Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sunday 3.24.13

Open 13.3
150 Wall Balls, 20/14
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle ups

Recovery Day.

"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone else expects of you. 
Never excuse yourself."
-Henry Ward Beecher


  1. 13.3 - 253. Tiebreaker @ 8:52.

  2. This is gonna be the toughest to redo, my legs are so wrecked. But i have faith i can beat my score of 260.

  3. I needed to read that quote today. Thank you Ben.

  4. Soooo out of curiosity, does anyone else feel like 130 of these wall balls are done at damn near max capacity? Or is that part of the whole "I need to get stronger" issue?

    1. I think it helps to be strong in anything, but wall balls to me are more so a gut check. "DO NOT STOP" type of movement. Not alot of skill required, just a lotta sack. Lol

  5. I'm with you there Dex. It's skill, but more will.

  6. Karen 6:56
    Double unders 8:55 (oops)
    Total: 253 (same as last year)

  7. Referred to this blog by a friend who made great gains in his WODS/lifts and moving up in the MID-ATLANTIC region for the open. Been doing CF for 2 years, just now getting serious. I'm in the southeast. Had an ex named Karen, 12.4 made me think my ex was better. Now 13.3 is just her coming back from hell.

  8. 12.4- 240 reps
    13.3- 250 reps

    Wallballs 6:44
    Double unders 8:30

    Sunday 13.3 - 253 reps

    Wallballs 6:16
    Double unders 8:14

    Really happy with that

  9. 256.
    Karen: 6:16
    Du's: 8:15 :(
    Muscle ups were at best inconsistent. Broke off
    5-5-3-2-1 with a few misses thrown in.
    3 rep PR and faster tie breakers so I'm ok with it.

    All the Praise and glory to God for allowin us all to compete and be good health to participate in this great sport. Hope everybody improves today!!!

  10. Last year:
    - 259
    - 6:24 Karen
    - 8:15 DU's

    - 257
    - 7:02 Karen
    - 8:45 DU's

    - 259
    - 6:22 Karen
    - 8:10 DU's

    - was at a 1 MU/10 sec. pace today, and had the 19 MU's with 20 sec. left, wanted 2 more but I failed the 20th rep with like a 5-10 sec. ring dip attempt, and then I was screwed. I'll remember that MU till the day I die.

    1. Hey, you did awesome, that's a great score and you beat Thursday's.

  11. Thursday: 240 w/ 8:01 tie-break...
    Today: 242!!! 7:15 tie-break (5:57 Karen). Hell yes!!!!!!!!

    1. I followed the suggested split mostly, too, except I did a few more sets of 15's - Totally helped! (50,25, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10)

    2. Great job, Deb!
      It must felt good to get those 2 muscle ups!

    3. Amazing time on Karen. Holy crap! Nice work!

    4. Thank you everyone! Yes, Belinda, I almost peed my pants because I was so pumped.

  12. 254 today, 4 rep improvement from Thursday and same score as last year I'll take it and move on! Couldn't decide on a pace for wall balls so went by feel and did 30,30,20,20,10×5 finished at 7:24 then went unbroken on dubs with a split of 8:38, got on the rings at 9 min

  13. 253 - 3 reps better than Thurs and 52 reps better than 12.4
    5:18 karen PR
    7:37 DUs

    Had about 1 more min on MUs today so my MU pace was consistent with Thurs (~3/min) but still very slow

    1. 5:18 Karen. Holy cow! -- and great score!!!

  14. 12.4 243

    13.3 on Thursday 257

    Retest today 266

    Followed the wb split of 50/25/15/10/10/10/10/10/10

    Wb finished at 5:53
    Du done at 7:24

    Immediately did 2 mu at the end of du then starting at 8 mins did sets of 2 with 10 second rest.

    Pretty stoked with the improvement.

  15. My squads are still bleeding from 13.3, no re-do for me.
    Did yesterday's WOD instead
    8:30 subbed Hand release push ups for ring dips

  16. M/17yo/168#/5'8

    Thursday - 243 reps

    Today - 244 reps

    Satisfied with the one rep improvement I guess haha, couldn't even get through DUs last year in 12.4

  17. 242 reps today, compared to 216 on Thursday, compared to 158 last year. Can't be too upset about that. Pretty stoked actually. Someone already said it, but that is just one gut-check of a workout.


    Only after I watched the video did I realize the target was just barely outside the top of the screen. I did no-rep myself a couple of times and had a missed count against my favor, so it's legit. Good job y'all! Represent!

    1. Great job! :) Congrats on those two muscle-ups. I know how great it feels. Live it up! :)

  18. Oh - it was a 8:47 Karen time and tie-breaker time of 11:32. Plan was sets of 20-20-15-15-10-10-10 yo get to 100 then do whatever it takes after that. Broke down slightly sooner, but kept the rests relatively short. Very helpful to target a 10 second rest. Glad to get two muscle ups. Thanks for all the tips and congrats all who improved today!

  19. Another PR Karen, and beat my tie breaker from Thursday. Need a lot more work on muscle up progressions, not there yet.
    3.21.13 240, 11:04
    3.24.13 240, 9:59
    This Twain quote is a favorite of mine! Good job to everyone who PR's, very much enjoyed seeing all progress being made!

  20. Was peer pressured into repeating 13.3 today (after doing it yesterday) and I went into it with a much better mindset, and a better plan for me. My plan Satuday was 10 sets of 15 reps which was more than I could chew, also to not jump on the wall-ball shots. Did it again today trying to do a set of 10 every 30 seconds, and I stayed reasonably close to that (Karen time of 8:36, 2 minutes quicker than the day before). Jumped from 61 double-unders, to 2 muscle-ups! Moral of the story, know your limits and what works best for you, don't read a plan online and try to stick with that.

  21. Been following this for quite some time but have been bad about posting. Hoping to post religiously from here on out. Ive noticed a big improvement in my overall game and though I am not quite regionals level yet I have contributed to my team score every week so far, so thank you Ben for making this available to all.
    I re-did 12.4, errr I mean 13.3 and got 255 today with a 9:18 tiebreak. Up 3 reps from when I did it Friday and got 252.

    (other open scores were week 1: 162 and week 2: 281)
    Also I'm Northeast out of Maine

  22. 256 reps up from 249

    Then snatch up to 95kg
    Clean and jerk up to 120kg
    Then ice bath!!

  23. 243 again. Karen was faster@ 7:24. Double unders@ 10:44. Over three minutes again for double unders again. Obvious Goat, will work these hard!

  24. Hey everyone, you guys/ gals did awesome. I wasn't able to attempt it again because my legs are still destroyed (my fault for taking a week off previously)

    2 more to go! Keep it fun!

  25. Thursday I got 260
    Today I got 254

  26. 251 on Thursday, couldn't re-do today because I am sick sick sick. Tie breaker 8:56, PR by 1 from last year :(

  27. One rep less today...243. Tiebreakers all seconds behind. Dropped out of the "48".... 2weeks to go.

    Need to rise above....

    "Hard times don't create heroes; It is during hard times that the hero in us is revealed." (Bob Riley)

  28. first run: 256, 6:09 karen, 7:55 tie breaker
    Today: 261, 6:03 karen, 7:38 tie breaker

    554 points under my name right now, ranked 154..
    that 13.2 killed my score, placed 428 on it.
    Do you think i even have a chance, even with killing the next two workouts?

    1. Heck ya man, go for it. Depends on how those currently above you do in the next two WODs. A lot can change still if you are that close. Just kill the next two!

    2. Fight til the last rep bro.

  29. 258 (one less than Thursday). Came off wb :10 earlier but ended up coming off DU at exactly the same time. Muscle ups actually felt better but I rested too long between sets. Oh well, bring on 13.4!

  30. Thursday= 245 8:03 Tie breaker
    Sunday= 245 8:08 Tie breaker (with the EXACT same Karen time)- I just couldnt squeeze out just ONE more m-up! gr!
    This is the first WOD I havent improved on with round 2.

  31. 258 (up three reps from earlier this week)

    Tie breaker- 8:07

  32. 242... tiebreaker 8:26. 2 extra MU reps over thursday? i'll take em!

  33. Did wod twice, still couldnt get that muscle up, but improved my tie breaker time the second time.
    1st: karen 7:31 du: 8:59 6 muscle up attempts got through the rings but shoulders were over hands then rings splayed out. Carl paoli has a video on this, ive been doing his suggested drills.
    2nd: karen: 6:41 du: 8:03 3 muscle up attempts, got through the same way but pull wasnt as strong as thursday, decided to stop so I didnt injure myself. Happy to have only dropped 30 spots instead of hundreds. Ill take it!
