Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Thursday 9.19.13

Craig Kenney, 2nd place at the ECC.

1. Snatch Complex
7 sets across of:  Slow Snatch Deadlift + Hang Squat Snatch + Snatch Balance

2.  Clean and Jerk Complex
6 x Power Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk, OTM

3.  Squats
10 x 1 High Bar Back Squat across, OTM

4.  Gymnastic Skills
OTM x 12:  1 Deficit HSPU + Max Strict Ring Muscle ups

5.  Metcon
For Time:
30 Pull ups
50 Thrusters, 45
1K Row

1.  Metcon
For Time:
30 Pull ups
50 Thrusters, 45
1K Row

2.  Snatch Complex
7 sets across of:  Slow Snatch Deadlift + Hang Squat Snatch + Snatch Balance

3.  Strength
10 x 1 High Bar Back Squat, OTM


  1. Did this a day early due to work schedule

    1. reverse jackie - 800m run (no rower)

    6:14. pr on Jackie is 6:11

    2. 95lbs

  2. Open Program
    1) 6:54 - a good 15 seconds was lost bc I forgot to get my rower set up in advance and I had a minor disaster getting my feet in the straps. Splits were about :34, 2:15, 3:50 row plus 15 second row transition. Regular Jackie pr is 6;58.

    Gym had yoga tonight so did that instead of parts 2 and 3.

  3. snatch @75kg
    clean and jerk @ 95kg
    back squats @120 squat therapy is my main focus atm so numbers will be low until form is sound.
    gymnastics- done and muscle ups were 2,2,1,3,1,2,2,2,1,0,2,1
    metcon @ 5:46

  4. Open
    Reversed Jackie - 6:54. Previous Jackie PR - 9:02. Very happy with today's result.

    Snatch complex - 135

  5. Regionals
    1.Snatch Complex-95lbs. I still suck at snatch balance
    2.C+J Complex-165
    3.Back Squats-255. Really focused on form today rather than weight.
    4.Skipped due to time
    5.Reverse Jackie-8:50
    I just didn't have the drive this morning. Oh well, there's always tomorrow!

  6. Open
    1. 5:48
    2. 145# (focused on form esp s.balance)
    3. No time
    Good day!
    Have a comp this weekend

  7. 1. Snatch Complex-135 focused on technique, could have done more but really wanted to drill technique

    2. Clean and Jerk Complex-205

    3. Squats-315, this was conservative but I wasn't sure how the later sets were going to feel

    4. Gymnastic Skills- Had to cut because of time constraints

    5. Metcon- Man you put the row at the end and this is my type of workout. 5:45.

    Glad to be back!

    1. Wow!
      That is a killer time on reverse Jackie, what was your 500 pace on the row? Mine was 1:43 for first and about 1:47 for second half.

    2. Kept my split around 1:45 for the first 500, used the first 500 to recover a bit and pushed a little more on the second one was sub 1:45, 1:41-1:43

    3. There were times in the second half it was under 1:40, but it was consistently in the 1:41-1:43 range

    4. that's funny, a 1:45 split for a "recovery row". That just shows how perspective shifts over time getting better at this stuff. I usually coach sub 2:00 as a great place to be for an all out effort for most.

      There was no way I was going to go sub split, again, awesome work Jeremy. I think you can chalk today up as a great day... I did.

    5. Jeremy did the reverse Jackie so fast by the time I get out of the bathroom he's gone. #truestory

  8. Good day
    1. 185
    2. 225. sold myself a little short here. really focused on technique
    3. 335
    4. Done. had 2 strict m.u. each round until 6 then lost them until round 10 last 2 rounds got 1each
    5. 10:18 did butterfly c2b. its a huge goat of mine. need the work.

  9. Regionals.

    1) 132. Felt good could go up but focused on form.

    2) 176/176/176/187/187/187. Focused on form jerks in general are a big weakness, especially push jerks though.

    4) done. Hspu from 8" deficit. All 1's on muscle ups.

    5) 6.48. Lost about 25sec running upstairs and to the rower after the thrusters.

    Well it's been fun but unfortunately today is my last day for a month. Will be gone due to work with no gym or Internet access so I will see you all around October 21st when I return. Going to be an interesting month. Good luck everyone and keep dominating your wods. Looking forward to coming back and hitting it hard.

    1. Stay strong brother, look forward to having you back.

    2. Ya, we will miss ya man, you're one of the ones I like to track. Good luck and see you in a month.

  10. Open

    Reverse Jackie in 9.31. She is cheeky

  11. Reg:

    1. 155 could have gone heavier, but was really getting Snatch Balance and not allowing any heaving.

    2. 205, jerks felt really good.

    3. 285, gotta say I'm happy with this since my 1RM is 295.

    4. DHSPU to about 6" drop, MU's went: 4,2,2,2,2,2,1(WTF),2,2,2,2,2

    5. 6:00, PR for normal Jackie is 6:37, but need to retest

    thought I was going to put up a competitive time on this one and two guys already got me beat! The second half of the row felt like my legs were in a char-broiler.

    1. I'd say your 1RM is in the 340 range, to all the folks wondering if they will get stronger on this

    2. Great job today gents. yall two are usually the ones I try and keep up with to decide how my day went. keep it up. great job.

  12. Open
    1. 9:05 (slower than previously, but at 45lb not 35lb)
    2. #75

  13. 1) 205
    2) dnf - still nursing a wrist sprain
    3) 405
    4) dnf - again, wrist sprain
    5) 6:03

  14. OPEN
    1. 6:15 Rx (Jackie PR = 6:51)
    2. Snatch Complex - 140# Rx
    3. Backsquat 10x1 (OTM) - 325#

  15. Open/Masters (43)

    Metcon: 8:19, had to do 800m run instead of row, as no rower at home
    Snatch complex: 115
    Clean and jerk complex: 165
    Squat 10 x 1 at 295
    5 x OTM of 3 muscle ups, 3 handstand pushups

  16. OPEN

    1. 10:48 (Jackie PR 11:16)

    Skipped 2. and 3. due to child falling apart. I'll try to do later during naptime.

  17. Open:
    1. 6:39 (Jackie PR = 6:21)
    2. Snatch Complex @ 135# OTM x 15 min.
    3. light doubles

  18. Open:

    1) 7:20

    2) skipped

    3) 315# across

    Feels good to back.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. 1. 7 x snatch DL+HSS+OHS @ 135#
    2. Front squat EMOM 10x1 @ 285#
    3. Metcon--Reverse Jackie with C2B pullups: 5:15

    Laid on the floor a bit after that; rolled quads on PVC; still coughing.

    BP 38/5'11"/195

    1. C2B....Stellar!
      I caught a puke after i finished

  21. 1 Snacth complex 95#
    2. Metcon: 8:39rx
    3 BS 165#
    4 running 5x400 (1:57, 1:55, 1:54, 1:55, 2:01)

  22. Open.
    Revers Jackie 5:45
    Snatch complex @ 215 ..tried 225 but missed the SB
    ..HBBS later.

  23. Open:
    1. 5:52 everything felt good today, everything unbroken. Crushed my last jackie pr (7:37) then again that was last year.
    2. Snatch Complex: 135 (Stayed light to work on technique)
    3. HBBS OTM @ 315 could have and should have gone heavier.

  24. out of order becasue of time
    1-reverse "Jackie" 5:59 unbroken pull ups and thrusters. row at a 145-149 pace. needed to push harder on the row.
    2-1 deficit HSPU at 8", strict muscle ups= 5,3,3,2,2,2,3,2,3,2,3,2 total of 32 extremely happy with that!!!
    3-OTM oly back squat high bar 275-315

    will finish the rest later.

  25. OPEN:
    reverse Jackie-6:46 rx'd pullups getting better
    snatch complex-done at 95# really trying to drill speed today
    back squat: done at 305

  26. Open:
    1) 8:32-exact same time as 4 months ago. Worked on butterfly. Row time was slower than last.
    2) 135#
    3) 250#

  27. Regional:
    1. 95# Working on that bottom position....
    2. 230#
    3. 330# felt heavy today.
    4. Done. started with 5.... down to 2 by the end. Shoulder roaster!
    5. Reverse Jackie: 5:46. Went well.

  28. Nice to be posting again. Little over 3 weeks post right knee surgery. Finally able to do the work but scaled back a bit.

    1) Done with 95# just to get moving. Jumping and landing still a little shaky.

    2)C&J Done with 185#. Actually felt really good.

    3) Done with 225#.
    4) HSPU done with 2 45# and 1 10# plate. 3,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,2,2,2.
    5) 6:30 Not bad with a shit knee, I will take it.

  29. Open:

    1.) 6:12 (Most unbroken Butterfly PU to date!!)

    2.) Worked up to 125# for the last 3 sets

    3.) 225-265

  30. Regionals

    1) 60kg
    2) 90kg last one 100kg
    3) 130kg
    4) done + 4 kipping MU
    5) 5.49

  31. Open

    Reversed Jackie 7:36 (Jackie pr 8:45)
    50kg snatch balance
    Back squats rising to 110kg

  32. Open.

    1. 7min40secs
    2. 45kg
    3. 75kg. Working on perfect technique as I am recovering from patella tendinitis.

  33. I did Open parts 2 and 3 at the globo gym at lunch time. Met a young kid named Nick from the Boston area, who is now a freshman at Drexel, and has been CF'ing for 2 years at CF Synergistics (which is apparently owned and operated by former members of CFNE?). Small world.

    2. Snatch Complexes @ 135.

    3. HBBS @ 325 (odd number, but it was just easier for rapid weight changes with the partner)

    1. "Reverse Jackie"


      Pros: did 25 unbroken pull-ups, most of which were butterfly

      Cons: The last 300m of that row were a gut check and I had no guts tonight.

  34. Regional
    1. 5 sets @125, 2 sets @135, working on high hang, my weak point.
    2. 135-155-165-175-185, push jerk the hardest
    3. 9 sets @225, 1 set @235, legs tired but strong. Pr plz?
    4. Done OTM x 10, 2-3 strict MU per round.
    5. 8:14. Terrible. I wanted to go back to the gym and do it again! Well.. next time. Had to motivation, hated this wod.

  35. Open
    1) 8:46 slow but first week back so ill take it
    2) 115
    3) 225-245-265-rest at 275. Ill take it. It's the most I've ever put on the bar. Getting a little confidence in these chicken legs!

  36. Open
    6:22 rx
    Snatch complex 155 across. Need lots of work on the sn bal
    Hbbs 345 across

  37. Open
    1. 7:15
    Only did the WOD since I have a CF competition on Saturday and then I am doing a sprint tri for fun on Sunday :) Yeah!

  38. 1. 225# felt great.
    2. 225#, worked jerk technique cuz its been shaky.
    3. 405# across on back squat. powerful today.
    4. max rep stict mu: 4 was the most. didnt miss any tho.
    5. 5:40 rx. did everything unbroken, row'd a 135:140 pace till the last 250m then kicked it into 1:25-1:30.

  39. Open Masters(40-45)

    8min 8 secs-
    I need to be more efficient but 1min 32sec faster than regular Jackie

    Did Tuesdays Metcon right after as I missed it
    135# Clean x5reps/10 PU/15 air squats
    9rounds +3reps



  40. Open
    1. 5:52 rx
    2. 115# across
    3. 315# across

  41. Reg:

    !!Disclaimer!! Today was totally not my day.

    Snatch complex- 155

    C&J complex- 225

    Back squat- 290

    Did 5 unbroken dead hang ring muscle ups and my shoulder wasn't having it.

    Reverse Jackie- 7:05 (holy f***ing thrusters, Batman!!)

  42. 1) Snatch - 150
    2) C&J - 195
    3) Squat - 255
    4) Used 16" box and 1 abmat for HSPU. One strict(ish) MU every round. Working on those.
    5) Metcon - 6:25

  43. OPEN:

    1) Metcon: 5:54. Pullups and thrusters unbroken. Tried to keep row under a 1:50 pace. Couldn't.

    2) Snatch Complex: 145 lbs. Started using ubersense app and its helping a ton with technique.

    3) HB Back Squat: 345 lbs.

  44. 1. Stayed mega light today on the only lifts. Working on a new bottom position. 135 for a few, 155 for a few. Did more than 7, was just really drilling speed and form.

    2. 185 Across. Again, same thing,super light, drilling a few things in the jerk. Keeping hips forward

    3. 275 Across. First time squatting in about a month knee didn't hurt, pretty happy.

    4. Done. Most was 3, and had 2 misses towards the end, but strict until the end, no kipping.

    5. 7:15. Wanted to go unbroken on the thruster but just wasn't happening. Row was painful to, didn't really keep it below 1:50 but for the first 100M or so.

    Did Lurong 3 (Hang Cleans and shuttles) at the end. Got a 3:02. The running was so slow after all that. My legs were just a bit smoked. Oh well, good burner to end the day.

  45. 1) snatch complex 50kg kept it light
    2) clean%jerk 80kg
    3) hbbs 120kg
    4) hspu 30cm / strict muscle ups from sitting position first set 2 all the other 1
    5) 6:50


    1) snatch - 95#
    2.) clean & jerk - 125#, switched down to 105# last 3 just to keep moving - shoulders/elbows not feeling right.
    3.) squat 235# - knees not happy today.
    4./5.) decided not to do these because of the shoulders and knees. fun stuff. not an easy decision.

    doing some core/mobility work instead.

  47. Open

    1) "Reverse Jackie" - 5:54
    2) Snatch complex - done @ 135 lbs
    3) Squat - done @ 305 lbs across

  48. 1) 155

    2) 185 (the push jerk really limits me here, none of my jerks are really that great, i'd rather push press everything, lol, but i'm working on it)

    3) 350

    4) Done - Used 2 45# plates on each side with an abmat in the middle for the deficit and had to use thin red band and do strict mu from the floor, got 3 for the first few rds, then 2 most of them til the last 2 only got 1

    5) 7:39

  49. woops read alot of stuff wrong here.. and tweaked some stuff for my personal goats.
    otmem x12 odd- 3 deficit hspu 4.5", even- 1 muscle up
    practiced jumping to rings for every rep. no failures. attempted two in a row x2 and got one arm through on second rep-lost false grip.
    Snatch complex- snatch dead/hang snatch/snatch balance 85/95/105/115/115/125-failed the snatch balance coming out from the bottom
    wod- jackie w/class: 8:23rx not a PR, thrusters unbroken, row slow, pullups slow.
    otmem back squat 10x1- 225 across

  50. Open

    1.) 5:42, was on the rower at 1:54 really need to row more I'm terrible at it. ( "Jackie" PR is 5:49)

    2.) #135 across, no misses. Hang snatch felt great but my snatch balance has too much heaving and not enough speed/press under.

    3.) Noticed it wasn't across so went #315,325,335,345,355,365,375, from here I started going over the minute I was too jacked up since #375 was my PR haha. So I went #385 easy, then hit #400! 2.3x bodyweight. Some days ya just gotta go for it.

  51. Open;
    1; 6:57
    2: 115# across
    3: worked up to 245#

  52. open

    1) 7:15
    2) 75# s 65% of my max
    3) 205# across

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Regionals
    1. Snatch complex @ 165
    2. Clean and jerk complex @ 205
    3. DHSPU's @ about 6 inches, strict muscle ups went 1,1,0,2,1,2,1,2,2,2,1,1. First time doing strict M/U's. Pretty tough, any tips??
    Sqauts and wod later tonight.

    1. OTM High bar back sqaut at 315
      Wod 6:07 (should have rested a little before the wod from sqauts, could feel the legs)
      Loving this programming.

  55. Open
    1) 6:11
    2) 135
    3) 325 x 6 then 305 x 4

  56. Open
    1) 6:03 Rx
    2) @ 115#
    3) @ 225#

    Stayed on the light side today because of a comp this weekend.

  57. Open
    1) 5:51 Went unbroken. Jackie time back in April was 8:12... amazing.
    2) 115# Focused on technique
    3) 255# Went a little light have a comp this weekend.

  58. Open/masters 47

    1. 7:47
    2. Done with 65 ( major weakness due to mobility issues)
    3. Done with 225.

  59. Regional
    1. 185#
    2. 185,205,215,225,235,245
    3. 315#
    4. 10-11" deficit and accidentally did reg muscle ups rd1-9 3mu, 10-12 4mu (picked a number of 3 to stay with by too easy so went to 4 on last year. much tougher)
    5. 5:53 felt good but legs were spent

  60. Open
    1. 7:15, unbroken pull ups and thrusters. Row was slow.
    2. 80#
    3. 205#

  61. open.

    1. 6:57. Jackie was 8:43. Shouldve done better, pullups were off today

    2. 135

    3. 275. Stayed light due to knee pain. Found out my IT band is super tight afterwards

    4. played around with a yoke. did 505 for 50 feet. Must. Beat. Becca.

  62. Regional:

    1) Snatch Complex: #135

    2) C&J Complex: #205

    3) Squats: #315

    4) Gymnastic Skills: Skipped, need to make up.

    5) Metcon: 6:52 (Rx)

  63. Open
    1) 11:44 ... Row were all being used when I needed one... Had to wait 1:05 for one. 11:44 includes the e 1:05 wait time. Would of been in 10:00 min mark
    Never did Jackie so don't know my time to compare but doing reverse is a lot easier for me If I had to take a guess.

    2) 80 # snatch complex

    3) 150# bs happy with that since 165 was my 1RM back in April before my injury.

  64. Open

    1. Reverse Jackie - 6:28. No rower so subbed 100 sdhps w 45 lb barbell. Forearms burned for about 10 minutes afterwards!

    2. Snatch sequence at 135. Felt pretty good on these, focused on getting low and stable

    3. OTM10 x 1 back squats - 365 across.

  65. Regionals:
    1) 145
    2) 235
    3) 315
    4) Worked on form for strict mups
    5) 7:23- No music today and Thrusters got a little tough

  66. 1. Snatch Complex
    105 for the first 3, 95 for the last 4

    2. 135

    3. 195 for 5, 200 for 5

    will have to do 4 & 5 later - ran out of time

  67. Some days, I just don't have enough hours in the day.. (anyone else ever feel that way?)

    Had literally 1 hour to get in as MUCH as I could, before coaching.

    Did hte snatch complex, all at 165, and barely any misses.

    Reverse Jackie- Rx 6:00 flat.. Had the hardest time getting in the rower and getting started... had to rush so didn't set my feet right. Don't know if it would've affected my time though. UB butterfly pull-ups felt easy, and UB thrusters (got heavy near the end)..

  68. Busy week, a bit behind in schedule
    1), 6:50 for reverse Jackie.. UB pull ups and thrusters but sucked on the rower
    2) 95

  69. Open

    Metcon: 7:24 (a bit slow because of a double day - a heavy metcon 50 min before)

  70. Open

    1. 7:42 (substituted running for rowing)

    2. 95#

    3. 185# - I probably should have gone a little heavier, but I was beat and didn't want to compromise form.
