Thursday, August 29, 2013

Friday 8.30.13

Just wanted to pass this one along to you guys, I have been following CompWod for about a year.  I wanted to tell you guys that I could barely do HSPU and couldn't handstand walk 2 feet when I started. 
Today I just did 24 feet. Stoked!
- Danny Bostwick

*****BACK OFF WEEK*****
Don't do extra work this week.  Keep the intensity super high, but lower the volume.

1. Snatch Complex
Snatch Deadlift + Squat Snatch, OTM x 10 at 75%

2.  Metcon
"Snake Bite"
Squat Snatch, 95/65
C2B Pull ups

1.    Metcon
"Snake Bite"
Squat Snatch, 95/65
C2B Pull ups

2.   Snatch Complex
Snatch Deadlift + Squat Snatch + OHS, OTM x 10 - choose a weigh that you can move and still look pretty.


  1. I need advise. Should I invest in lifting shoes. I do my WODs in a merell trail shoe. I think is a 2 or 3 mm heal drop. I wanted to hear from everyone if it will help my form and improve my wights. Thanks.

    1. The advice I often repeat is: If you intend to get really strong, then yes, a good pair of OLY shoes is a wise investment. Then use them about 80% of the time and for all your heavy lifts (mix up types of shoes in WODs). They really help create a stable and reliable base for all the slow and fast lifts.

    2. Front Squats, Back Squats, Snatch, Clean, Jerk, Push Press, Heavy Thrusters, Push Jerk, Pistols (I could keep going but I dont think you need for me to) This is what I use olys for. I have a pair of VS that are rock solid and on the inexpensive side. I have friends that invested in the Adipowers or nike romaleos but I think they all do the trick. If you are going to buy lifting shoes I would buy lifting shoes and not the reebok lifters which are still a hybrid shoe.

  2. Thanks. I am looking at the reebok lifter. I don't see much differences between the older lifter and the new lifter plus. Thanks again.

    1. Ergonomically there isn't much difference between the old Oly's and the New ones. The soles and construction are almost identical - other than a extra strap.

  3. For the snatch complex do we reset before the squat snatch after the deadlift or do we pull the squat snatch straingt from the deadlift position.

    1. I took a second to reset my back and take a breath between, but held onto the bar. Makes sense to me that if we are working percentages that we take the time to make sure each movement is practiced and correct....

  4. Thanx for all the above advice.
    Will have to get Olys then too.
    Still sick so will train monday again...

  5. Regionals
    1. Done at 115lbs. Felt great
    2. "Snake Bite" done in 11:58. Resorted to doing singles on the c2b's in order to save my grip a little.
    Great workout this morning!

  6. 1
    Snakebite: 9:05
    155# Snatch Complex

  7. 1. Snatch Complex-165

    2. Metcon- Man, did the first set of 21 snatches unbroken and it blew up my grip and my hammies. Settled into a groove and finished strong at 7:35.

  8. Open
    Metcon - 8:50 (Crushed my palms on C2Bs)
    Snatch Complex - 135 (Was rather tired after metcon, so there're two failed squat snatches).

  9. Reg:

    1. Done at 145, only missed once in first rep, thought I had warmed up enough, guess not. all else felt stable and clean.

    2. 9:24....not my best performance, snatches felt pretty good overall, but the C2B's were rough, haven't done them in a while, hands still recovering from the MU's the other day. hit butterfly for the first 21 in three sets, knew I needed to revert for the rest, just slow and broken. Pullups have definitely fallen behind a bit for me.

    1. Its because I wasn't right there next to you. You know you wouldn't have got off the bar if I were there. Hahaha. Need to get back, only been a couple days since surgery and I already am having withdrawals.

  10. 1. 145#

    2. 11:25 (this was quite brutal, caught me by surprise and kicked my ass, lol, definitely a burner. Forearms are destroyed, had to wear gloves because hands are still hamburger from Monday and even with the gloves still had to fingertip grip the c2b and couldn't hold my hook grip on the snatches)

  11. Open:
    1) 10:14 RX, ripped my palms halfway through the set of 15.
    2) Skipped, not enough time today. Doing "Hotshots 19" tomorrow so probably best I back off.

  12. Open master:
    11:58 rx
    Snatch otm. 80

  13. OPEN workout from 8/22

    "Jerry" -22:22rx

    Snatch technique - 115#OTM x 12

    Front Squat 3 x 5 - 245,255,255#

  14. Open
    1. 11:46 RX/PR (:38)
    2. 95#

  15. 1. 155#
    2. 6:02. Pullups fell apart at the end...hands still tore up from Monday. This one definitely snuck up and bit me...good name for the workout.

    BP 38/5'11"/195

  16. Open / Masters (43)

    1) 9:15
    2) 135#...felt great after the first two rounds...smooth and quick under the bar...

  17. Open:

    1) 11:11 Rx I promised myself to warm up really good next time before hitting the Wod.

    2) 135# x 5 sets, 140# × 2 sets, 145# x 2 sets and 155# last set. No miss and happy about this. Snake bite was a good warm up. Lol

  18. Poor day (and week) of training...

    1) Complex @155.. a couple misses, but whenever I'd miss, I'd regrip and go again before the next minute.

    2) Rx 8:33 - High-rep squat snatches were exhausting.. used fat, non-grip pull-up bar that forced me to break on round of 15 & 9 pullups.. Disappointed.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I did the same, had 2 misses. Just lack of concentration. Made them up before the next minute.

  19. Open
    1) 14:07 Kept intensity very moderate. As previously stated squat snatch at any weight is a HUGE goat. So treated like a skill session. Also finally may have figured out my butterfly C2B. Did them all butterfly. Very good day.
    2) Didnt do, Chinese Medicine time!

    1. Also may have done an extra 5 squat snatches. Completely lost track, rather do more than less

  20. Regional

    1) 175 ( accidently added an extra minute...math pfff)

    2) 7:24 RX

  21. 1)135lbs
    2) 9:07 (went unbroken 21reps and then...)

  22. Open
    1. 7:27- pullups felt horrible, went unbroken on 21's and 9's for snatch... i think it put me in hole too much fo pu's
    2.165#- missed 10th one but hit my 2nd attempt in the min

    1. Damn man way to move u got me on this one. It was rough man really rough!!!

  23. 1. I screwed this up, that's what i get for looking at the blog at 5am before classes and not double checking myself before my training.
    Anywho I did 1 Snatch Deadlift + 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Snatch (i think i confused myself with what i programmed for my classes yesterday oops!)
    105# Across - on a positive- they felt fast and effortless!

    2. SnakeBite - 6:19 my c2b are really weak right that ate up most of my time. Excited to see how much faster im going to be when these are no longer a weakness!

    Anyone else feeling like they are ready for ramp up! Thanks coach for the Deload this week! Feeling fresh and ready! :)

    1. Cheryl, was feeling the same way today. I definitely needed the deload week. But now ready to go back at it!

  24. Open
    1. 9:12 (scaled to 45# and regular PUs)
    2. Snatch Complex done at 65#

  25. Regionals
    110 for the snatch work
    9:06 for the wod - forced butterflies today for the c2b because I want to do them consistently... They're getting better but had to drop from the bar many times to reset

  26. Open
    1.) 8:47 posterior chain was feeling yesterday's deadlifts, so I had to slow the pace a bit.
    2.) Haven't done these yet, but will use 135 or 155 later this afternoon.

    David / 32 / 5'10" / 175

  27. 1) Snatches - 135. Felt great
    2) Metcon - 7:50. Did NOT feel great. Deceptive wod

  28. Reg Masters

    1). 135, done
    2). 6:53...too many of my squat snatches looked awfully like power snatches...much work needed.

  29. 1) 155 all felt real good

    2) 10:40 - I'm much better at kipping my ctbs then butterlying but today I forced myself to do butterflies for every rep which slowed me down but will hopefully pay off in the long run

  30. Open
    8:51 rx (lack of consistent c2b butterflies really hurt me. Lesson learned)
    Snatch complex finished at 165 felt great.

  31. Regionals:
    1) 155- been working on form a lot lately and is starting to come together.
    2)Snake Bite 7:50. Could've went harder, I leave too much in the tank sometimes.

  32. Open
    1. 8:15 did not feel good at all felt rundown

    2. 185

  33. Open Program
    1) 11:48 - I really struggle with high rep squat snatches. Back got really tight early. Oh yeah, I also smashed my forehead on the middle part of a "dirty south bar" when I stupidly grabbed the low bar to do a C2B in the last round. Got up and finished the last few reps, then had to call it a day and ice/bandage my face.
    2) Will make up another day due to face smash.

  34. open:
    1) 12:19 c2b pull ups big goat snatch at 65#
    2) done 95#

  35. Open

    1. Snake bite - 12:24 worked hard but everybody still kicks my ass. What the hell.

  36. M/25/5'6"/177/Southeast
    2)6:48 Rx

  37. Open:
    1) 7:46. Butterfly was feeling good today. Had to make amends for yesterday's performance.

    2) Done at 115. Felt smooth and fast. Overall good day in the gym.

  38. 1. 185# felt good.
    2. "Snake bite" 6:24. Cruised with 95# and cheat to bars were solid today

  39. 1. 180 Across. Went 9/10. Missed the first one, hit the next 9.
    2. 9:47. Only came off the PU bar twice. The Snatches were slow, but steady.

    After the last 3 days off to let some stuff recover and come back to life, today felt good.

  40. Open
    1- 7:58 broke everything but last 9 pull ups. My quads feel snake bitten.

    2- skipped

  41. Mu otmem until failure- got to 11 and stopped there no fails. This is the most I've ever done!
    Snake bite- 10:06rx

  42. Regionals:

    1. 135 lbs.
    2. 11:00 (strict pull-ups; shoulder tweaked = no CTBs)

  43. Open
    1. 9:44 took me a while to find a grove with the snatches
    2. @115 so they were perfect

  44. Open

    Had to do this workout today instead of yesterday

    1. 8:30 - felt good today
    2. Used 100 lbs

  45. 1) 20:30 rx. C2b getting better
    2) 75 OTM

  46. Open
    1 - 9:22
    2 - 7 @ 75kg then singles at 80, 85, 90kg

  47. Open
    1 - 9:22
    2 - 7 @ 75kg then singles at 80, 85, 90kg

  48. Open
    6:20 rx couldnt get rhythm on chest to bar.
    185 across for snatch complex
