Sunday, September 29, 2013

Monday 9.30.13

 Happy Birthday Babe!

1. Snatch Complex
6 sets of: Power Snatch + Squat Snatch + OHS, climbing

2.  Clean and Jerk
3 sets of: Squat Clean + Front Pause Squat (hold the bottom position for 3 full seconds) + Jerk

3.  Back Squats
5 x 3, climbing

4.  Gymnastic Benchmark
max unbroken C2B pull ups

5.  Metcon
For Time:
10-8-6-4-2 Squat Snatches, 115/80
50 Double unders after every set of snatches.

1.    Metcon
For Time:
10-8-6-4-2 Squat Snatches, 115/80
50 Double unders after every set of snatches.

2. Clean and Jerk
3 sets of: Squat Clean + Front Pause Squat (hold the bottom position for 3 full seconds) + Jerk


  1. 2 questions:
    1) for open. The clean and jerk, is it one clean with a pause at the bottom then jerk? Or is it one clean, pause front squat,then jerk?
    2) usually there is a strength so can we do a strength or do the 5x3 back squat from regionals or do we not do any strength?

    1. Trey,
      1) three seperate movements as one big set, so stand up from the clean, then squat and hold, then jerk.

      2) mix in whatever you want, but if you look at the template Coach has built you will see that what he programmed for today is still in line with it.

    2. Thanks man. Helps alot! Appreciate the help

  2. Open:
    1. Metcon 13:20 RXd

    2. Cl&FS&J - 155, 175, 200
    Did Squat Clean + Pause Front Squat + Push Jerk

  3. Reg:

    Snatch complex- 135-155-165-175-190

    C&J complex- 215-225-235

    5x3 BS- 225-245-275-295-315

    Did two C2B and my hands started tearing. Go figure.

    Metcon- low 8. Stopped caring after I discovered my body doesn't remember how to string double unders.

  4. 1. Snatch Complex- Was going to get someone to take a look at my form, by the time they were available I already did the below and this wasn't in the cards, especially after squats.

    2. Clean and Jerk185, 225, 275 (missed jerk)

    3. Back Squats
    5 x 3, climbing- 225, 275, 315, 365, 385

    4. Gymnastic Benchmark
    max unbroken C2B pull ups- Worked on Butterfly, got 20 in a row, really drilling technique

    5. Metcon
    For Time- my legs are dead after the last couple workouts, this was hard- 7:07

  5. Open/Masters (43)

    Metcon: 13:18, double unders are a huge goat
    clean complex: 135, 155, 175
    back squats: 5 x 3 climbing: 165, 185, 205, 225, 245

  6. Open

    Metcon: 7:04 felt very slow in my transitions

    Squat Clean + Jerk Complex - 80 KG across

  7. Reg:

    1. 115,135,145,155,165,165 felt good.

    2. 185, 215, 225, 225 was getting squirly in the Jerk so stayed put.

    3. 245, 265, 275, 295, 305, all Low Bar today, never done it before and I like it, also first time to EVER (in my life) do over 300 on my back!!!

    4. 27, no record (PR is a recent 35) hands just weren't there and didn't want to tear for it.

    5. 6:28, fun one, thought I might go unbroken for the whole thing, but I did not...all DU's unbroken though.

  8. Open

    1. 13:25 RX
    2. 185 & 195. Got run out of open gym before attempting 205.

  9. Happy Birthday Heather!! From your friends at Upper Cape CrossFit.

    1. 95, 115, 125, 145 145

    2. Just went with 185 on all 3. Squat clean and pause squat still a little suspect with the knee.

    3. 185, 225, 245, 260, 260. Definitely feeling better on the knee, but still a little frustrated that the strength is gone from where it was. Big props to my training partner for hitting 305 today on this. First time ever with 3 bills on his back. For those of you who are wondering if this programming gets you stronger........YUP!!!

    4. 30 Chest to Bars. Still need to work on getting the butterfly, but happy with 30.

    5. 7:16. Did the snatches as power snatches, not ready to put that many squat snatches on the knee yet. Haven't done DU's in a while for obvious reasons, however I was able to do 3 out of the 5 sets of them unbroken.

    All in all I will chalk it up as a good day. I'm slowly coming back.

  10. OPEN:
    10:22 rx'd. Not my morning. Lifting later

  11. Regionals:

    1. 225
    2. 285
    3. 405/415/415/425(f)/dnf
    4. 36
    5. 7:47

    Wish I had another hour to get more work in here, but morning class was coming in. Great day of training!

    1. Stoked that I hit 285 on the c&j complex. My last 1RM C&J was 285!

  12. Open
    (1)9:45...UB double unders but couldn't string together squat snatches
    (2) 125,135,145

  13. Yikes! 6am is not a fun time to WOD.

    1 - 10:23
    2 - 205,225,245

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. 1. 65, 75, 85, 85, 90, 95
    2. 115, 125, 135
    3. 105, 125, 145, 155, 160
    4. 5 - always have trouble with these
    5. 9:58 Rx - DUs unbroken

  16. Open
    1. 6:59 Rx
    2. 185-195-205

    ... the best "batches of squat snatches" have ever felt ...

  17. 1. 5:42 Rx. squat snatches unbroken. Tripped up once on three sets of DUs--usually these are not a problem. Lower back killing me, so went slow and deliberate on the squat snatches, but still TnG. Overall felt like back was holding me back and could have gone a lot faster + mental focus on DUs not to trip up.
    2. Went light to work on push jerk (I can't jerk--I push press everything, about 70+ pounds over my best legit "jerk" ). Great coaching today to help me think and work on some things. 80kg across.

  18. Open Masters 40-45

    8:01- good day

    135# across- knees were a little sore

    After competing this wekend and taking sexond with my daughter I decided against my better judgemwnt to workout. Overall I didnt do too bad but my knees are aching!

  19. 1) 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110
    2) 125, 135, 145
    3) 165, 175, 185, 195, 205 (pr)
    4) 12* I forgot to do these before the metcon, so did them right after
    5) 8:21 - my legs felt really heavy on the dus

  20. Open -

    12:29. Blah blah, oly lifts at globo gym suck, blah blah. I'm usually solid on DU too, not today.

    No time for C&J work today. I did PR my clean on Saturday at 295# and we have C&J work scheduled for our comp group tomorrow night.

  21. Been leveraging this site to supplement my daily programming, and really appreciate some of the components. The 20-rep benchmarks on Tuesdays have been eye-openers and some of the Oly complexes have really challenged my focus on technique - forget about strength. I have ridiculously small hands, so successive reps for Oly lifts above 75# have been part of my weakness training. The clean complex last week and the WOD today were fantastic programming opportunities with which I had some real success. BS has been a terrible lift since I began lifting and 3 coaches later, I'm still analyzing the issues...but added 10lbs to it today for 2reps, so I'll take the win. Thanks for the programming.

  22. Regionals
    1) snatch: 75-95-105-115-120-125
    2) C&J: 125-145-150
    3) n/a for back squat since I'm still doing my FS cycle
    4) worked on MU
    5) 10:06...I hate being tall. Used 85# instead of 80# oops!

  23. OPEN:


    1. 16:25 (65#) Started WOD twice with 75# but kept failing so dropped to 65 and started yet again. I have such a hard time stringing snatches together. I'm ok with just oly work even in complexes, but in WODs they totally destroy me. Also, lower back issues are flaring and I'm putting off the chiro for no reason at all.

    2. No time and FS really tax my lower back, so steered clear for today.

  24. Regionals
    1) Snatch: 70kg/75kg/80kg/85kg/90kg(video below)/95kg, tried 100kg but power snatch turned into squat snatch...
    2) C&J: 90kg/100kg/105kg, tried 110kg twice but couldn't get up from the pause squat
    3) 100kg/110kg/120kg/125kg/130kgx2, most i've squatted since regoinals, non-stop leg injuries since then....
    4) 20, couldn't really get any rythm, not to good...
    5) 5:20, did one-leg singleunders since my ankle is still not good, snatches unbroken RX, SU 30/20 on last 3 rounds since my calf started cramping up alot

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. 90kg snatch complex:

  25. Open

    1. 16:25 @95# My DUs were a disaster - and they're normally not. Hopefully they'll come back to me as the cold weather approaches and I swap runs for DU practice!
    2. 135#, 155#, 175# (failed after 3 sec hold)

    P.S. Happy Birthday Heather!

  26. Open
    1. 7:33- unbroken on snatch...not so much on du's
    2. 225/245/255/275F - stuck in the hole on f.sqt
    3. 5x3 back sqt- 255/285/305/325/330x1

  27. Open
    1) 7:41 Rx
    2) 185-205-225
    3x5 back squat: 225/255/275/305x1

  28. Regionals
    1.Snatch Complex-115,135,135,145,145,155lbs felt good
    2.C+J Complex-185,205,225lbs. Missed jerk at 225. Would've been a new max
    3.Back Squats-225,245,265,275,285lbs
    4.Max C2B's- 17
    5.Metcon-10:50. Legs felt so heavy on this from all the squats

  29. REGIONAL: (Usually do OPEN, but decided to try reg. today. Pretty spent by metcon time, but I guess that's the point.)

    1) Snatch Complex: 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185. Surprisingly no misses.
    2) C & J Complex: 205, 225, 245.
    3) Back Squats: 255, 275, 305, 325, 345.
    4) Unbroken C2B: 41
    5) Metcon: 8:13. (One mistake on DU. Broke 8, 6, & 4 snatches.)

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. 1) 115/125/135/145/155/165

    2) 235/245/255

    3) 225/275/315/335/365

    4) 21 unbroken c2b

    5) 11:02

  32. 6:35rx squat snatches unbroken, dubs were way off today.
    Clean complex 165 across

  33. Snatch complex- 135/160/170/175/180/185
    C+j complex 205/220/230
    Back squat 295/315/335/350/350- feeling sluggish
    Chest2bar- 10 :/ ugh
    Metcon- 6:17

  34. Open

    Metcon- 11:25 rx. single snatchs/ broke du's in 2 or three sets

    C+j complex 155/185/205(sloppy jerk)

  35. Open
    c&j complex - 185,195,205#

  36. 1) snatch complex 60-65-70-75-80kg fail

    2) clean and jerk complex 90-95-102,5kg

    3) back squat 100-110-120-130-140kg

    4) max c2b 23

    5) metcon 9:34rx

  37. 1. 135, 155, 165, 175miss, 175, 185.

    2. 225, 235, 245. Pretty amped about this. I am a big power cleaner (about 30# more on power clean than squat clean, my FS sucks), so this is a good one for me.

    3. 255, 265, 275, 285, 295. 295 is actually a 3 rep PR. Felt like I had more. Horrah for getting stronger.

    4. 30. 5 Rep PR.

    5. 8:41. Metcon is still struggling, getting better, but just not there.

  38. Open

    1.) Strength first...#245 across

    2.) Metcon- 11:35....woof, sucks but I love the goat workouts. Getting better everyday.

    Happy birthday Heather!

  39. 1. worked to 205
    2. worked to 225#, workin on rowing the bar to my lap on cleans
    3. 315,335,365,395,405
    4., metcon: 5:53 rx

    had a competition this weekend. felt like i stood around too much in transition. So no more pacing. if i pass out, i pass out. Fuck it.

  40. Open
    1) NFT turned into a skill session. Easing my way back in especially with squat snatches. Feels good to be back!
    2) Didn't do

  41. Open

    1) 7:50 rx

    2) 225-240-250
    Stopped when I started to feel my shoulder.

  42. Open
    1. 6:34
    2. 135-140-145

  43. Open
    1) 8:36 @ 95# - unacceptable...needed to be sub 8. DU felt terrible.
    2) 155#/175#/195#

    Back Squat from regionals

  44. Open
    1. 14:49rx- missed the first 5 snatches and had to regroup to refocus
    2. 195lb,195lb,195lb (last jerk more stable)
    3. Did some snatch pulls at 265lb, 3x3- really want to hit 200lb snatch in 2 months.

  45. Open

    Metcon. 7:20 rx

    Clean complex got 225. Failed jerk at 235 twice.

    5x3 back squat got 255. Failed 265 with only getting 2 reps

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  47. 1). 6:48 scaled down to 45#. My punishment from Bussom and Wags for coming in last on Saturday. They told me to go as light as needed to win today. Building the engine.

    2). 135-165-195 (failed on jerk due to sore shoulder).

  48. Open
    1) 7:51 65# 20 du's
    2) got up to155#
    5x3 back squat165#

  49. Open:
    1) 9:01. Paced the snatches a bit too much at the beginning
    2) 225 across

  50. 1) 115-145-165-175
    2) 225
    3) 245-275-295-315(2)
    4) 28
    5) 7:10

  51. Open:

    Did and filmed "Sally"

    met-con: 12:19
    thats what i get for ignoring squat snatches all this time.

    165, 185, failed on the jerk at 205. I was donzo

  52. Back after 18 days touring Italy. Ouch.

    1. 155,160,160,165,165,170
    2. 185,205,225(f.jerk)
    3. 225,255,275,285,295x1
    4. 13, butterfly rhythm fell apart but still a pr
    5. 11:22, stupid vino,cheeses, and pastas...

  53. metcon: 7:11 45 lbs 30 du's
    c&j complex: 95, 105, 115

  54. Open

    1) Metcon - 9:45. Snatches went great, but struggled on the DUs
    2) 225-235-245x(failed jerk). Did one last set @ 225

  55. Open
    1- 8:42 all snatches unbroken. DUs gave me trouble
    2- 185, 205, 215

  56. Regionals:

    1)Snatch Complex: 115-125-135-145-155-155
    2)C&J: 185-205-225
    3)Back Squats: 275-295-315-315-325
    4)Gymnastics Benchmark: 17
    5)Metcon: 8:35

  57. Open
    1. 12:06. Should've pushed harder.
    2. 205,225,245. Had to double jerk the last jerk but managed to get it.

  58. Back after 18 days touring Italy. Ouch.

    1. 155,160,160,165,165,170
    2. 185,205,225(f.jerk)
    3. 225,255,275,285,295x1
    4. 13, butterfly rhythm fell apart but still a pr
    5. 11:22, stupid vino,cheeses, and pastas...

  59. Open
    1. 11:52 with 95#
    2. 155, 165, 165.

  60. open

    1. 15:18 with 95lbs - getting better with this major goat
    2. 185, 195, 205 - felt really good at the bottom of the squat

  61. 1. 8:23 (scaled to 10, 6, 2 @ 65#)
    2. 65#, 75#, 85#

  62. Open 1)
    16:15 scale 95#
    2) 135# across

    I pr my squat clean to 185# last time was 155#

  63. Open:

    13:02- 40 DU's

    80kg-110kg(missed jerk)-90kg

  64. Open:

    13:02- 40 DU's

    80kg-110kg(missed jerk)-90kg

  65. Open:

    1. 15:44, first time back snatching so kept weight at 95#, struggled on DU's

    2. 155-175-185

  66. 1.135-185-205-215-225
    4. 20 working on butterfly c2b

  67. Open Program
    1)10:10 - really slow on d-u, surprising how hard they felt. Squat snatches/cleans still a weakness in metcons.
    2) did a bunch of sets, final 3 were 195, 205, 215 - front squat portion was tough after the pause, but otherwise not too hard.
