Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Thursday 9.12.13

1. Snatch Complex
15 x 1, Squat Snatch OTM - start at 70% and work up.  If you miss you must go down by at least 10# on the next attempt and hit that weight twice before moving up again.  Do not go above 90%.

2.  3 Position Clean and Jerk
3 sets of: 3 Position Clean and Jerk.
Position One - High Hang, pockets
Position Two - Hang, mid thigh
Position Three - Low Hang, below knee
1 set = 3 position clean + 1 jerk. 

3.  Squats
7 x3 Back Squat, climbing

4.  Gymnastic Skills
OTM x 12
Odd:  5 HSPU - work up to a max deficit for 5 unbroken reps
Even:  8-15 unbroken C2B Pull-ups.

5.  Metcon
ARMAP 6 of:
20 Wall Balls, 20/14
40 Double unders

1.  Metcon
ARMAP 6 of:
20 Wall Balls, 20/14
40 Double unders

2.  3 Position Clean and Jerk
3 sets of: 3 Position Clean and Jerk.
Position One - High Hang, pockets
Position Two - Hang, mid thigh
Postition Three - Low Hang, below knee

3.  Strength
7 x 3 Back Squat


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hit this one up early because of my scheduling

    1. 4 rounds 11 reps shoulders have been torched after this week with class WOD's and competitor WOD's
    2. Did our Box's strength programming
    3. 225x2, 235, 265, 275,275,285 looking back should have started higher around 265 and gone from there but know now.

  3. Snatch- @ 70%x3 75%x3 80%x3 85%x3 failed 90% went back to 80%
    Clean+jerk-@ 95kg across
    Back squats @ 120kg
    Odd-4x5@ 18cm deficit 2x5 @21 cm deficit
    Even- 12,13,14,13,12,10
    Metcon- 5 rounds +8 wallball

  4. 1) Snatches: stayed @ 135lbs; my squat snatch technique and form isn't the very best so I tried to work on that today

    2) C&J: stayed also light @ 165lbs; same as the snatches

    3) Back Squat: 3x395lbs and a new 1RM PR @ 440lbs :-)

    4) HSPU: 15cm deficit, C2B: done

    5) Metcon: 5 + 13

  5. Open
    Metcon 2rnds +20 wall balls.

    Did snatch complex with 100
    Squats 165 7x3

  6. Open
    1. 4 rds +2- unbroken on wb's, du's not so much
    2. 215# across
    3.285# across

  7. Open
    1) 2+54 Dragging ass this morning
    2) Started and stopped. I'm the walking dead this morning, desperately need extended rest. Won't be coaching at all in the next three days so will be easier to stay away from CrossFit. Good luck to everyone competing in ECC this weekend. Hope to meet some of you guys in person on day 2!

  8. Did the metcon today because it is some movements that we are going to see in the Throwdown, wanted to keep moving but not work too hard. 5 rounds plus 18 wall balls went about 85%. Good luck to everyone at the Throwdown here in Manila and at the ECC!

  9. Reg:

    1. 135,145,155,165,175x13,175 miss, 165...thought I had it in the bag...nope!

    2. 185,205,205 missed last jerk from just not sticking head through, so just immediately cleaned and got the jerk instead of re-doing whole set....was that wrong? Should I have done the whole thing again?

    3. 225,235,245,255,265,275,280. New 3RM +5PR!

    4. Tough one, started at 8" and shouldn't have, went up to 9&1/2" in round 3 and only got 4, went back to 8" and only got 4, went down to 6" and got last two rounds...Pullups were 15,15,15,13,12,12 all butterfly.

    5. 4rnds +4WB

    Great day today, felt good and strong, enjoyed every minute of this.

  10. open + extra squat snatch from regionals

    1. 3 + 8

    did OTM snatch here. I don´t know why but I read OHS this monday so didn´t do any squat snatches then and that´s the reason I did it today aswell.

    2. 50-60-70kg

    3. 70-75-80-90-95-100-105kg

  11. Gonna have to break this into 2 sessions, couldn't get moving this morning, just one of those days! And back was still pretty tired from Donny, definitely affected my lifts this morning.

    AM Session

    1) 135/135/145/145/155/155/165/165/165/fail/155/155/165/165/165

    2) 185/205/225

    3) 225/275/295/315/345/315/315 (was going to try and work up to around 375 - 385 because my 5rm is 365, but just didn't have it this morning, the 345 felt like a 1rm and I barely got it for 3, so I went back down to 315)

    1. PM Session

      4) did the hspu on rogue paralettes with 2 45's, 1 15 and an abmat in the middle, not a huge deficit, but a deficit none the less, hspu is a goat of mine, working on it, tried without the 15 and could only get 3)

      8 c2b each rd

      5) 3 rds + 20 web, dubs didn't come around til 3rd rd, kept hitting feet.

  12. 1) 135-165
    2) 205 across
    3) 265-335
    4) 5Hspu and 10C2B
    5) 4rounds flat
    No 20#wall ball so used 20kg KB
    and did thrusters...

  13. 1) 135-225 (225x5 and missed the last rep. grrr.)
    2) 275
    3) 365.365.385.405.405.405.405
    4) PM session
    5) 4 rnds

  14. Open:
    1) 2+2 w/22# medball, d/u killed me! Felt like I couldn't string together more than 10.
    2) 155/175/200# - new PR!
    3) 3@175#/ 2@200#/ 1@225#/ 1@250#

  15. Open.

    1. 4 rounds + 1 wb.
    2. 180 pounds across. Felt really heavy today...
    3. 265 pounds across.

    Went from a shitty day to a good day when I did my first bar muscleups x3! :)

  16. Open
    1. 4 rounds + 7 Rx
    2. 165-175-185 Rx
    3. 7x3@285# (OT3M)

  17. Open. Masters 40-45
    3 rounds +16 wall balls

    C&J complex

    405lbs across

    This one was pretty hard as I hate DU's and it took it out of me on the c&j complex. I didnt have much left. I decided to push the squat today as its been a while since I put real weight on my back.

  18. 1. C+J...clean from home position (pockets) is my limiting factor (that and my tendency to reverse curl ;)) 135, 155, 165
    2. Front squat instead of back squat 7x3: 225, 235, 245, 260, 280, 290, 300 (PR)
    3. Metcon: 6 rounds+7 wall balls. Legs were fried from front squats. Had hoped for 7+rounds...tripped up on DU twice in round 4...shoe came untied during DU in round 5. Excuses, excuses...lesson learned--check your shoe laces+don't miss on DUs.

    BP 38/5'11"/195

  19. Open:
    4 rounds + 1 wall ball
    C&J: 165, 185, 205
    Back Squat: 275 across

  20. 1.115-160 miss 2reps
    2. Only hpc @265lbs
    3. Up to 285
    4. 62 c2b and 12" deficit
    5. 4rnds+ 18wb

  21. out of order time constraints
    1-snatch otm 15 worked up to 205 felt much better than tuesday
    2-back squat worked up to 315
    3-otm deficit hspu/ctb worked up to 6" deficit and stuck with 8ctb. ctb are feeling better.
    4-6 min amrap 20-wall balls / 40 du 3 rds+14 wall ball
    double unders felt like garbage. calfs still sore from earlier in the week double under work

  22. Open
    1.) 3Rds+10
    2.) 115, really focused on form!
    3.) 115,135,185,225,245 (Ran out of time)

  23. 1) Snatch - started at 125, worked up to 165. No misses
    2) C&J - 185 x 3
    3) Squats - hi-bar 185, increasing by 10 lbs each set to 245
    4) Gymnas - worked up to 3 45 lb plates to an abmat. 10-12 c2b per round
    5) Metcon - 3 rds + 20 + 29

  24. Open
    1. 4+3
    2. 215/225/235
    3. 225/245/285/305/325/345/ only got 1@375

  25. 1) Worked up to 215, and bouned back and forth between 215 and 205 for about 10 minutes. Ended at 215.

    2) 205, 215, 225

    3) 275 for 2. This ankle is just so messed up. I'm about 15-20# off my 3RM right now because I can't get any torque, and I have been having some knee pain. Taking a step back from squatting and the full oly lifts for 2 weeks or so until this is right and just really working on my positioning and mobility.

    4) Worked up to 7.5" Got 9" for 4, failed on the 5th. C2B went 10, 10, 10, 15, 10, 15. Could have done more in the beggining. Will remember next time.

    5) 3Rnds + 15 WBS, found my rope with kinks all in it hung up with all the other ropes, that's what I get for leaving it lying around. DU felt funky. All wbs unbroken.

    1. Snatch is strong compared to your squat and C&J! Were you powering? With you on the rope thing.. hanging up in the gym too. always forget it, and everytime it has got a new kink.

  26. New to this programming, so go easy on me :)

    1. 4
    2. 121# across
    3. climbing to 242.5#

  27. 1. worked up to 225, missed twice but bounced back. felt fast and solid today.

    2. 315#, again felt fast.
    3. started at 315, worked to 405
    4. done
    5. 5 whole rounds. done with a 30# wall ball i got for my birthday haha fantastic.

  28. Regionals- 21/165lbs/ 93rd in SE in 2013

    1. 15OTM, Snatch- went up 5lbs each successful lift, -10 every miss.. 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180F, 170, 175, 180, 185F, 175, 180, 185F.. .had to try again, and nailed on minute 16! 185=90% (205=PR)

    2. 3pos c&j- 185, 205, 205 - cleans felt slow, but jerks pretty good.

    3. BS 7x3- 245, 265, 285, 295, 305, 315, 325F (1 successful rep, failed on 2nd)

    4. EMOTM 12min.. Rogue Parallettes w/ plates, taking 1 away each set. on final set of HSPU, no plates, 12" deficit with an abmat.. pullups were 15UB every round.. butterfly's felt OK, not great. hands hurt.

    Had to pause, but will do 6min AMRAP when I go back to coach 8PM.

  29. Quick question for everyone.. how long do each of your training sessions last?

    I feel like in order to get in everything in, you need a solid 3 hours.. At least that's how long it's taken me. Am I being inefficient in my time usage? Interested to hear what you all have to say.

    1. 1) snatch complex
      up to 75kg no miss

      2) 3 position clean

      3) 7x3 back squat
      up to 120kg

      4) otm x 12
      hspu up to 20cm
      c2b 8-10

      5) amrap 6
      4 rounds + 10 wallballs

    2. It varies for me. Today it took me about 2 hours from the start of warmup to cooling down. I think that you're fine as long as you're getting the work done.

  30. Open
    4.5 rds got all the wallballs for rd 5
    3pos clean 205/215/225 failed last rep of 225
    Back squat 275/ 305/ 305/ 315/ 315/ 315/ 335 failed last rep of 335

  31. Regionals
    1.Snatches-95lbs,115,125,135,135,145x10. Felt solid.
    2.C+J Complex-185lbs,185,195
    3.Back Squats-225,245,245,245,245,255,265. Squats continue to be my enemy
    4.OTMx12-Done. Just worked on getting more efficient at HSPU
    5.3rds+15wb. Its tough to do wb's at my house but I do what I can.

  32. Open
    1. 3rds+27 with 10#wb
    2. 125# across
    3. 200# across

  33. Open
    1. 4 rds +2 reps
    2. 185-195-205
    3. 275 across

  34. Open

    1. 4+ 36

    2. Used 130

    3. Worked up to 205 for last 3 sets

  35. Open

    1. 3 rds + 24reps. Burner!

    2. 3pos c&j - 205 (I did three jerks on this one, then I double checked the site under regionals section and saw only ONE jerk. Felt better after that :). Then 225, then 245 but failed the 3rd clean. Rough.

    3. Back squat 7x3: 295,315,325,335,345,355,365. Did these OTM 2 or 3. Felt good.

  36. Open Program
    1) 4 rds + 1 - WB unbroken, d-u's broke a few times. 5 rds or more is flying!
    2) 175 - kinda slacked off here. No energy. Didn't get a rest day this week.
    3) 275 - happy with this but still need improvement here

  37. Regionals

    1. 125 slowly went up to 145 for the last 3
    2. 135, 145, 155
    3. 245 for 3
    4. Done
    5. 3 + 40 I suck at wall balls

  38. Regionals
    1. 165,165,175,175,185,185,185,195,195,195,205,205,215,215,220 (real happy no fails)
    2. 215 3rd set real tough
    3. 225,255,275,295,305,315,320
    4. HSPU on 45# plates, 10 c2b
    5. 4+11 (felt great)
    Fit everything in about 90minutes worked my tail off prior to teaching 2 classes at the box. Happy with numbers.

  39. Regionals.

    1) 121/121/132/132/143/143/154/154/158 x 7

    2) 198/209/220

    3) 242/264/286/308/319/330/341

    4) hspu: 5/5/5/5/4/4 (1-5@~5" ; 6@~3")
    C2b: 15/15/15/15/12/13/12

    5) 4rds +20

    Really happy with today's wod. Felt good today. Hspu and snatches are getting much better.

    2) 99/105/110

    3) 132/136/140/144/146/146/146

    1) 3rds +2

  40. 1) 3 rds + 15 reps

    2) 115# bar for clean complex

    3) 145# back squats ... Very last rep spotter helped

  41. Open
    1) 4+19 reps
    2) 185/205/225
    3) 245/265/275/285/295/305/315x1

  42. Open

    1) 4 + 2 Rx
    2) 155#/175#/175#
    3) 225#

    Felt beat up today

  43. Open
    1) 3rd + 55reps 13lbs ball I don't have 20#
    2) 115#
    3) 205#,175# x 6

  44. Open

    1) 4 rounds
    2) 135-155-175, kept it technical
    3) 245-265-275-285-290-295-300f(2)

  45. Regionals:
    1) 145/155/165/175/185/185f/175/175f/165/165/175/185/185f/175/175/185
    2) 185
    3) 185-225 kept it light, hamstrings not cooperating
    5) 4+12 wallballs

  46. Ben, thank you for posting the next day's workout following the rest day. I used that to my advantage and did the workout yesterday due to my work schedule today.

    1. 140#-170# (failed 2x @ 165# & 170#)
    2. 135# 185# 195# (high hang catch very awkward, jerks no problem)
    3. OT2M: 225# - 315#x2 315#x1 (surprised of failures at 315 with 3rm being much higher)
    4. 5 dHSPU 3.25" - 7.5", 8 C2B (happy to be stringing c2b together unbroken but still looking like a retarded orangutang)
    5. 3+50 (20wb,30du) (transitions very messy, kept hitting wb on rafters in garage before target. not happy with performance)

  47. Open
    1) 4 rounds + 15
    2) 185-185-205
    3) 255# across

  48. OPEN:

    1) metcon: 5 rounds even. Wallballs unbroken and 1 mistake on DUs.

    2) C&J complex: 205, 225, 255. Low hang was harder than high hang. Not sure why.

    3) 7 x 3 back squat: 285, 295, 305, 315, 335, 345, 355

  49. After 4 days of sickness, tried to take it easy.


    1. 2 rds + 20WB + 22 DU rx

    2. 53, 73, 93...I added the jerk to every clean. Didn't read the regionals part for that extra info

    3. 135 across...could've gone much heavier, but was trying to take it easy AND I had a very unhappy baby to try to soothe between sets. Ugh...

  50. Open / Masters (43)

    1) 3 Rnds + 36 D/U
    2) 185# for all three sets
    3) 225-235-245-255-265-275-285 (high-bar, no belt)

  51. Open:

    1.) 3 rounds

    Lost track of time...wanted another crack at this one

    2.) 135# - 185# - 205#

    3.) 135# - 205# - 225# - 235# - 235# - 235# - 235#

  52. Regional:

    1) Snatch Complex: 125-130-135-140-145-150-155-160-165-170-170-170-170(fail)-160-160(fail)

    2) 3 Position C&J: 135-165-185

    3) Squats: 225-255-275-295-305-310-315

    4) Gym Skills: 22" Paralette HSPU - 5 reps Across / C2B - 12 reps Across (thought that it was suppose to be 8-12)

    5) Metcon: 4 rds + 7 WB (Rx'd)

  53. Open.

    1. 4 rounds. Was happy til I saw scores on here!

    2. 75, 95, 115

    3. 225, 275, 295, 315 to finish out the last sets. Got a little spicy.

  54. Open:

    1. 3 round + 45 reps
    2. 155, 175, 200
    3. no time

  55. Open:
    1. 3round +4
    2. 50kg across
    3. 72.5 kg across

  56. OPEN

    1) 3 rounds + 20

    2) 205 - 225 - 225

    3)275 - 295 - 315 - 325 - 335 - 350 -360(f)

  57. Open

    1) 3 rounds
    2) 80, 90, 95kg
    3) 110, 120, 125, 130x4 - was hoping to go higher but legs felt weak

  58. Open
    1. 3 rounds + 20 wall balls.
    2. 155#, squat cleans.
    3. 195#

  59. Open

    1. 3 rounds + 17 thrusters
    - Had to do 45lb thrusters yesterday because of the crazy storm we had here in NJ. How did anyone get 6 rounds on this? crazy.

    2. Kept it light - 135, 155, 155
    - worked on some heavy clean and jerks yesterday with a coach.

    1. just realized i did 2 wrong. Did 3 jerks for every set. oh well.

  60. All are bars were being used for a comp this weekend (Hi Jeremy Pace!)

    So did Regionals

    Gymanstic Skills
    Odd: 5 HSPU using 12" plyo box, with a mat undrneath so 10", across all odd intervals
    Even: 10 CTBs, unbroken for all except 1 set.

    Only had 5 mins for this due to a class.

    3 rounds flat in 4:55.

  61. 1.95 for 3, 100 for 2, 105 for 5, 110 for 5

    2. 135, 140, 145

    3. 175, 180, 185, 190, 190, 195, 195


    5. ran out of time, my class was coming in as I started the WOD, only hit 3 + 7reps...definitely could have done more if I budgeted my time better

  62. OPEN
    amrap 6 - 3 rds +7wb

    3 position - 165#

    Back Squat - 335 x 3

  63. Open
    1 - 4 + 2
    2 - 100, 110, 110kg
    3 - 140, 150, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180kg*2
