Thursday, September 26, 2013

Friday 9.27.13

Maralene Zwarwich

1.  Pulls
5 x 5 Good Mornings

2.  Odd Objects/Movements
OTM x 12:
Odd:  1-arm barbell snatch, 1/side - you choose weight.
Even:  5 Double KB Thrusters, 70/53

3.  Metcon
5 Jerks, 185/135
10 Box Jump Overs, 24/20

4.  Rowing
3 x 1000m, 3 minute rest

5.  Core Work
3 Giant Sets of:
30 Reverse Hypers or 45 Hip Extensions
10 Strict TTB

1.  Metcon
5 Jerks, 155/105
10 Box Jump Overs, 24/20

2.  Skills
OTM x 15
Minute 1 complete 1 muscle up
Minute 2 complete 2 muscle ups
Minute 3 complete 3 muscle ups
Once you fail restart the ladder at 1 muscle up and begin the climb again.

He re-dips on the Push Press, but still impressive.


  1. can someone clarify the box jump overs. at the games they landed on top of the box before touching the other side some videos show jumping over the box entirely. which is it? Thanks

  2. Open:
    Metcon: 5:10. was jumping entirely over the box
    Skills: failed at 7 failed at 5 did 3

  3. Open:

    1.) 5:42

    2.) Will do after Golf Tourney this afternoon

  4. 1. Pulls-135x5x5

    2. Odd Objects/Movements
    OTM x 12:
    Odd: 1-arm barbell snatch- Did 65 lbs, felt like I could do more but wanted to get it down
    Even: Scaled to 53 lb kb's (odd objects and movements is obviously an area for improvement)

    3. Metcon-3:43

    4. Rowing
    3 x 1000m, 3 minute rest- Didn't have rower at the box, was cold by the time I got home. Skipped

    5. Core Work
    3 Giant Sets of:
    30 Reverse Hypers or 45 Hip Extension- did Good mornings with unloaded bar
    20 GHDSU= Did abmat situps
    10 Strict TTB

    1. Because a rower and GHD aren't important for CF right????

    2. Did you jump completely over the box? I hit 4min 50 sec but was touching the box and stayed consistent.

    3. I didn't, I found in practicing that touching the box was faster. All movements were unbroken.

  5. Open/Masters (43)

    1. Metcon: 4:37, using 155#
    2. MU: fail at 6, 6, did 3
    That means over 40 muscle-ups! which I'm really happy with since I couldn't do one 6 months ago!

  6. 1) 135,175,185,205,205
    2) I've been missing Thursdays and snatches have gone backwards. So did OTM snatches with 135. Happy I did this they came together very nicely...
    3) Metcon: 5:56
    4) 3:29 3:28 3:28
    5) Done

  7. Open

    Metcon- 6:13

    Progressions and CTB- 5,5 fail

  8. Open
    1) 6:10 Rx
    2) Box MU Progressions - Fail at 6, 6, 4 (My goal is to have MU's by the end of the year!)

  9. Reg:

    A bit of a mishmash today, training partner and I can't get the work in tomorrow and it looked EPIC, so we went for a mix this morning.

    Good Mornings 5x5 @ 185 with low bar, was actually able to generate speed coming up...awesome.

    Tomorrows barbell beast: 32:10 @ 205, holy explitive that was a monster. Missed last jerk in first round on lockout....did not repeat set, then singles on "Thrust-a-Jerks" as there was no way at that point I could hold on to 205 crashing down. That was extemely challenging, would like to repeat at same scaled weight in a few months. The onlt thing I can say I felt strong at was the power cleans, the rest were slow and deliberate.

    Intended to do the 3x1000 rows after, but ran out of time.

  10. Open
    1. 4:10 Rx
    2. DBMU
    Completed R7 - Failed R8
    Completed R14 - Failed R15

  11. Replies
    1. I did burpee BJ overs. Just found out today i did it wrong.

    2. I did burpee BJ overs. Just found out today i did it wrong.

  12. Regional
    1) 85/95/105/105/115
    2) Worked up to 95#, 2 pood thrusters<-cruel
    3)Cond: 6:27
    5)Core Work Complete

  13. Regionals:
    1) 135 across
    2) 953, 2pood
    3) dnf - ate it HARD on rnd 3! Both knee caps and an elbow are hurting!
    4) PM session
    5) done

  14. Open:
    metcon - 4:33rx
    muscle-ups failed on 8 and 14

  15. Open kind of
    1. 4:07 with 185
    2. 7th round got 2 then made it to the 6th round got 3 then got to the 3rd round got 3. So 50 MU'S
    3. Odd Objects/Movements
    70lb kb's and 95lb bb
    4. Pulls good mornings
    Want to come back later and hit the rower idk if ill have time

  16. OPEN

    1. 5:53 rx except accidentally 95 on first rd

    2. MU progressions, 1:1 C2B and Dips----failed on dips of 5 and 4

  17. Reg:

    Did the same thing as Shane this morning.

    Good mornings

    Barbell beast (perfect name for it)
    Went 205 until the last set of FS then went down to 185.
    Got three unbroken thrusters and two singles after that.
    See Jesus again this morning.

  18. Regionals
    1.Good Mornings-135,145,155,165,165lbs
    2.Done w/53lb KB for both movements.
    3.Metcon-4:13! Used 155lbs for the jerks so I could keep a faster pace
    4.No time

  19. Open:
    1) 3:18 @155. Should have maybe used regional weight
    2) failed at 6, failed at 5, did 4.

  20. Open:
    3:30@155. missed a box jump in the last round and went head over heels. Pretty sure i looked like an idiot.
    Worked on strict hspu and planks after
    Muscle ups 15 min Emotm. Serious weakness of mine. Went 1-2-3 the whole time

  21. Open:

    4:03 Rx
    1 mile run ( up hill 800m, back down 800m)
    not enough time for muscle up technique work.

  22. 1. 95-115-135-145-155.

    2. 75# Barbell. Kept it light to feel the movement, did a few at 95, but felt kinda wierd so I dropped the weight and kept it tight. 53#KBS. Legs were just smoked from yesterday.

    3. Did another metcon today.

    4. Metcon was long one, so I didn't row.

    5. Corework, done.

  23. Open:
    1. 3:26
    2.7(6of8)/5/2(strung 5)
    3.sqt make up 4x7-275#

  24. Open

    1.) 3:34...2 RDS in 54 sec then box jumps got too slow

    2.) 8 RDS + 3 reps into rd 9...arm was pinching so stopped after the failed rd

  25. Open
    1. 3:43
    2. MU's 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,4=57 total

  26. Open
    1) 4:21 Rx
    2) 1/2/3/4/5/3/1/2/3/4/3/1/2/3/4=41 reps

  27. Open
    (1) 4:12 #105 over 24'box ...didn't have a 20 available today
    (2) no muscle ups ... Been fighting a sore rotator injury for a while now
    Did CTB practice EMOTM instead

  28. Open
    1) 3:38 Rx Wags had me clear the box jump overs as they're a strength of mine.
    2) Made it through 4 then it was 1 & 2 for the rest. Total 22 MU
    3) Did yesterday's back squats 4x7 225#

  29. Open Program
    1) 3:26 - every now and then you get something right in the wheelhouse. This was it for me.
    2) Failed on 7, failed on 5, finished 3. 43 total muscle-ups completed.

  30. Regionals
    1) 95-115-135-155-155
    2) bbell snatch with 85 lbs, kb thrusters with 62 lb kbs
    3) scaled to 175 lbs - 9:27
    4) 3:43, 3:42, 3:47
    5) no time

  31. Open:
    1. 4:03 Stopped a couple times when i shouldn't have on the BJO's.
    2. Completed 7 and felt great but hands ripped open on 8. finished the rest but not well.

  32. Open

    1. 3:45
    2. Got to 5, then 3, then 2

  33. Open
    1) 3:26
    2) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3

  34. Open

    1) Metcon - 3:39
    2) MUs - 1-2-3-4-5-6-7x(3)-1-2-3-4-5x(3)-1-2-3

  35. Open

    1. 4:31
    2. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4

  36. Open

    1. 5:19
    2. 1,2,3,4,5,3,1,2,3,4,3,1,2,3,3. 40 total reps. Strict MUs with smallest band assistance.

    1. Did all box jump overs. Thought my time was decent until I looked at all your times. Yikes! The jerks were no problem but the jumps got slow... Was trying not to catch the box and break myself again..

  37. metcon: 5:17 @135 (resting trap)

    1. Open:
      3:36. Good one today
      Made up squats from yesterday-245#

  38. 1 good mornings 95/105/115/125/135
    2 65 # 1 arm snatch and 45# kbs
    3. 4:08 RX felt good on this one :)
    4. 3:45.4/3:56.6/4:03.8- had nothin left mentally to fight through these today

  39. Started with 2 rounds of yesterday's clean complex at 185 cuz I couldnt train yesterday and really wanted to try it. way harder than I thought. ha
    1. 185 across
    2 70# db to light but heaviest I have 70# for thursters
    3. 6:24 jump overs on box
    4 and 5 done .

  40. Regionals:

    1) Pulls: 135-155-175-195-195

    2) Odd Object: #75 1-arm Snatch. Might have been able to go a little heavier, but held back. Only used a #53 kb in one hand and did 5 each side.

    3) Metcon: 8:26 Rx'd. Jerks felt nasty!

    4) Rowing: 4:13/4:02/4:01

    5) Core Work: Done

  41. OPEN
    1: 4:11
    2: 4, 2/5, 3, 1/4, then alternating 1 and 2 for the rest

  42. Regionals
    1. 145#
    2. 105# barbell, 2-60# db's and wore 20# weight vest
    3. 3:15 185#
    4. 3:33, 3:34, 3:36
    5. Done 2 rounds

  43. Open
    1. 11:04 - started from the ground, finished from the rack. Jerks are tough. Jumps over the box, were easy with all that rest from the jerks :)
    2. 1-2-3-4-5/2/1-2-3-4-5/1/1-2-3, 39 total.

  44. Open
    Metcon - 5:03
    Skills - 1 -4 (3 of 5), 1-3 (2 of 4), 1-2 (2 of 3), 1-3. (32 total) Too much pulling with my arms and shortening the kip. Need to get working on that

  45. Open
    6:01 RX

    MU with feet on box
    Failed at 6 then at 3

  46. Been following but had a few rough weeks with getting sick and then trying to get back in to it. Following a day behind as usual.


    1. 95, 135x4 sets

    2. Barbell snatches at 65lb

    Dbl KB thrusters at 70lb. Brutal and awkward. Felt like I got the feel for it towards the end.

    Not my best day, those 185 jerks got heavy quick

    Time 6:58




    Glad to be back at it, looking forward to doing Saturdays work tomorrow.

  47. Good mornings: 135x3, 155x2
    Snatches 95x3, 105, 110, 115
    Row: 3:33, 3:36, 3:38
    Wod: 7:07

  48. Open

    1) 4:33 - felt good, paced it well and kept moving throughout
    2) did sets of 5 MU's between sets of Thursdays squats to catch up from yesterday

  49. 1) good mornings 70kg
    2) otm x12 snatches 40kg / kb thrusters 28kg
    3) core work done

  50. Open

    1) 5:25.... Did burpee box jump over. I have to learn how to read the wods correctly... lol
    2) Did EMOM C2B as my shoulder can't take muscle-ups yet.

  51. Open

    1. 7:35 Rx
    2. EMOM multiple variations of pull-ups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3
