DOMS from the 3X ME GH raises?

  33. Bench: 255 (275f)
    WOD: 7:22 (only 1st rope climb was legless)
    PP: 135x15, 135x20
    BOR: 135x3x10, red bands doubled

  34. M/49/5'8"/165

    1. Bench 3RM: 225 Pr
    2. Push Press: 125, 15/13
    3. BOR: 1x10x135, 2x10x155, doubled red bandsx10
    4. WOD: 5:35 RX

    At Crossfit Cape Ann

  35. Bench 235#
    Beer Goggles 7:30 rx
    Push press 115 15/17
    BOR: 3x10x135 Red band 3x12

  36. Just realized Rope climbs were supposed to be legless...CRAP!!!

  37. In San Diego at hotel gym
    270 on some machine
    50# db pp 20 then 25
    Rows and band aparts
    10 hang cleans with 50# db, 10 strict dips, 10 strict towel pull ups x. 3 rds
    Really gotta get to a box, close to invictus so we ll try and get there

  38. Done at 3 am on nightshift, coworkers deffinitly think i am insane now.
    1. #115 PR
    2. 18 @75/ 19@75
    3. PP 12/10/10 @ 75 and 12/12/12 with purple band.
    4. 3RFT this was a mess. No rope at firehall so subbed 7 pull ups on the cable machine with the rope accessory tool? Rediculous.
    10:57 #115 & all strict ring dips.

  39. Wendler Week 2 Bench: 3x235 3x265 6x295
    1 310
    2 23x135 21x155
    3 21x155 & 16 w/blue band
    4 5:56 subbed 12 baseball grip pulls per round for the rope climb

  40. 1)215 lbs
    2) 89 lbs x 20/ 99 lbs x 27
    3) 135 x 8 band pull apart x 10- 3 rounds
    4) WOD modified with 165 lb hang clean, paralette dips and seated rope climb from floor

  41. 1. 265
    2. 135x15, 135x20
    3. 135 and green band, 10-10-10
    4. 3:15, felt great

  42. 1. Bench 235#
    2. 135x20, 155x20
    3. 3 sets 155 overhand hook grip x 10, red band x10
    4. 4 min

  43. Bench 225#, 235 fail
    135x15, 135x21
    3x6 165#, 3x12
    5:00 Rx... Have not done a lot of rope climbs.

  44. 1) BP (pins) - 225#
    2) PP - 105# x15, 125# x17 (PR)
    3) BOR - 145#/155#/165# x8 (PR), 1" band
    4) Metcon as rx'd except cleans @ 155# (should have gone 185#) - 4:20.

  45. 1. 270
    2. 115 for 20, 135 for 18
    3. Rows @ 145, red band.
    4. 4:09.

    Shoulders were smoked from the 7. This was brutal.
