Thursday, April 24, 2014

Friday 4.25.14

Froning and Tovar synchronized Deads.

1.  Front Squats
7x5, across

2.  AMRAP 7:
5 Deads, 315/225
10 Lateral Barbell Burpees

3.  AMRAP 12
20 second max effort prowler push - you choose load and distance
40 Double unders
:30 Rest

4.  Partner Accessor Work
One athlete works while the other rests
2 Rounds each of:
20 Romanian Deads, 185/135 - with minimal knee bend descend to below knees, no lower.
20 Partial Deads, 185/135 - pull from the floor to above the knees, no higher.
20 Deads, 185/135
20 Sumo Deads, 185/135
Rest 90 seconds between rounds.

1.  AMRAP 7:
5 Deads, 275/185
10 Lateral Barbell Burpees

2.  AMRAP 12
20 second max effort prowler push - you choose load and distance
40 Double unders
:30 Rest


  1. Replies
    1. Looks like I am going to have to scale this one down quite a bit!


  3. open:
    1. 5 full + 5 DLs + 8 Burpees
    2. Did some standing presses instead.

  4. 1. 6 Full rounds
    2. EMOM 10
    2 Snatch 80kg
    30 DU

    1. 2. Changed to AMRAP 12
      2 Squat Clean 105kg
      30 DU
      Dpne 8 rounds

  5. Open
    Did it as emom 7 full plus 5 deadlift
    110 reps. I was crushed. Thanks coach

  6. Regional:

    1. Front Squats - 130kg/287lb (previous heavy 5 on 5th April was 125 - definitely feeling some good strength gains coming on)

    2. AMRAP 7 - 6RDs+5DL

    3. AMRAP 12 - 8RDs - 60kg sled push with 10m shuttles (My thumb has fascia issues, creates a different movement pattern with that hand, very frustrating! slowed me down quite a bit today)

    4. Partner Accessor Work - Done by myself - 1:1 work to rest ratio.

  7. Open master 44
    1. 6+3@275#
    2. No prowler so did 10 thrusters@45# and 40 du. Got 8 rounds.

  8. Open / Masters (44)
    1) 5 Rnds + 5 DL

    2*) 9 Rnds Complete w/ 10s left on clock (so I did another plate push)
    *Did this as a 45# Plate Push across and back on BB court w/plate on a towel (approx. 30 yds total)

  9. 1. 7 AMRAP
    6+5DL+3 Burpees; Tried to hold EMOM pace but fell off around 4th
    2. 8 round + 35 du's in time but finished out. I lost my double unders on like the 6th round and could only do sets of 5 for some reason. Next round I found them but was frustrating

    1. Blaine, I am having all kinds of problems with my double unders! They usually are so effortless and the last two days it feels like I have never done one before. So weird. I am a fragile flower when it comes to double unders.

  10. OPEN
    1. Week 1 of 5-3-1 - Deadlift
    2. AMRAP 7: 5 rounds + 10 Rx
    3. AMRAP 12: 8 rounds even

  11. Open.
    1) 6+3
    No prowler did some other stuff...

  12. Quick question, is the partner work shared or 2 Rds each?

  13. Open

    1) 7 rds even

    Will try to do part 2 later today

  14. Regionals (kinda):

    1. Front Squat: Cut the rounds to four. 250 lbs.
    2. 6 rounds + 2 deads (315 lbs.)
    3. Went off the rails here. After taking two years to get double unders, I got them about 6 months ago and they have really turned into a strength for me. In my warm-up yesterday, I completely lost them. Could not do one. After struggling for about 15 minutes, I started cycling them, but they did not feel right. Today, I warmed up with them and they seemed solid. Got to them after the initial prowler push and nope, completely gone. Finally, they came back and I finished going unbroken on the rest of the rounds, but this is so weird. Anyway, got 6 rounds in the twelve minutes and did one more round to make up for the round I pretty much lost.
    4. Skipped for the sake of preservation.

    1. Prowler weight was 190 lbs.

    2. Haha Michael you sound like you have my same problem. We are just not natural athletes. I have to work really hard to grasp certain movements (i.e. the double unders) but even with all the practice and countless lashings I still will typically lose them around the middle of any WOD with lots of them. But the good news is with not being very athletic I've learned multiple ways of doing certain things so if I lose double unders in the middle of a workout I can "usually" switch up technique and get them right back

  15. Regionals programming with a twist:

    7X5 FS: 245 across....legs are super tired from 5mi vest/plates run but felt good.

    Ran out of time. Rest later.

    Changed the Metcon a bit: Did AMRAP7 of 5x315 deads, and 12 Bar Facing 5 rounds and 11 burpees....was pretty wrecked.

    1. 180lbs plus prowler weight

      8rnds + 37 dubs.....kicked the rope a few times

    2. deads done....that sucked.

  16. Struggled to get the intensity up today. Just couldn't fire the boosters.


    1. 5+1. Just couldn't dig in, felt like I was going around 80%.

    2. No prowler, so I looked at the average score and did 8 rounds of an 80M sled drag (150# on the sled) and 15 cals on the Air Dyne, rest :30. (Yesterday morning did a 30min emom with rowing, running, and Dubs, totalled about 500). Anywho, that was miserable. Puketastic.

  17. Open
    1. 6R + 11 reps
    2. pull sleds 85kg 7 rounds

  18. Open
    1) 7+14 rx. All DL unbroken excpet for last 5
    2) Ran 5K

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Open.

    1. 6+3 dl
    2. Dont have a prowler, so subbed for 10 overhead walking lunges with 45lbs plate.
    9+ 10 lunges.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Open:
    1) 5+9reps not rx, 110kg (242lbs)
    2) 6+20sec prowler+40 DU, rest was :20 sec so ALMOST 7 rounds...40kg on prowler.

  23. Open
    1. 6R+5 DL RX
    2. 8 full round (85 kg prowler 30 meters)

  24. Regionals.

    1) 253 across.

    2) 6rds +1dl

    3) 9rds even.

    4) ran out of time will try to do later.

    1. For the prowler pushes. Used a 25yd long stretch of turf and used 180# plus the prowler.

  25. Master/Regionals
    1. Didn't have a stating point for this i started @225 and failed at 285 on the 4 rep.
    2. 6 rounds + 5 DL
    3. Prowler work 7 rounds @80 feet.. Total weight 260
    4. Done.

  26. Open

    6 plus10

    7 rounds even with a prowler plus 10kg plate

  27. Replies
    1. 2. Ran out time, will make up with walking OH lunges.

  28. We did a bear complex ladder today to prepare for a comp coming up. Hit 195#


    1) 6 rounds even

  29. Open
    1. bear complex- OTM- start at 135# jump by 20#'s, hit 245#, missed 265# but got it on second attempt after min.
    2. 6 rds +4 DL- 315#
    3. 12 min amrap- 40' OH lunge- 135# axle bar & 40 DU's(only have one prowler and we had a bunch of people, thought oh lunge was a good sub?
    6 rds

  30. Front squats at 275- should have done more.

    Amrap 7: 6+1. Lactic pain in calves!

    Amrap 12. 4 of us did a Congo line with 305# prowler and double unders.

    No time for 4.

  31. 1. 7x5 fs, 245# tired legs
    2. 7min amrap, 315#: 5+13, deads disappeared last 2 sets
    3. 12min amrap, no prowler, sub shoulder carry 2 bags of 2cubic feet mulch to front yard. Had to get done anyway! took ~30sec instead of :20. 7 ends.

    1. That is fantastic...creative...and practical! Nice work.

    2. Functional fitness! Good call.

  32. 1-225 across
    2- 7+5(315)
    3- done
    4- no time

  33. Open
    1) Bear complex ladder w/ Apex team - Hit 225#, missed 245#. Tried afterwards and failed the jerk from the back.
    2) 7 rounds + 1 Rx
    3) 12 Min AMRAP: 40' OH lunge w/ 135# and 40 DU - Hit 5 rounds + OH lunge

  34. Little variation today trained with some other local guys.
    1) 5rft of 315 dead 10 burpee over bar 4:55
    2) 30 mus 9:00 (big weakness)
    3) 7x5 front squat 275,235,235,275x4
    Jumped to high without warming up enough hits those 235's then finished out at 275...tough

  35. A. Squats done

    B. 7 min AMRAP:
    6 rds RX

    C. 12 min AMRAP:
    8 rounds at 180lb prowler

    D. Accessory-done (heinous)

  36. Masters 46
    1.) EMOM x 12
    Even: 3 OHS #115 w/3 sec pause at the bottom.
    Odd: 3 unbroken MU

    2.) AMRAP 7: (5 rds + 9)
    5 Deads, 275
    10 Lateral Barbell Burpees

  37. Open
    1st = 6 rounds
    2nd = 10 rounds sled total = 265#

    Hour later pulled a 420# deadlift ( PR )

  38. Regionals:
    1. 185# across
    2. 4 rounds (225 is heavy for me)
    3. 8 rounds with 185# on prowler
    4. Only did 1 round, back started to light up

  39. Open/Masters 48

    1. 5 rounds plus 10 @ 235.

    2. Not enough prowlers for all of us so we did overhead barbell lunges instead. 5 rounds @ 95.

    3. Also did a bear complex ladder to prepare for Steelfit comp. at 195 I got the jerk but couldn't get it on my back.

  40. Regionals:

    1. 245lbs across

    2. 7 Rounds + 5 +1

    3. 8.5 rounds w/ 225lbs total weight on turf

    4. Completed

  41. Regional

    1. 315 across
    2. 8 rounds even
    3. Only had a sled so did reverse sled drags instead at 170# - didn't keep track of rounds
    4. Got one full round in then had to work.

  42. Open

    1) 6rounds+4DLs
    2) 9 rounds + 10meters (BW prowler)

    1) 4 rounds + 1 DL (Rx)
    2) 5 rounds (BW prowler)

    Josh & Katie

  43. Open
    1. 6 rounds
    2. Used a 165lb prowler, about 50'. 6 rds + 15 DUs

  44. Squats-done
    7 min amrap=7+1

    12 min=8rds 180lb prowler

    Deadlifts rds=done

  45. Open
    8 rounds 215 pounds on sled for 50 feet l

  46. Open
    1. 6 rds + 12 reps
    2. 7 rds (prowler+90#'s)

  47. Regional + Open(I'm new and experimenting, plus I love any type of squat work.)

    Front Squat 7x5 @ 225

    a) 4 Rounds
    b) Class had started and there was no room.

    1. RX weight on deadlifts @ 275. Deadlifts weren't the problem for me. Burpees crushed my soul.

  48. Regionals programming
    1. 275# across
    2. 7 rds 5 reps.
    3. 8 rounds. Honestly not sure how much the prowler weighed but it's a whole lot harder pushing it on rubber mats than road/sidewalk
    4. Done

  49. Open:
    1) 5 rnds
    2) 10 yards down high handle,10 yards back low handle @ 104# on cement - 8 rnds

  50. 1. Front Squats 7x5 @ 175#, felt solid, maybe could have tried 185#

    2. 14 rounds (7 each) of:
    5 Deficit HSPU
    3 D/L @ 225#
    30 D/U

    1 person starts at HSPU, 2nd at DL, then person 1 does D/U, and switch for the next round

  51. Open/Masters 43

    1. 7 min AMRAP 275 DL and burpees: 6 rounds
    2. 12 min AMRAP: 10 shoulder to overhead with 115 (don't have a prowler) and 40 DU's: 6 rounds even, DU's beginning to feel better

  52. Open
    Did this today as make up work since I missed Friday.
    6rounds +3DL

  53. Open
    Did this today as make up work since I missed Friday.
    6rounds +3DL

  54. 4 rounds plus 7

    AMRAP 7:
    5 Deads, 275/185
    10 Lateral Barbell Burpees
