Friday, April 25, 2014

Saturday 4.26.14

Meg Fox.
1.  Track Session
300 yard Shuttle Sprint for time.
Rest 5 minutes
300 yard Shuttle Sprint for time.
The 300 shuttle is 6 x 25 yards out and back.  

Take the average of the two times.  
Elite times:
Men: :56
Women:  1:02

2.  Barbell
A.  5-4-3-2-1 unbroken Clean and Jerks for time, 225/155
B.  3x8 unbroken Hang Power Snatch for time, 135/95

3.  Gymnastics
All for time:
2 RFT:
2 Strict Deficit HSPU
2 Rope Climbs
Rest 1 minute
2 RFT:
4 Kipping Deficit HSPU
2 Rope Climbs
rest 1 minute
2 RFT:
8 Strict HSPU
2 Rope Climbs
Rest 1 minute
2 RFT:
16 Kipping HSPU
2 Rope Climbs

7 RFT:
400m Run
29 Back Squats, 135/95 - taken from the ground, no racks.


  1. Open
    30:25// bar had been taken from racks.

  2. Regional:

    1. Track Session - 52.8/53.4 - Ave. 53.1

    2. Barbell - A. 5:28/ B. 2:45 (didn't totally complete A, I did 5-3-3-2-1, body felt a little broken from deadlifts yesterday, missed the last rep and just decided it was wise to carry on, snatches took from a high hang and kept the back straight to save it a little)

    3. Gymnastics - 14:05 (gonna blast this goat from now till regional)

  3. Open
    back squats: round 1-5: 15/14
    round 6-7: 10/10/9

  4. Open
    36:10 from rack. Could have push harder. But happy to finish it.

  5. Open 28:22 first time doing bar from floor. Squats unbroken

    Murph Monday 28:10

    PR on both

    Thank you for the program I am getting much better

  6. Open
    1) 40:48 Rx - lower back started to tighten up around round 3, so I was stretching when I got back from my runs. I would like to think I could be closer to 35 minutes. There is always next time.

  7. Open:
    1) 39:26 not RX at 50kg (110lbs)

  8. Open
    1) 31:21 Rx - Went unbroken on back squats really pumped about that!!

    1. Thanks Mark and nice PR on this! You have really turned it up a notch since the open. Stay on it!

    2. Great work on this...UB on squats is huge!!!

    3. Thanks Tony, legs are shot now. Way to keep fighting and finishing this brutal wod!

  9. wondering why non regional athletes arent training to get stronger since they have a longer off season.

    1. Open is pretty light on majority of workouts, conditioning/skills are more important for that stage of the competition im guessing.

    2. Check out the tab on programming philosophy. Best of luck to you guys!

  10. Hit today a smidge out of order, woke up early with our comp group and we back squatted at 7am, coached 8am then back to training.

    A. Track session

    B. Gymnastic
    1st WOD -1:18 unbroken (11.5" Parrallette deficit)

    2nd WOD- 1:40 unbroken (11.5" Parrallette deficit)

    3rd WOD- 1:23 unbroken

    4th WOD- 2:23 unbroken

    Total time: 9:46 RX

    C. 15 clean and jerks @ 225lb for time
    Altered to hit the weight as this is tough for me, and there was no way I was linking tng reps at this point

    D. 3x8 unbroken hang PSN 135lb

  11. Regionals

    1) Skipped, went for rower sprints.

    2) A. Done, didn't time. B. 1:12

    3) 17:47. Unbroken on HSPU until last set of 16. First time doing rope climbs since regionals last year I think.
    Fun day

  12. Open
    Manion - 34:10. 4:20 PR from 2 years ago, and that was from a rack.

  13. Open
    36:35 rx Feel like I could have pushed a little harder, but I used 115# the last time I did this wod, so I'll take it.

  14. Sub'ing soccer match tomorrow for running work so Manion and 300m were out today.
    2. 8:50 @ 205#, this knocked the wind out of me. Started at 225# and just didn't have it today.
    3. 2:57, much better but still felt it
    4. 14:32, sub'd 2x3 towel pullups for RCs, 2 kip dHSPU for strict dHSPU, and 6 strict from abmat for strict HSPU. I just don't have strict HSPU anymore. Pain and weakness in shoulders when trying except for a few rare days every few months. Sucks

  15. Open:
    32:00. Didn't push myself as hard as I would like to. Need to push the Easter candy away and eat better. Lol.

  16. Masters 46
    Feel like a truck ran me over after yesterdays WOD so did just the barbell work.
    1.) Barbell
    A. 5-4-3-2-1 unbroken Clean and Jerks for time. #175 (5:21)
    B. 3x8 unbroken Hang Power Snatch for time, #105 (3:57)

  17. Regionals

    Was feeling yesterday's Deadlifts. Wasn't one of my good days.

    1) terrible. Too embarrassing to post. Just didn't have it in me today.

    2a) 5.34 at 185#
    2b) 4.54. At 135#

    Called it a day after the oly work. Will try to do the gymnastics part tomorrow depending how I feel.

  18. 1: avg 1:00:20
    2:a) 3:15 b) 1:40
    3: 10:01

    HSPU and dips kill me. Good job fellas

  19. 1. Skipped due to space in the gym today. Will do for warm up tomorrow when the gym is all mine :-)
    2. barbell
    A: 3:10
    B: 1:37

    3. Total time was 14:18 - 12"ish deficit

  20. Not able to complete the run part of Manion so did this instead:

    For time
    Front Squats 135# (no rack)
    = 25.20

    There are some great times being posted. Good work guys and girls.

  21. Open
    I pace these Hero WODs waaaaay to much!


    59:30 (first 3 rounds complete from ground)

    Josh & Katie

  22. Manion ~ 43:10
    1st = UB / 2, 3 = 15-14 / 4, 5, 6 = 11, 10, 8 / 7 = UB
    400's were tough...thought my lower back was going to explode! I have no rest for lower back during runs!!!
    Wanted to use a belt and resisted the entire time! So I had to stretch to keep from cramping...

    GREAT JOB by everyone so far!!! Killing it with times!!!

  23. Regional Programming
    For whatever reason, about once a month I just feel absolutely terrible at the gym. No legs at all today and just couldn't move the weight efficiently, so I scaled back a few things. Tomorrow is a new day!
    1. Done but didn't time.
    2. A. 6:09 at 205#
    B. Done in 4 sets rather than 3 at 115#. Did not time.
    3. 11:32 at 9" deficit

  24. Open
    1. 28:50 - UB on all b.sqt, wobble wobble legs on the last run

  25. Regionals:
    1: Tomorrow

    2a: 4:03
    2b: 1:16

    3: 12:35 (10" deficit)

  26. Regionals:
    1. Plantar fascia acting up, giving foot a rest today from running. Will make up tomorrow.
    2a. 5:02
    2b. 1:26
    3. Did 5-4-3-2 all strict HSPU - every time I kip I end up tweaking something up in the cervical region so I'm working on strict strength to avoid dropping myself on my head (which likely happens as I get fatigued). Was around 20:00 or so.

  27. 1. 1:04

    2. Didn't time. Felt slow and tired on this part for some reason

    3. 19:30 Pumped to do Strict deficit hspu in a wod!

  28. Open
    Visiting family so did wod in driveway with DBs (all I had) approx 500m run loop around neighborhood. 2x30#DBs. The DB FS were way harder. Couldnt do them all unbroken like I could with regular back squats. ~45min.

  29. Regionals-

    Hands ripped BAD during the EMOTM snatches, so my attempt at the EMOTM cleans & mup's, was a fail. Quit about 15min in. Took the last two days off, and tried the workout again today. Results below-
    135- 10/10/10/10/10
    185- 7/6/5/4/4
    205- 4/4/3/3/3
    225- 2/2/2/2/2
    Completely unbroken on the muscle-ups.

  30. Open


  31. Open:

    Mannion- 28:18 frpm the ground.

    Did this on a treadmill which probably helped on the pacing of the runs. Unbroken on all of the squats.
