Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Thursday 5.1.14

Katrin Davidsdottir and Ally Bushey.

Recovery Day.


  1. I'm just throwing this out there, but has anyone considered starting a private Facebook group for CompWOD? It could be a cool way and maybe easier for people to post pictures/videos of training and comps for constructive criticism. I'm not saying I would be the one to start it because I have no idea how to set it up.

    Again...just throwing it out there

    1. There kinda already is a Facebook group .. Called Built By Bergeron

    2. there is ..built by Bergeron ... but I made it public last week ... not many people actually post in it but I think it would be awesome to see some videos/training comments in there

    3. Didn't even realize that. Thanks for the heads up

    4. I didn't realize there was a group either! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Gonna be outta town the next few days so will miss Friday and Saturdays training... Keep up all the good work!

  3. 1. Week 2 of 5-3-1 - Bench
    2. 30 min of mobility

    1. Hey Chris,
      I see you're doing the 5,3,1 program. Are you doing just the one lift per day with it? Or are you doing accessory work? And is it helping your training or does it feel like it's gassing you out? Just trying to see because I'm interested in trying it

    2. Hey Trey - I'm just doing the core lifts - so far so good with integrating it with Ben's programming - if it starts to get in the way it'll be the first thing I cut out - too be honest it's not that much more volume added given that majority is submaximal ...

    3. Thanks for your feedback. I will think about trying it

  4. Made-up yesterday's work, today! Battling with some tendonitis in my right forearm, so snatching has been uncomfortable.

    Snatch- 195.. HS Walk- 90 feet.. Definitely have the 120 ft in me. Not worried about it.

    Nasty Girls V2- 10:58 - Pistols are my arch nemesis. Help would be appreciated-

  5. Hey bro-not an expert just shooting out 2 cents for ya, you have a rolling pistol which shows some limitations mobility wise.

    Hammer in on pre and post wod MOBBing....

    couple that help
    1-barbell roll your calves everyday minimum 5 minutes
    2-banded ankle (set up a thick band on a rig, step in, walk as far as u can, squat, put yourself in dif range of motions etc)
    3-same as 2 but anchor your foot up on a plate now.
    4-target your hips as well

    mobility goes a long way. You obviously have the strength and what it takes to be a regional contender if you made it, clean up your holes and you'll be solid my man.
    Make the pistol beautiful! Good luck Dylan

    1. Sean- REALLY appreciate the tips man. Going to drill these maƱana along with some other mob drills.

  6. Team workouts are posted! What's everyone going team think?

    1. Super excited! Glad to see they brought all 6 team members working for all events back into the mix!

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