Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Saturday 9.14.13

                   Jillian and Andy, strong couple. 

1. Track Session
6 x 300m, rest 3 mins

2.  Barbell Benchmark
"Heavy Grace"
30 Clean and Jerks for time, 225/155

3.  Gymnastics
3.  30 Muscle ups for time

1.    Metcon
12 TTB
12 Burpees


  1. What's reasonable rest/recovery to place between Grace and the gymnastics?

  2. Posted 9/13/13

    Due to other obligations I had to workout at home tonight and pick a WOD that I had equipment for. I decided to do heavy Grace from the regionals programming as strength is my greatest area of weakness. I'll also be out of town tomorrow and will make up Saturdays open workout on Sunday. Monday ill be back on schedule.

    Heavy Grace - 9:26 @ 165#

  3. 1) Avg 1.10 on treadmill. Wet outside today...

    2) Heavy Grace.
    Old excuse of not training with bumpers and having to controll t weight down... Scaled @ 205 23min

    3) Didnt time, but finished all of them.
    Got my first MU 4weeks ago so doing 30 was great!!!

  4. 6x300m@ 45,48,42,43,43,42,43
    heavy grace @7:41
    30 MU'S @ 4:44

  5. Proud to announce that my team is in 4th place heading into day two of the Throwdown here in Manila. Doing this programming day in and day out has really increased my work capacity, just doing metcons almost feels like a break.

  6. Open
    1. 9 rds +1
    2. Heavy Grace- 10:33- 6min PR
    Good luck to all the athletes competing today!

  7. Open Master/47

    8 rounds scaled to 6 TTB as I can't cycle them quickly.

    Also did emom 2 front squats with 3 second pause at the bottom for 10 minutes. Used 155 probably should have used 165/175.

  8. Regionals.

    2) stopped at 25min after 20 c&j at 205#. Failed five reps in a row at that point. 225# is my 1rm and today crushed me. Did probably about 60 power cleans which felt good.

    3) 7.51. 2sec off a pr. Last rep took over 1min.

    Kind of disappointing after a good showing the last two days. On well. Got to work on some weaknesses and got 1% better today.


    1) 5rd +10 Ttb.

  9. A) yesterday's row - 1:41/1:45/1:48/1:48/1:45
    B) heavy grace - 9:13 (225#)
    C) 30 mu's - 5:30

  10. Open Program
    1) 6 rds + 10 - t2b are a little tougher at the home gym, but either way, still need to improve on these.

  11. 1. Track Session
    done-my splits ranged from 48-54

    2. "Heavy Grace"
    9:29 @ 135#

    3. my shoulder has felt pretty funky the past couple of days, "grace" didn't help, so I opted out of the mus today

  12. OPEN + 30 muscle ups for time:

    1) 30 muscle ups: 3:55. Old P.R. was 5:58 from January.

    2) Metcon: 8 rounds + 3 T2B. Paced the burpees a little too slow at first. Last 4 rounds were faster than first 4 rounds.

  13. Reg:

    1. did rowing work that I missed from yesterday instead, posted there.

    2. Heavy Grace @ 205 - 12:17, actually it went about as expected, wasn't really cardio holding me back, just muscle recovery to lift again, not lungs at all.

    3. 6:17, shoulders were just cooked after previous work....ring dips from yesterday were tough too....just don't do enough on rings. Did 10,4,2, singles.

    Even though my numbers aren't showing it the last few WOD's I feel great this week and I'm really enjoying the work.

  14. reg
    1. no
    2. 17reps @10timecap (clean was real pain today)
    3. 5:52

  15. Regional
    1. :45,:44,:45,:45,:45,:45
    2. 8:20
    3. 4:55

  16. 8+6 scaled ttb to 8 reps felt good and efficient on burpees today

  17. Edit to above post,

    1. Hit 8 + 12 T2B* + 10 Burpees*

  18. 1) Speed - 1:03, :58, :58, 1:00, 1:01, :59
    2) Heavy Grace - Scaled to 195. 14:11
    3) 30 MU - 5:00
    Great workout today!

  19. Open
    7 rds and 18 reps

    Did Lipson test with a couple others. That was terrible. 17:15


  20. Regionals:

    1) Track: Did 6x400m repeats rather than 300m with 2 minute rest. Thought that it was 2 min.

    2) Barbell: "Heavy Grace" 13:25 @ #205 - Scaled to 205, wasn't sure if I could hold good form @ 225 and keep up the intensity. Hand ripped during due to the Clean/MU WOD earlier in the week, where it blistered.

    3) Gymnastics: Fore goed due to the tear, let them heal for the week to come. Make it up may be Wednesday.

  21. 9/15/13 - made up Saturday open WOD.


  22. I did this one this morning

    1) 1:03/0:59/0:57/0:59/0:58/1:00

    2) 12:09 @ 225# (this was rough, 225 is heavy for me going overhead with, my max is only 255#)

    3) 15 @ 4:45, stopped there because my tears from american dream opened back up pretty bad

  23. Regionals- 21/165/ 93rd in SE 2013

    Did this a day late (and a dollar short,) as I went on a spontaneous visit to Disney World! Had never been, but seeing as it's just 4 hours away from Miami, had to make the trip. Lots of walking, and a day later, here's what I got.

    1. :45/:44/:43/:45/:45/:46 -estimated distance..think it might be a little short seeing these times.

    2. 12:48 @205... warmed up to 225, but the cleans felt heavy, and jerks were impossible. This was rough. Definitely a wake-up call that I need to get better at putting heavy shiz overhead.

    3. 3:10 - just another wake-up call that I am very much a ninja, and far from a beast. Need to make the conversion. Went 13/5/4/3/2/2/1

  24. 9/15/13 made up the OPEN wod

    7 rounds - stomach didn't feel too well from the weekend

  25. Regionals:
    I also did it a day late. Shoulder was bothering me on mups so just did the heavy Grace @225. And no I do not know why one hurts and the other doesn't, 13:36.

  26. Open

    (forgot to post)

  27. Open:

    8 round plus 4 burpees

    Sub ttb for butterfly sit-ups...lack of equipment

  28. 1) between 52-59 sec
    2) heavy grace @ 155# in 13:12 (that sucked)
    3) 5 mus in 5 minutes...still working on stringing together

    Sorry for the late post! I'm a day behind!
