Friday, September 13, 2013

Monday 9.16.13


1. Snatch 
2RM Power, TnG

2.  Clean and Jerk Complex
2RM Power, TnG

3.  Overhead Squats
3x5 across

4.  Gymnastic Benchmark
Max Effort L-sit

5.  Metcon
3 RFT:
400m Run
21 KBS
12 Pull ups

1.    Metcon
3 RFT:
400m Run
21 KBS
12 Pull up

2. Snatch 
2RM Power, TnG

3.  Clean and Jerk Complex
2RM Power, TnG

Becca's max effort 50' Yoke.


  1. An update for everyone. My team finished in 3rd place in the Throwdown here in Manila. Tons of fun. Last workout of the Throwdown was an AMRAP of Isabel, Fran, Karen with a 25 min time cap. I Pr'd Isabel by over 20 seconds (some people said 1:45 some said 1:43) then I made it back to the bar and almost finished it again after my teammates finished Fran and Karen. Never underestimate the power of focused adrenaline. Great times.

    1. That's outstanding! Nice work Jeremy! 1:45 is a ridiculous Isabel time.

    2. Thanks guys, it was so much fun I can't even explain it. I am going to jump back in on Thursday.

  2. So I just spent the day watching the final heats of the ECC...... Cheryl Nasso is officially unstoppable. Absolutely amazing to watch! Just about everyone else was falling apart from the beat down Coach Ben put them through while Cheryl just kept trucking along. She finished the day by soundly beating everyone in the final event....all four parts of it......I'll say it again UNSTOPPABLE!

    Pleasure to watch, and I look forward to training with you (via blog) through the winter!

    1. Hell yeah, she's pretty amazing and fun to watch, she's like a machine out there!!!

    2. thanks guys ... Shane it was great to meet u as well as a few of the other comp blog followers! had a blast!

    3. Well done Cheryl and Jeremy!!!

    4. Cheryl, Congratulations! You were incredible, you were unstoppable, you just keep going, completely jaw dropping to watch you get after it. I couldn't wait to see you compete after seeing how you have been ripping it up on this blog. Guess what comp site gang? She did not disappoint!!! She is absolutely AMAZING. I will never forget watching you keep going through that final wod Ben created. Congratulations, again, on a very well deserved victory!
      Great to see you, Conor, and to meet you Paddy B!

    5. It was a great weekend, and awesome putting faces to people that you pretty much workout with year round (Virtually)...great fun at The East Coast Championships, great event and awesome workouts!

  3. snatch @ 95kg
    clean and jerk @110kg
    OHS @ 95kg
    L-sit - 35 sec
    "HELEN" PR 7:39

  4. Awesome work over the weekend Jeremy and Cheryl!

  5. Open/Masters (43)

    Helen: 9:02 (pr by 2 minutes, last 6 pullups were singles)

    Snatch 2RM: 145, felt very weak and off, way less than max
    Clean and jerk 2RM: 195, again less than max

  6. Reg:

    1. 155, tried 175 several times, but kept having to press out...did a few full squat snatches to not loose my focus...moved on.

    2. 225, tried to clean 245 and it just wasn't there.

    3. 185 across

    4. :34, with locked knees and feet above hands, better than expected considering I always skip these.

    5. Helen: 7:20, didn't run full speed, and kept everything else smooth and clean. Next time I'll run a little harder.

  7. Open


    This killed me 59sec PR

  8. 1) 175
    2) 225 missed 2nd jerk on 235
    3) 175 shoulders ...

    Helen: 9:10 using treadmill again stealing time...

  9. Shoulders were completely smoked today after doing heavy grace and mu's yesterday!!!

    1) 175

    2) 205 (couldn't even get 225 overhead, too many times yesterday, lol)

    3) 225 (failed on rep 4 of last set)

    4) 0:45

    5) 9:23

  10. OPEN
    1. Helen - 8:15 Rx (0:29 PR)
    2. 2RM PS - 170# (PR)
    3. 2RM PC&J - 205# (Failed 215#)

  11. Shoulders are still smoked from Saturday...

    A) 205
    B) na (wrist pain from Grace)
    C) 255 (dropped last set on 4th rep)
    D) 31 seconds
    E) 8:23 (w/ 8# Titin weight vest)

  12. Open

    1. Helen- 8:33 (godDAM cold up here, 3 degrees C = hard breathing and locked up forearms)
    2. OTM stuff w/ 115#
    3. OTM stuff w/ 135#

  13. 1. 190
    2. only pclean up to 255
    3. 165 across
    4. forgot
    5. 7:51

  14. Open:

    1.) "Helen" 9:36 (3 sec. PR)

    2.) 2RM PS- 125

    3.) 2RM PC & J- 175

  15. Open:
    1) 11:07 RX - I've got shin splints! Run killed me at 2:00+ on each 400m. Not so good.
    2) 140#
    3) 185#

  16. Opem:

    Helen - 7:56rx
    power snatch 2rm t&g - 165#
    power clean push jerk 2rm - 205#

  17. Awful weather and my box had "Fran" as WOD, so I did that instead of Helen

    Fran 5:10 (PR)
    Power Snatch 2RM TnG - 70kg
    C&J Complex(PC,PHC,FS,PJ,SJ) 2RM TnG - 70kg

  18. Will be starting open programing today. Have been injured, looking forward to following something solid.

  19. 1. 2rm snatch: 225# solid.
    2. 2rm clean and jerk: 300# felt good.
    3. 185, 225, 245. little disappointed with this.
    4. 49 second L-sit
    5."helen" 8:32

  20. OPEN + heavy grace:

    1) Heavy Grace: (last night) 12:54 Rx. All the reps were good with no misses once I finally made myself pick up the bar. Me and a couple others had never done it so we wanted to make it up from Saturday.

    2) Helen: 7:47 Rx. (PR is 7:37)

    3) 2 RM Power Snatch TnG: 195 lbs. Worked up to this with no misses. Not sure why I didn't try 200.

    4) 2 RM Power Clean and Jerk TnG: 245 lbs. Going from rack position back to hang position after the first rep was the limiting factor. Couldn't get my hook grip back after the first jerk.

  21. Open
    Helen 8:14 rx
    2 rep power snatch 175 needs work
    2 rep power clean and jerk 235

  22. 1. snatch 2rm- 95/115/135/145/155/165/175/ 185 F - crushed my pubic bone on the 175 attempt. swollen.

    2. c&j 2rm- 135/165/185/205/225/235 - felt good. jerk is just a weakness, and wide feet on the cleans.

    3. max l-sit- :57 --rushed this since we had to get right into Helen. Think I did better the first time, a few weeks ago. Have to check.

    4. Helen- Rx 8:10 - UB on everything.

  23. Open
    1) 8:04 Happy with this
    2) 155#
    3) 205#

  24. Cheryl's performance was absolutely astonishing! Been following comp wod for about 2 months now, haven't really posted yet. After meeting a few other followers this weekend at the ECC I thought maybe I should start posting. Wanted to give a huge thanks to Coach for putting on an amazing event this weekend!! Everything went so smooth,athletes were well taken care of and shown a great amount of support and respect from the first scaled heat to the last RX

  25. was all love, we all had a great time. Great work from Ben and the CFNE team/volunteers.

  26. Regionals
    1.Snatch 2Rm: 145lbs. Just missed 155
    2.C+J 2RM-205lbs. Missed the second jerk at 215. But that is a new 1RM!
    3.O.H Squats-135lbs
    4.Just worked some L-sit stuff. Still suck at these.
    5.Helen-7:47!!! PR by a minute and 29 seconds!
    Great day!

  27. Reg:

    Snatch- 185

    C&J- 205 (tried 225 multiple times but no go, which is weird because its 30 lbs less than my full C&J 1RM)

    OHS-185 across

    L-sit- :21 (damn shoulders...)

    Helen- 8:12 (45 second PR)

    This is my first post on here. I've been doing the competitors WOD for about a month now at Upper Cape CF with ShaneH and Jimmy and have been absolutely loving it. After a week and a half I PR'd my front squat by 40 lbs. I cant wait to see how much more Comp WOD unlocks my potential, and I'm looking forward to blog-training with all of you!

    1. Finally you post! Good to have you onboard and have you meeting your end of the bargain with us :) (posting to blog)

    2. Finally you post! Good to have you onboard and have you meeting your end of the bargain with us :) (posting to blog)

    3. It's getting close Shane!! I have 13 days left to beat you in a metcon

  28. 1) Snatch - 155. Actually a 1RM Power Snatch PR and was able to get 2 pulls.
    2) C&J - 205
    3) OHS - 155, 165 x 2
    4) L-Sit - :30
    5) Helen - 8:11

  29. Open
    1) 10'21"
    2) 135 lbs
    3) 175 lbs

  30. OPEN:
    1: Helen- 9:07 (treadmill runs)
    2: 105 PS- Gotta work on my SNATCH
    3: 185
    First time in a looong time doing CF

  31. 1) 2rm power snatch tng 80kg 85kg x 1
    2) 2rm power clean&jerk tng 100kg
    3) 3x5 ohs 90kg
    4) L-sit :30
    5) Rowing Helen 10:02

  32. 1: 190. Pretty happy with this. Felt fast. Didn't try 200, the 2nd on 190 was pretty suspect. Felt over extended, shoulder wasn't in the best of position, ankle collapsed. All around kinda ugly.

    2. 245, I'll take it.

    3. Skipped due to some knee pain lately in the squat, working on ankles and heel cord mobility, determined to get it right.

    4. 32 Seconds. 7 second PR.

    5. Again, didn't want tighten up my calves and ankles. Did rowing Helen, 9:09. Everything unbroken.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Big shoutout to Cheryl by the way. There's a reason you're a games athlete. Total beast.

  35. Open
    1. 8:07- 36 sec pr
    2. 215#
    3. 265#
    Good day!
    Good push young Austin!

    1. Critiquing encouraged
      snatch video-

      clean&jerk video-

      *not of fan of bringing the weight back down, especially cln & jerk

    2. You're starting forward. That's why you're ending forward. Focus on your bar path and keeping your butt down when you start your first pull.

    3. Big thanks Alex, being tall/poor mobilty..i have a bad habit of starting with my hips high

  36. Glad to be back, had to rest some injuries and had a family death. Looking to get back full force!

    Open...did strength first.

    1.) 2RM TNG power snatch = #175

    2.) 2RM TNG power clean + push jerk = #225

    3.) "Helen" = 7:05 (1 sec PR) upset I couldn't make it sub 7, it was there my grip just went on last set of pull ups. Had to come off the bar twice. Good to be back!

  37. Open

    Did this Friday for my Box's WOD
    Helen- 8:42 (second time doing it ever, 33s PR)
    2RM Snatch-160
    2RM C&J-235

  38. 1-"Helen" 7:42 rx pr by 16 seconds. Pretty happy with this considering havent been hitting my extra cardio like I should be.
    2-did tng 2rm snatch hit 165 easy 175x1 two times the decent felt funny so I let it go both times.
    Grip was just not there after unbroken kb swings
    3-DNF due to time

  39. 1: 175
    2: 225
    3: 185
    4: 0:24 (after Helen)
    5: 8:29 pr by a few seconds

  40. Open
    1. 9:17..big pr
    2. 100#
    3. 140#

  41. Active recovery 15 min airdyne
    Big congrats to Cheryl! You kicked ass all weekend! Awesome to meet you
    Ben- great event, love the new location! So organized and smooth. Judges and volunteers were great! Challenging workouts all weekend! Signed up because the wods were all goats for me! Great learning experience and training. I've got alot to work on! I'd like to be less beast and more ninja!

  42. Open

    1. "Helen" 10:12. Runs around the house on rough hilly terrain. Still PRd by 13 sec. UB except for last set of pull-ups, went 6/6

    2. 2RM power snatch - 175. Press outs on these but I'm counting it. Def PR.

    2. 2RK power clean & jerk - 225. Ugly second clean, jerks felt great.

  43. Regionals

    1. 2RM TnG Power Snatch 135 Had 140 but kept losing my hook grip going into the next rep
    2. 2RM TnG Power C&J 165
    3. ---
    4. ---
    5. "Helen" 7:56 @Rx

  44. Open Program
    1) 8:27 (1-sec. PR) - runs were faster than in the past, but got kind of messed up on 2nd round of pull-ups when my normal bar was taken.
    2) 175 (1RM is 185) - very pleased
    3) 225 (1RM is 255) - was running out of time at the gym, maybe had another 5 lbs. in me but these are tough.

    Question: Do you guys do full American swings on "Helen"? If so, how long do the 21 take? I do full swings, and I know my height (6-3) hurts me here, but it takes me a good 45 seconds. My runs were all 1:30-1:40 and my pull-ups had just one short break, and I'm still mid 8's, so I'm wondering what kind of splits people have when they are going 7:30 or under. Seems insanely fast.

    1. Hey Anders, my understanding is that the full American (ears visible in front of your arms at the top) KB swing is the standard for this WOD. I didn't look at my splits for KBs, but if you want to speed up your swing cycle, you kind of have to actively pull the kettlebell back down from over your head and into your next rep instead of letting the weight follow the pendulum back down.

    2. Agreed, it is full American. As a guy with almost a sub 7 time I will say that you need to take advantage of the first run being fresh and get your run times down, closer to 1:10-1:20. Your last run should be the only one that's somewhat close to a 1:30. Liz is correct with the faster cycle tip! But I also think you need to use a snatch KB swing technique where your shortening the rounding in the swing and punching the bell overhead. It's a faster cycle and more hip use. Keep pushing yourself! The biggest tip of all.

    3. Hey Anders I just went 7:19 and I was 1:18 first run, just over 1:20-1:22 second run and third run just under 1:30. Tried to have almost no transition by running right into the KB, finish KB and set down jumping straight onto the pull up bar completing all butterfly pull ups. RD 1 I was 2:18 Rd 2 I was 4:43-4:48 and finished at 7:19. Hope some of these statistics help. Keep up the good work.

    4. Thanks for the responses, guys. I've done this workout several times but had previously been cutting time by improving my pull-ups. Now it seems there's not much left to do but run faster and hopefully cycle those KB's a bit faster. Pushing that first run in the 1:10-1:20 range is is a little intimidating, but I'll give it a shot next time and just try to hold on.

  45. Sick kiddo at home today, so I tried for a quick workout at home. Couldn't spill weights on my deck, so didn't push the weight.

    2. 2rm power clean (no jerk - see above) 160#
    3. 125#
    5. "Helen" 9:03

  46. Open:
    Helen- 8:09 (49 sec PR) pull-ups getting better but still a big weakness
    Snatch- 165
    C&J- 235

  47. Open

    1) "Helen" 8:12
    2) 2rm power snatch 195 lbs
    3) 2rm power clean & jerk 225 lbs

  48. Open

    1) 8:40 Rx
    2) @ 145# - hit 1 rep at 150# then failed 2nd attempt.
    3) 190#

  49. Open

    1) 8:20 Rx still slower than my PR but felt good
    2) 175# for 2
    3) 225# got one at 235# failed clean on the second

  50. Open
    1) 11:57. Runs are slow... Ugh
    2) 80# snatch tng
    3) 125 clean jerk tng
    Not too happy with that but realistic since 130 is questionable depending on which day.

    1. Looking back I did "Helen" in April and this was a 1:39 pr for me. I guess I know I did better even though there is need for improvement.

  51. Open/master 47

    9:49 with 35kb

    2rm snatch 155
    2rm c&j 185, wrist pain from previous injury made me stop.

  52. Open, masters
    1) 10:11 Rx
    2) 80#
    3) 110#
    first time posting

  53. Regional
    1. 195#, Hit 1 @205 missed 2nd rep
    2. 270# Really happy (285# is 1RM)
    3. 225# Tough!
    4. 24sec (8 sec PR from a few weeks back!)
    5. 7:19 (10sec PR from last year)

    Overall Great day.

  54. Open.

    1. 9:05...33 sec PR. You guys are fast! All unbroken except for last set of pullups. Couldn't get the butterfly rhythm while I was taxed. Plus grip wasn't feeling good.

    2. 145. did 155 once, but crushed my thighs trying to lower it for the 2nd rep

    3. 185. Got pulled away to help somebody. Probably could've gotten more.

    1. 175
    2. 225
    3. 205
    4. 19" from floor
    5. 9:16 (rowed 500m instead of 400m run)

  56. 10:20 rx need to get my lungs that's my weakness is on the runs... working on it and very determined!!! Very happy to be pushed by my team.

    snatch was 185 felt very efficient from the help of Keith Bussom finally got a big shrug with straight arms and opened my hips!

    c&j 245 but wasn't touch n go could go heavier but won't until I can hold onto the bar before my next rep! Great work everyone! Excited for pr's!

  57. open

    1. 9:51 about 10 seconds off my PR. just can't get over the hump on this one

    2. 145

    3. 205

    wasn't feeling it going into today, not sure why. But by the end of the session i felt ready to go for the week.

  58. Helen- 9:24

    Around a min PR. Can't find past time

  59. Open
    1. 10:09 (1.5 minutes slower than before. Glute and a hamstring still unhappy from "Tosh", ran really slow).
    2. 125#
    3. 165#

  60. Regionals
    3. Done
    4. 26 seconds
    Helen 7:41

  61. Running a day behind


    1. 8:43 - PR! :)
    2. 115
    3. 140

  62. Running a day behind


    1. 8:43 - PR! :)
    2. 115
    3. 140

  63. Regionals:
    1) 185
    2) 225
    3) 135
    4) 14.1 seconds PR for me, getting there
    5) 9:02

  64. Regionals
    1) 125#...need to work on snatch form.
    2) 170#
    3) 115#
    4) 25 sec
    5) 10:49. Runs SLOW. Still a 10 sec PR.

  65. Open
    Helen - 8:57 (outside pb by 3 seconds)
    Felt slow on the runs but fast on the pull ups
    2RM power snatch TnG @ 90kg (200lbs) Got 1 @ 95kg and just left the second in front a bit (all time max is 100kg).
    No time or space for clean and jerk

  66. open:
    Helen 8:35 pr by :17. Got no repped a couple times with pull-ups on final round. grip was smoked
    snatch:185 failed at 195 on second
    c&j: 245 failed at 265 on second
