Sunday, August 11, 2013

Tuesday 8.13.13


1.  Bounding
5 attempts to establish a 1RM vertical jump

2.  Pull
8x3 Sumo Deadlift, climbing from a deficit - Stand on 45# plates, hands inside knees, no bouncing or TnG. 

3.  20 Rep Benchmark
20 rep max Clean - Power or squat allowed.  Resting in the front rack is allowed.  No resting on the ground or at the hang.  Every rep must be TnG.

1.  Metcon
"The Admiral"
3 RFT:
20 Burpee Pull ups - bar should be about 6" above max reach
20 Front Squats, 155/105
20 Box Jumps, 24/20 - games standards.

2.  Rowing
2K Row

1.    Metcon
"The Admiral"
3 RFT:
20 Burpee Pull ups - bar should be about 6" above max reach
20 Front Squats, 155/105
20 Box Jumps, 24/20 - games standards.

2.  Skills
Tabata Chest to Bar Pull ups, record total score.


  1. Replies
    1. EYAHHHHHHHHH MALIIIIIK! : ) next year, buddy... teen's comp!

  2. Front squats from ground or rack?

  3. Got 18:37 back in January when we did "The Admiral" -- excited to see improvement tomorrow! :)

  4. Is the vertical jump a box jump or jumping to reach a target?


    1. max height vertical jump...i am using the distance outside of arms i googled if my max reach is say 6'2 and i jump and touch a target that is 7'2"; then my vertical record would be 1 foot

  5. OPEN

    1. 16:30 - not happy with this. had to break up front squats into sets of 5

    2. 45 C2B

  6. Oh my god! Worst performance EVER!!!

    1. 21:38
    2. 65 C2B

  7. OPEN
    1) 24:46 - quit before I started on this one. Glad to have finished but I didn't mentally give myself a chance today.

    1. I'm right there with you brother. Haha after the first 10 burpees I was having some serious doubts about finishing!

    2. Yeah. When I started I planned on just doing two rounds. Lol. Not a good mindset!


  8. 1. Bounding- Best was 10'3''

    2. Pull
    8x3 Sumo Deadlift- 135-225-315-325, 335, (had to take it back down for was breaking down), 315, 315, 315

    3. 20 Rep Benchmark- Gamed it totally wrong, did 135 for the first set of 20, got it too easy. Put on 185 and failed on 12. I have 185+ next time.

    1. Metcon
    "The Admiral"- 12:40

    2. Rowing- 7:12 (This was everything I had, was gassed after the workout)

    1. Thank you sir.

    2. Blazing metcon nice work man

    3. Thanks man, for some reason I've excelled on the workouts with Front Squats even though they are not a personal favorite of mine.

  9. 1) done.

    2) 154//242/308/330/352/374/396/407

    3) 143. Should have gone for 150 or 155.

    4) 18.05.

    1. dude, 407 is massive on those sumo's, nice work

  10. Reg am
    1.done -will measure later but just over 18" approx.
    2. 165,235,285 6 times
    3. 115. I had maybe 5-10lbs more left.

  11. What is the work to rest ratio for the c2b tabats

  12. Regionals:

    1. Vertical - 29", 29", 30.5", 30", 31"
    2. 185, 225, 245, 285, 315, 365, 385, 405
    3. 185 - All Power Cleans - Some rest in front rack.

    1. Evening

      4. 15:29 RX
      5. No rower tonight. Rode the Airdyne.

  13. A.M.
    1. 20"
    2. 235x5 4 sets 245 x 1 set 255x3 sets
    3. 135 (18 reps)

    1. P.M.
      The Admiral- 12:40...Bar was around 6" out of reach but had to step up onto 2 45# plates...all my bars either require boxes or they were too low.

      Row 2k 8:20.2 i had nothing in me for legs are they were done before i started today...something about those damn pistols yesterday...glad i stopped at 75 each i know what Matt Chan was talking

  14. open

    1. one of the worst wod so far. RX first round and lowered the weight to 60kg second and third round. Had lower back pain after first round so i only did 10 front squats last round. ~30 minutes :(

    2. 38 reps (6-6-5-4-4-4-4-5)

  15. OPEN
    1. The Admiral - 19:01 Rx'd (0:39 PR)
    2. C2B - 42 (5-5-5-5-5-5-6-6)

  16. Open:

    1) 21:34

    2) 45 reps

    Feel like s#!+ today.

  17. Regional
    1) did not attempts
    2) 185/205/225/245/275/295/315/335
    3) 135# 20 BM
    4) Metcon - 15:48 scaled burpee pull ups to just burpees. Rx'd Fronts and BJ's.
    5) No Rowing! Gym doesn't have rower.

  18. Regionals:

    1. 22.5"
    2. 135,185,235,285,300,310,330,345
    3. 156 lbs.
    4. 17:07
    5. 7:19.9

  19. * AM SESSION *

    1) Done

    2) 275, 285, 295, 315, 325, 335, 345, 360

    3) 135, 155 - first time doing this, start higher next time

  20. Master Open
    21:00 rx
    43 tabata ctb

  21. Open
    1. 15:53
    2. 62
    Was really happy with how I felt today did way better then I though I would. The squats were the worst had to break it up every time 15 and 5 on 1st round 10 and 10 2nd then sets of 5 in the last. This programming is really working for me.

  22. OPEN:

    1. 22:46

    Never thought I'd find myself looking forward to box jumps, but it happened.

    1. ha!i thought the same thing! i normally am so clumsy on box jumps...this was the first wod in a while...where the box jumps came easy...which is rare for me after squats.

  23. 2) Started at 225 and last set 360
    3) 155 Done
    4) 20:30
    5) 7:17 Took it easy...

    Rest day needed.

  24. Replies
    1. Thanks Gabriel! Vert is one of the only things I do well.

      Evening work

      17:52. Ouch

  25. Open

    26:20 Yike!!! No excuses, just need to work harder

  26. Open

    1.15:25! My time in January was 18:37. If that isn't some progress, I don't know what is!! :) :)

    2. Doing later - had to watch my high school girls kick butt in the strength portion of their tryouts (I have been coaching strength and conditioning for high school girls since January). They are amazing.

  27. ....feeling very beat up from the last few days (did a Spartan on Sunday), so we both decided to just roll and stretch for an hour today and then just do the 2k. We always seem to not make time for the rowing and it's such low impact we figured it would be OK.

    2K row: 6:49.5... ouch! Maintained a 1:43 pace pretty much from the first pull to the last, no sprint in either end.

    Still looking forward to an active recovery day tomorrow, then back at it on schedule on Thursday.

    1. Note: This would be a 2K PR since high school 17 years ago when sub 7:00 was mandatory for varsity and if I remember sub 6:30 was how to get in the heavyweight boat.....this is part of the reason I avoid the rower...I'm decent at it from muscle memory so I don't NEED to practice as much (compared to mortals)....but the real reason is that it was always torture to be on a rower because it was a test with immediate consequences(second varsity boat). It's amazing how head games from that long ago can still haunt.

  28. regional - had to do everything in one, 2-hour session
    1. Bounding
    20 inches

    2. 8x3 Sumo Deadlift
    215, 225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275, 275

    3. 20 Rep Benchmark
    105#...did 115# for 14, but couldn't hang on

    4. Metcon 18:28

    5. row 8:21...had nothing left in the tank for this one

  29. Open:
    1) 35'19 Rx. Felt like I'm dying through the squats.
    2) 26

  30. REGIONALS (slightly strained right trapezius )
    AM Session
    1. 27"
    2. 255 for all 8 sets
    3. 165 for 12, rested and got 145 for 20 (definitely gonna go heavier when my neck is feeling better)

  31. Open

    1. 28:55
    Not Rx'd, as my pull-up bar is only about 1 to 2" above my reach and I took the bar from the rack for the front squat to protect my shoulder that is still a little tweaked (painful to clean or snatch right now). Lower bar allowed me to do the pull-ups without shoulder pain. This wod kicked my butt!
    2. Skipped due to shoulder issue

  32. Regionals
    First time doing this wod: 15:34

  33. Open
    1. 15:17- huge PR! I did this back in jan w/135# & used a rack- 16:34(I believe in Ben!)
    2. 57 -butterflied 4 sets

  34. Open
    1) 21:23
    2) 33, all butterfly after Jon Moreno talked me into sticking with it to get better at them. Thanks buddy, great WODing with you as always!

    1. Did good man, always a fun time!

  35. * PM SESSION *

    "The Admiral" - 15:03 (first 2 squat sets 15/5, last UB)

    2K Row = 6:58

  36. 1) Admiral - 20.36 - did 9ft pull-up target, very rough on the 230lb dudes.
    2) 8x3 Sumo DL - 345#, really enjoyed these, slow and controlled working on hamstring tension.
    3) CTB Tabata - 7 for the first 7 rounds, then 6 so 55 total

  37. First time doing this programming. Masters Division 47 year old male, 6 feet tall and 195 lbs.

    Admiral 21:?? using 115 # fs
    39 ctb.

  38. Regionals
    1) 30"
    2) Worked up to 385
    3) 155- got more for next time
    4) 16:32
    5) 7:40 legs feeling it today
    Only had time for one today, get it all in!

  39. Open/Masters (43)


    1) 20:54
    Did games standard, used the step-up method and stayed consistent with the box jumps (really step-ups)
    First set of 20 F.S. was 12/8, second was 15/5, then last was 8/7/5...
    I need to push further on these, but that second set...after the 15 I bet I rested 45 seconds before even thinking of picking up the bar again...

    2) 60

    1. BTW ~ Kipping pull ups...I have no butterfly!

  40. open
    1-15:54 rx
    12/8 on front squats all three rounds minimal rest inbetween
    2-unable to complete bc of timing with kids activities will do tomorrow as i need the chest to bar work.

  41. 1.) Did a complex: 1 snatch push press + 1 o.h.s + 1 snatch balance...hit #155 missed balance at #175, much needed work there.

    2.) The admiral = 15:34...not completely happy, I'm good at pull ups and burpees just not burpee pull ups haha

    3.) 69 c2b pull ups

    Great training with Burnes at SOBO per usual!

  42. 1. 29'5- i suck
    2. 315,365,405 for the remainder
    3. 205#- could have done more
    4. 14:48 rx
    5. 6:52 2k. this felt "good"

    1. 405 on those sumos is pretty impressive, I have a decent DL and standing on the plates killed it for me. Nice work.

    2. thanks man. Sumo's feel better to me man. i hate regular deadlift haha

  43. Open
    1- 19:05

    2- 17,15,5,5,5,4,4,5=60

  44. Really not mentally in it today.

    1) Not sure how high, no tape measure around. Will measure later.
    2) 225-255-275-285-290-300-305-315
    3) Got 10 reps at 145 and had to stop. Tweaked my wrist during Mr. Perfect. Having trouble in the front rack.
    4) Metcon - Got 6 front squats into the 2nd round and decided to call it. Don't think I've ever given up mid-wod before. Wrist was on fire and I was just mentally checked out.

    Looking forward to coming back fresh on Thursday.

  45. Open:


    Strategy to do sets of 5 with minimal rest but turned into moderate rest relatively quick.

    2.) 51

  46. 1) 29:18 rx

    2) 20 total. I do them pretty strict... Or as Ethan Walter would say... Very strict. Need to work on bigger kip.

  47. Metcon 24:19 Box Jumps were good, Burpees were okay...Front Squats killed me

    Both Rowers screens are broken at Below Average Joe's so I rowed for 9 minutes.

    C2B--44...I do not have a Butterfly Kip for C2B


  48. Open
    My first workout with y'all!
    Rx'd in 19:57

    1. Bounding
    1RM vertical jump: 17.5 inches.
    2. Pull
    8×3 Sumo Deadlift, climbing from a deficit - Stand on 45# plates, hands inside knees, no bouncing or TnG.
    3. 20 Rep Benchmark.
    20 rep max Clean - Power of squat allowed. Resting in the front rack is allowed. No resting on the ground or at the hang. Every rep must be TnG.
    110- all power cleans, probably had 5ish more pounds in me.


    1. Metcon
    “The Admiral”
    3 RFT:
    20 Burpee Pull ups - bar should be about 6″ above max reach.
    20 Front Squats, 155/105.
    20 Box Jumps, 24/20 - games standards.
    17:29rx FS (12/8, 10/6/4, 10/6/4).
    2. Rowing

    2K Row- 9:23.2 of torture.
    couldn't move any faster lol

  50. got to the gym too late to do anything before class today. AND my ass parts were KILLING ME after yesterday's pistol adventure. so i spent some time doing extra mobility pre.

    "the admiral" 13:48 Rx... paced a little too slowly. waited seconds (which was probably longer) before picking up the bar post burpees. step downs on the BJs. lots of caveats. 1:30 slower than last time's 12:18.

    20 RM clean: 115# all PCLN. first time ever doing this. grip goes fast even with light weight.

    deads, vert and 2k row tomorrow... in the office.

    got home and took the loveliest ice bath. bribed myself into it with cheez its. "oops. some cheez its fell in this big freezing tub full of ice... maybe i should dive in there and rescue them!"

  51. Open.

    1. 17:06...I hate burpee pullups

    2. 47, not pretty.

  52. Haven't posted in a few days. But I have been mostly keeping up.

    The Admiral - 21:00. Did burpee c2bs instead because my bar was at hand height. Compare to 25:something back in January, happy with the improvement. Tough as hell wod though.

    Didn't have time for tabata c2bs...

  53. Open
    39 (butterfly)

    Wasnt feeling 100% - recovering from jet lag.

  54. OPEN
    "The Admiral"
    time = 17:48

    tabata chest-to-bar pullups...
    first time doing this, started with a humble pace and was lucky I did...
    4-5-6-7-6-5-4-6 = 43

  55. Open
    1. 15:12 with 85# f squat
    2. 48

  56. Hey Ben I'm Sammy and have been following your programming religiously since december last year. Came in to your programming with the goal of making regionals in my first open which happened!Qualified and went to regionals (which was my first taste of an individual competition!) and ended up 24th overall..came out of the weekend with a burning passion to improve, re qualify and place in the top ten in the open and regionals come next year! I train everyday with my coach kelly we love your stuff! :)

    1. Bounding
    1RM: 3.04M

    2. Pull
    We did 1RM deadlifts today in normal box training:
    1 RM: 319

    3. 20 Rep Benchmark
    20RM: 132

    1. Metcon
    "The Admiral"
    3 RFT:
    20 Burpee Pull ups - bar should be about 6" above max reach
    20 Front Squats 110
    20 Box Jumps 24 inch box

    2. Rowing
    2K Row: 7:50

  57. Metcon: 18:22 rx'd. Not my day

    Pull-ups: 36

  58. Open Program
    1) 18:05 - front squats really got tough staying upright. Overall happy with this time though.
    2) 47 total

  59. Vertical Jump 29.5"

    20 RM Power Clean w/ 185# (Grip strength is not good enough; Got 7 then got 10)

    Rx'd = 21:52

    Row 2k (FELT GOOD)

  60. Open
    1. 24:30 mental game was not there after round 1
    2. 37 I need to learn how to butterfly my ctb

    looking forward to a day of recovery

  61. Admiral- 17:48 @ 135#

    Tabata C2B- 50reps

  62. Regional Morning done at night

    Vert - 26.5", 27", 26.5" 27", 27.5"
    2 foot tack off straight up. No steps.

    Being a vball player in the day I wasn't happy with this. A few attack approaches changed the numbers a but lol
    35", 36.5".... And I was satisfied

    Sumo Rx Deficit - 1st time doing these
    135, 185, 225, 255, 315, 335, 355, 385.
    Back was solid. My standard dead is 465 so I'm now curious to see what I can pull sumo style

    20 PC - 185# a sweaty slip or two but was immediately back on it. Peeled my thumb on hook grip. I stopped being a bitch baby, taped up and started again

  63. "The Admiral": 24:27 with 135#
    C2B: 45

  64. Open

    1) 15:27 rx (step-downs)
    2) 42. I wanted to test where I'd hit the wall by going all-out.


    1. Bounding
    5 attempts to establish a 1RM vertical jump


    2. Pull
    8x3 Sumo Deadlift, climbing from a deficit - Stand on 45# plates, hands inside knees, no bouncing or TnG.


    3. 20 Rep Benchmark
    20 rep max Clean - Power or squat allowed. Resting in the front rack is allowed. No resting on the ground or at the hang. Every rep must be TnG.

    115x20, 135x30. First time doing these. Grip was gone from 1st set. Will go heavier next time.

    Rested 4hrs.

    1. Metcon
    "The Admiral"
    3 RFT:
    20 Burpee Pull ups - bar should be about 6" above max reach
    20 Front Squats, 155/105
    20 Box Jumps, 24/20 - games standards.

    13:58 Rx'd. Step downs. Saw little baby jesus at the end.

    2. Rowing
    2K Row

    7:08. Pr is 6:55.

  66. open

    1-28:15 135# muy pesado para mi
    1- DNF

  67. 1). High? I used nature so I don't have the measurement
    2) 225, 275, 315, 315, 335, 355, 355, 365
    3). 155 no drops and no pauses in the hang. For those that did 205 unbroken you're in a different league...well done
    4). 13:04.
    5). 7:10

  68. Legs felt like garage today. front squat (squatting in general) are my arch nemesis.

    19:14 with 135# FS. Started with 155# but realized it wouldn't have been condition but a winded strength session. glad i switched.
    burpee pull-ups and box jumps were smooth and almost easy.

    another day down... one more closer to my goals!
