Monday, September 23, 2013

Tuesday 9.24.13

Jared Monaco.

1.  Bounding
Max height Box Jump with 20# weight vest.

2.  Pull
1RM Deadlift

3.  20 Rep Benchmark
20 rep max Front Squat

1.  Metcon
12 KBS, 70/53
200m Run

2.  Row
Each Interval For Time:
500m, rest 3 minutes
500m, rest 3 minutes
300m, rest 1 minute
300m, rest 1 minute

1.  Metcon
12 KBS, 70/53
200m Run

2.  Skills
10 x max unbroken C2B Pull ups, 1 minute rest between attempts.


  1. Open:
    1. 6 rounds, changed 200m run to 250m row. Was rather tired this morning, so couldn't keep good pace.
    2. 20, 10, 10, 10, 8, 6, 6, 5, 4, 4. 8xbutterfly, 2xkipping.

    1. Great job with the C2B bro! Those numbers inspire me to work harder.

  2. Have been unable to complete the past 2 days of programming as I'm currently opening an affiliate with my business partner and we are I the final stages of installation and set up and hopefully open on Monday for first classes!! CROSSFIT UGRE!! Training can hopefully commence back on Thursday but will be back 100% Monday!!

    1. Dude, congrats, that is huge news.

    2. Exciting news! Good luck with everything! I will live vicariously through you, and the owners of the box that I train and coach at.

    3. Congrats man! Best of luck to you and your business partner!!

  3. Reg:

    Box jump- 42 in with 25# vest

    Skipped DL in the interest of time.

    20 rep FS- tried 195 and failed at 13. Tried 185 and failed at 13 again.

    Metcon- 8 rds flat

    1st 500- 1:40
    2nd 500- 2:53 (butt cramp)
    1st 300- 1:00
    2nd 300- :59
    1000- DNF (butt cramp)

    1. haha.... yeah, I know what you mean about those cramps

  4. Regionals
    2.Deadlift-Worked up to a heavy single, not a max-375lbs. Same as the 1RM I set last week. This one had much better form though!
    3.Front Squat 20RM-Hit 115 first and got It easy. Put 135lbs on the bar and got it but it was a struggle!
    No time for the rowing this morning. Will do tomorrow!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. One Session, would love to split these sessions up as RX'd but it isn't happening for the foreseeable future.

    1. Bounding-44 inch box jump with 20 lb vest

    2. Pull- 495 (20 lb all time PR), had about 10 lbs left in the tank

    3. 20 Rep Benchmark-95% of the time the first number I come up with for these 20RM's is right, this was one of those times it wasn't. Failed at 15 at 225, was cooked. will go down to about 205 next time.

    1. Metcon- 8 rounds plus 12 KB swings, stopped with about 15 seconds to spare, didn't start the run.

    2. Row
    Each Interval For Time:
    500m- 1:42
    300m- 1:00
    300m- 1:00
    1000m- 3:34

    And I'm tired.

    1. Feel ya on this 20rm everytime since I've started I've guessed right not today 16 at 225 and it was getting ugly. great job rest of the way through on today's work.

    2. Thanks man, you and I seem to be neck and neck on most things.

  7. Open
    1) 7Rds+11 - alternated rounds of 12 reps @ 53# and 8 reps @ 70#
    2) 10/10/7/9/6/6/10/8/9/10 = 85

  8. Reg:

    1. 42" with vest, tried 44 twice but couldn't cinvince my brain to really even try.

    2. skipped for time and since we got our 3 rep the other day, I figure it'll be OK.

    3. 175, maybe should have done 185, but this was still tough.

    PM 1. 8 rounds and 10 KBS, didn't run as fast as I could to be careful with my knee.

    PM 2.

    had to sit there for a minute and convince myself to do the rowing part....I was able to since I skipped the DL, can't skip two things.... was a good choice.

  9. Regionals AM Session:
    1) 39"
    2) 425
    3) 275!! - "A 20 rep max, if done right, is enough to get yolked and find God." ~Ben

    PM session with the wrestling team after school.

  10. Open program this morning

    1) 6+15

    2) 11/8/8/6/8/8/6/6/4/5

  11. Open:

    6 rounds + 6 hspu + 12 kbs

    2) 6,6,6,6,6,4,5,5,5 and 5

  12. Open:
    1) 6+1 RX
    2) 6/5/10/8/8/5/6/8/5/5

    Hands started to tear off on the C2B pull-ups. If it weren't for that I could have got more reps.

  13. OPEN:

    1)Metcon: 8 + 18 Rx. Finished KB Swings with 5 sec. left so didn't start round 9 run.

    2)Max CTB x 10: 26, 15, 13, 10, 9, 10, 10, 8, 9, 9

  14. 1) No vest so skipped
    2) 520 25lb PR and i'm about 10pounds lighter than then.
    3) 205 19Reps couldnt keep my elbows up...
    4) 5rounds HSPU still my biggest goat and had to use 2@35 KB's wich makes it very interesting.
    5) 500m 1:34
    500m 1:38
    300m :54
    300m :57
    1000m 3:45
    Altogether I'm happy and the program again producing results.
    Ben must get tired of all the" thank you's" he gets, but once again thank you!!

  15. 1) 28" w/ 20#. Very mental for me
    2) 300#. Didn't push it today
    3) 135#. Gross
    4) 7rnds + 4 hspu
    5) done

  16. 1. No box at home will do in afternoon when.I' gym
    2. 450 15# pr still a long way to go
    3. 16 reps at 225. almost had it. couldn't keep  elbows up. dang really wanted this one

  17. Open
    1. 50m short of 8 rounds (Rx)
    2. 12/5/6/8/8/8/8/6/6/5 (72 total)

    ... hands were smoked.

  18. DL - 425# (hammy is really tight so just went to a heavy single)

    Did Froning's "Bring Sally Up Challenge" instead of Front Squat

    Metcon - accidentally did this with 400m Runs - 6 rounds

  19. Open
    1) 5 rds 18 + 100m (straight setting nearly all HSPU, a first!)
    2) 3/4/3/4/4/3/4/5/4/5

  20. reg
    2) 455 (pr 30lbs)
    3) 135lbs, wasnt sure what to put, nxt time 175lbs
    4) 7rnds+6hspu (used 88lbs kb)

  21. OPEN:
    1. 8+5 KB swings. Every 200 was a hill sprint, not bad considering that.
    2. Didnt keep count but i tried to stay around 10 each round. i know i didnt quite accomplish that but i know my lowest score was 6 and that was the last one.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. 1. No vest (b/c I don't own one) 30" box with 2- 45s, 2-25s, and a 10# bumper plate
    2. 485# (10# PR)
    3. 225# for 20 reps
    4. got 7 rds + 6

  24. OPEN:
    amrap15- 7rds+6hspu+12kbs

    Pull-ups 10 x C2B: 21-15-14-12-10-11-10-12-11-8

  25. Open Masters 40-45

    1 -7+18reps

    2- 10-9-9-6-6-5-5-5-5-5

    Wow HSPU are finally coming along! C2B Stillnot great yet.

  26. Open
    1. 6+9- All strict HSPU, dogged it on the run a little
    2. Had to break into a second session, hands were gone

  27. Open
    Had an awesome day
    9 rounds just made it back from the run
    I was dreading the last 3 rounds because my hands were so riped up

  28. 1. BJ (no Vest)...just trying to get comfortable with the height. 28 1/2"
    2. DL 235#
    3 100# 20 rep FS

    will get the rest in tonight.

    1. Metcon 6rnd RX
      Rowing 2:04.5, 2:01.2,1:11.5, 1:11.3, 4:29

  29. Open
    (1) 7rds+18...subbed 200m row for 200m run
    (2) 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,5,5,=74
    Hands are ripping

  30. 7rds + 6HSP & 10KBS
    *My 2nd crossfit workout to do

  31. Open/Masters (43)
    1) 6 + 18
    2) 21-12-9-10-8-8-9-8-8-9 (hands ripped open on 10th set! Dang-It!)

    A good day!!!

  32. Regionals:

    1. 45 1/2 BJ with 20lb vest
    2. 545 Deadlift PR
    3. 185# for 20 RM
    4. Metcon: 9 rounds +1
    5. 1:40, 1:42, 55, 1:12, 4:06

  33. Open/Masters (43)

    1. 7 rounds even, finishing run as time ends, that was first time using a 70 lb KB, that was a shock!
    2. C2B: 12-10-7-8-8-7-7-8-8-7

  34. 1) 35"
    2) 355 - 5 lb PR
    3) 145
    4) 7 rds + 6 HSPU
    5) no time, may make up tomorrow

  35. 4. Will complete tomorrow - football team took over the weight room

    5. 1:37/1:42/1:00/1:02/3:39

  36. Open:

    1.) 6rds +18

    2.) 12,10,9,8,6,9,8,8,7,10 Held on for dear life on that last set!

  37. Open
    1. 8rds +6- unbroken- runs need work
    2. 15/13/10/11/10/7/7/8/10/10=101

  38. 1. didnt have a vest
    2. got 515# last week, could have pulled more today i think but i have a comp this weekend.
    4. 250# for 20rm
    5. 7+ 12 kbs, came out too slow
    6.rows: 1:35,1:34, :53, :54, 3:20

  39. Open/Masters (47)

    1) 7 rounds plus 3 hspu, 12 kbs and 100 meters. Scaled 3 hspu per round and used 44# kbs.

    2) 14/7/7/6/6/6/5/6/7/7. Total 71.

  40. 1. 10 rounds even--came in the gym door from run #10 at 0:02. Kept steady pace of 2 rounds every 3 minutes, until near round 7 or so then was off by a few seconds. Had to speed up the last few runs to get back on pace.
    2. 26-8-5-4-5-5-5-4-5-5 = 72. Gotta lot of work to do to maintain at 10+ through this after going all in on the first round. Maybe the metcon wore me out a bit...

    Didn't know if I was going to have HSPU today after yesterday's work and feeling a bit of something in my left shoulder. Worked on mobility last night and quite a bit before taking on the metcon, so that helped...

    BP 38/5'11"/195

    1. Did I read the instructions on the C2B pullups wrong? If I stopped at 10 in round 1 even though I could do more that round, and tried to maintain that for 10 rounds--I'd end up with a better overall number but (possibly) never hit my max reps in any should the instructions be read?

    2. You did it correctly! Your supposed to hit your max each set. A strategy for doing tababta c2b pull-ups would be to hit a certain number every time

  41. Open:

    1. 4+9 rx my lower back was killing me for most of the workout
    2. 10, 8, 7, 6, 7, 6, 6, 5, 6, 6

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Open.
    7rds 6hspu, 12 kbs and about 50m
    Practiced high hang snatch and clean
    C2B 10s all the way through. Kipping not butterfly

  44. Open
    1. 5+18 RX
    2. practised strict C2B but didn't count. My hands are ripped so I didn't do kipping.

  45. 1) Max Box Jump - 42" (20lbs vest)

    2)) 1RM Dead - 435

    3) Front Squat x 20 - 225

    4) Metcon - 8+12 RX

    5) Rows - 1:37, 1:39, :57, :55, 3:31

  46. Open Metcon:
    8 rounds + 3 HSPU
    *chest-facing wall "paoli" type HSPU's

  47. Open

    1. 8 rounds + 11 KB (200 m row instead of run)
    2. 7,7,6,6,6,6,5,5,5,5

  48. Open Program
    1) 7 rds + 6 - everything unbroken but runs kept getting slower. Our 200 route is a bit long as well.
    2) 17,8,6,6,6,6,7,6,7,6 - I switched overhand and underhand each rd since I usually use both in longer metcons. Overhand is a bit easier for the long unbroken sets.

  49. Open Master:
    5 + 16 rx
    11, 7, 6, 7, 5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5 62 total

  50. Would have liked to have done this in 2 sessions, but didn't have enough weight at home. Gonna order another set of 45s for the garage, would be able to do most everything at home then.

    1. 46.5"

    2. 445. 5# PR. Probably had 450, but I know my back was looking like a rainbow at 445.

    3. 165. Way more in the tank, Had no idea what to go off of here.

    4. Did the Lurong 1 WOD instead. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 WBS DL @ 115 & BJ. 11:32.

    5. 1:38.5, 1:39.5, :57.7, 1:00.0, 3:38.1. That last 1000 was rough.

  51. Open

    1) Metcon - 8 rounds + 18 reps + 100m

    Didn't check the time during last 2 rounds or would have pushed a little harder to get 9 rounds. Next time.

    2) C2B pull-ups - 23-15-10-7-9-7-5-5-5-6

    Palm started ripping a bit in set 6 so my grip was getting awkward after that.

  52. Open
    1. 7 rounds plus 12 reps
    2. 13, 9, 9, 6, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6

  53. PR'd my DL tonight and joined the 500# club, so stoked!!!! Felt like I had another 10 - 15#'s in the tank too, but I was happy as hell to hit 500 and figured I'll save it for next time!

    Went for 245# on the 20rm front squat, got 12 and racked it cuz my core was shot and almost fell forward at the bottom on rep 12.

  54. OPEN:

    7+9 KB-very happy with this; was able to move at a consistent pace w/o too much fall off. HSPU's are a GOAT of mine

  55. Open (Master 42)

    5 pullups omem x10 minutes (coming back from elbow issues)

    Question: I have to workout Wednesday because of family commitments on weekends. Should I just do a wod?

  56. 1.) 8rds + 18 + 80m RX...kept a decent pace will push harder on runs next time

    2.) Did 5 sets since my elbow was throbbing!

    35/12/12/12/10 = 81 total through 5 sets...was feeling swole:)

    1. holy crap! I wouldnt have any elbows if I did that many! impressive!

    2. Haha thanks Angela! I need to get those voodoo bands like you said

  57. bounding- w/20# vest - 31" All the vest came up and smacked me in the face a few times too...that was fun! lol
    deadlift - 315# ; prob not a "true max" but within 10#
    front squat - 165#
    no metcon today but had some other strength work to do! time to get comfortable with the uncomfortable :)

    overall...ready for a rest day!

  58. Open
    1. 7+17 44# Kb
    2. 70 total pullups

  59. Open:
    1) 100m shy of completing my 7th round
    2) started with 15 and fell off to 8 on the last one

  60. Open
    1) 7 rds RX ... Happy with this!
    2) 5-4-5-4-4-4-2-3-4-3
    The round where I only got two I had gotten up to the bar but did not touch. What a waste of energy ...

  61. Regional
    1. Skipped due to time
    2. 435# stopped here not looking to irritate back. Attempted 485# started but stopped didn't feel it. Also Only had 25min to complete DL and Front Squat.
    3. 195#
    Metcon 9rds +7
    Rows 1:38.8, 1:43.0, :59.9, 59.1, 3:44.2

  62. metcon- 7+10rx unbroken
    did 5 rounds of c2b became very frustrated because my kipping and butter world collided. I learned how to do butterfly pullups before kipping and I have struggled with kipping ever since, my body just doesnt want to push away at the top! Butters are nice to have but kipping is so essential! will work on the other 5 sets tomorrow with a coach watching me for some pointers.

    1. if anyone has any tips/videos or anything to help with my c2b dilemma send them on over!

  63. open.

    1, 6+9

    2. Skipped. did 37 and my left shoulder started hurting.

  64. Reg
    1)35.5"...a little scary, probably have 37"
    2) New DL PR @310#
    3) skipped due to a front squat cycle I'm doing in addition.
    4) metcon: 7 + 12 KBS..runs were SLOW!
    5) rowing. Completed all in 16:40

  65. Regionals:

    1) Bounding- 39"

    2) Pull- #435 ---#15 PR!!!

    3) 20 rep Max- #205(Fail @ 15 reps)

    1) Metcon- 8rds

    2) Row- 2:00/2:00/1:07/1:07/4:05

  66. 43.5" box jump with 25# vest
    405 DL, felt like I coulda done more but didn't to lose midline stability
    Completed 185 x20, 205 x15 FS
    Did not perform wod for lack of time
    Row: 1:34/1:34/:54/:54/3:37 hamstring cramps kicked in on the 1k

  67. Open

    1) 6 rounds + 18 (subbed the HSPU for DB Bench press with 60# and BKS for 95# power cleans. Shoulder still not 100%)

    2) 15-11-11-10-9-9-8-9-8-10
    Horizontal ring rows.

  68. 1) No Vest
    2)460 5 pound PR
    3)200, thought i was gonna die!
    4)6 rounds +15 reps, paced run to ensure unbroken movements.
    5) Had to coach ran outta time will make up today.

  69. Open
    1. 7rds+18 reps 80 meters
    2. 106 total reps

  70. Open
    2. 8rds + 4 reps
    2. 21,14,10,10,10,10, 9 (hand ripped), 5, 5, 5 - 99Reps.

    First post to the site. Excited to start this programming.

  71. Open
    1. 5 rounds + 6, scaled HSPUs to "stinky bugs" from round 2, and did 250m row instead of run.
    2. 16, 12, 12, 10, 10, 9, 9, 8, 8, 7. Total: 101.

  72. Open

    Made up for missed C&J on Monday - 120kg

    1) 6 rounds even
    2) working on butterfly. Most rounds between 4-6

  73. Open:
    8 plus everything but the run

    32, 24, 19, 12, 9, 6, 6, 8, 5, 3
