Jon Pera.
1. Pulls
5 x 5 Glute Ham Raises - weighted if possible.
5 x 5 Glute Ham Raises - weighted if possible.
2. Odd Objects/Movements
"Lipson Test"
400m Sled Drag for time, bodyweight
3. Metcon
7 x 400m Run, OT3M
Post times for all seven rounds.
5. Row/Core
5 RFT:
300m Row
1 minute Plank
1. Metcon
7 x 400m Run, OT3M
Post times for all seven rounds.
7 x 400m Run, OT3M
Post times for all seven rounds.
2. Skills
5 rounds of:
:20 Handstand Hold, :40 Rest - Against a wall with really pretty positioning. Think, active shoulders and straight line - heels to hands
5 rounds of:
:20 Handstand Hold, :40 Rest - Against a wall with really pretty positioning. Think, active shoulders and straight line - heels to hands