Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Thursday 8.8.13

Rachel and Montoya.

1. Snatch Technique
10x1 OTM @ 70%

2.  Clean and Jerk Technique
10x1 OTM @ 70%

3.  Squats
5 x 3 Oly Pause Squats, across - You can choose to do these as front squats or high bar back squats.  Pause for 3 full seconds at the bottom (ATG bottom or every rep).

4.  Gymnastic Skills
10 sets of 5 Toes to Ropes - Demo Video

5.  Metcon
"Heartbreak Kid"
3 RFT:
10 Front Squats, 185/135 - from the ground.
20 C2B Pull ups
50 Double unders

1.  Metcon
"Heartbreak Kid"
3 RFT:
10 Front Squats, 185/135 - from the ground.
20 C2B Pull ups
50 Double unders

2.  SnatchTechnique
10x1 OTM @ 70%

3.  Strength
Work up to a heavy set of 10 Romanian Deadlifts - Demo video


  1. Regionals / SoCal

    1. Done @ 140#
    2. Done @ 170#
    3. Done @ 225# Across
    4. Complete
    5. 10:11 RX, Attacked my squat weakness hard today!

    Do to a very busy schedule Thursday had to do this on Wednesday.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1. Done with 150

    2. Done with 185

    3. Squats- Did with Front Squats at 225

    4. Gymnastic Skills- Ha ha, will have to work on these

    5. Metcon- 7:26, this felt awesome, my chest to bar pullups have never felt this good. I've been doing alot of prehab on the scapula and shoulder, maybe it is paying off.

  5. Before I workout today, I wanted to share that yesterday I got my first ever bar muscle-up!!! It is strict. It is ugly. But it IS one! Now to work on my technique :)

    You can see the amazing mess here:

    1. Awesome! It's obvious that you are very strong. I'm working in a strict bar MU with both arms getting over at the same time. I think I'll do them like you with one at a time to get the strength for it.

    2. Nice job. You have the strength, so its all just working technique. At least you got that first one out of the way now.

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  7. OPEN

    1.) METCON: 14:57min

    Had to scale it down for FrontSquat (135#) and 3SingleUnder + 1DoubleUnder for 25reps ... both can work up next time to 160# an 2SU+1DU ... C2B were horrible :(

    2.) Snatch Technique: 10x1x77#

    11# more then last week and feels good ... worked on to fix my Shoulder in the Endposition to go to my 1st OHS

    3.) heavy Set of Romanian Deadlift: 10x176# - 10x198# - 8x209#

    Had my Problems with "working up to" and don´t know if I should do only 1 heavy Set or more heavy Sets till failure. Can someone tell me what´s right for the next time? Thank you :)

  8. Open
    1. 11:29
    2. Snatch 135# across
    3. Pass did goat work instead

  9. Open

    1) 16:23

    2) Rx w/ 115#

    3) 155#

  10. Open
    1. 7:53- C2B got me in 3rd rd....the entire wod was a goat for me....happy to be done
    2. 175#- no misses, felt good today
    3. 315#

  11. Open:
    1. 17.56
    2. 30kg across
    3. Left this one alone as a recovering hamstring is not quite ready. I can complete my O Lufts fine but dead lifts and max sprints cause tightness. It's a strange one, any thoughts from the community?

  12. OPEN
    1) 12:39, round 1 - 185, round 2 - 5 reps@185 then dropped to 135 for last 5 reps and for 3rd round. I couldn't get the bar back up in the rack position after I dropped it in the 2nd round@185 and noticed my form falling apart so played it safe.

    2) 135

    3) Ran out of time will hit later tonight

  13. Does anyone know why the open athletes are doing the metcon first?

    1. FAQ and Programming Philosophy pages

  14. How long do you rest between the Metcon, Snatch and Strength?

    1. Had rest 5min after the METCON and 3min between Snatch & Strenght.

  15. Open

    1. 23:40Rx. Very heavy front squats for me and CTB was a struggle.

    2. 42,5kg (95 pounds)

    3. 90kg (200 pounds) grip was tough.

  16. 1. Heartbreak Kid - 11:45 Rx'd
    2. 10x1 (OTM) @ 120#
    3. RDL - 225#/260#/295#

    ... have never attempted Romanian Deadlifts before wasn't sure where to start ... 295# was definately a salt check ...

  17. 1) 155
    2) 175
    3) 265 back squat
    4) Done
    5) Shared a pull up bar, but enjoyed this wod a lot!!! 11.25RX

  18. Day 3
    1. Heartbreak Kids - 11:54 (gassed out on last round, 2:21, 6:10 were other rounds, FS killed me)
    2. didnt get anything else in yet. laid on the ground for 30 minutes then started training all morning.

    glad I am here.

    David / 32 / 5'10" / 175 lbs.

  19. Regionals:

    1. 135 lbs.
    2. 185 lbs.
    3. Rounds 1-2 225 lbs. Rounds 3-5 245 lbs.
    4. Done
    5. 10:22

  20. Regional
    1) @95
    2) @115 (went a little heavier than 70% for these two)
    3) oly pause squats (did front squats) - stayed between 125 & 135
    4) done
    5) 13:49 rx - need to work on my front squats and c2b

  21. Open

    1. 13:26 (115#)
    2. 70#
    3. 135#

  22. Open:

    1) 12:35

    2) 135# across

    3) 315#

  23. Open

    1. 10:32 RX - Really wanted sub 10 - but my 2nd/3rd round of C2B kind-of fell apart :) They have improved, though! 15 unbroken on round 1!

    2. Done @95 lbs

    3. Used 145. My hamstrings are tight, so I didn't want to go any higher and hurt myself.

  24. Open:

    1) 12:35

    2) 135# across

    3) 315#

  25. OPEN

    1. 16:52rx

    2. snatch 10x1 OTM @135

    3. 185#

  26. Open usually but threw in a bit of Regionals as I needed the practice on C&J

    1) Snatch 135 OTM
    2) C&J 185 OTM
    3) Heartbreak Kid 10:24

  27. Question to the OPEN Athlets:

    How did you "working up" your Romanian Deadlifts? Did you Warm-up Sets? How many Sets did you as heavy Sets?

    I did 3 Warm-up Sets with 40/60/80% of my Weights I tought they would be a Set of 10 unbroken reps. Than I did 3 Sets in the same Style I try to find my 1RM.

    Thanks for answering :)

    1. Gerry-

      I am not sure how Ben intended them to be done, but this is how I did them. When I see 'Work up to a heavy set of 10', I interpret that as many as meaning 4-6 progressively heavier sets including 2-3 lighter 'warm-up' sets. So I did it pretty much the same way that you did.

    2. There is a difference between sets programmed as "work up up to a heavy set of 10" and something written like, "5x10, climbing to a heavy set". In the second one you are required to do 5 sets of 10 adding weight each time. In the first one you are asked to complete a heavy set of 10, but you can warm up to that set how you want; probably with sets of 3-5 reps.

    3. Thank you John & Thank you Coach! It´s noticed and will be memorised for the next "working-up-to" Set ;)

  28. Open master:
    MU pt w Montoya- so helpful-what a ninja- TK u
    17:10 on wod/ 105#
    Skipped dl / snatches as I did some yesterday w class.

  29. Open:

    At the beginning of my training I tried to do Ring MU but didnt manage. Then I did 10x1 Bar MU which is very easy for me, no fails, but for some reason Ring MU is a goat for me. Any suggestions, tips?

    1) Front Squat scaled to 100lb (but did all 3 set unbroken so maybe it was too light)
    Instead of C2B I did deep inverted row, bacause of the MU's I had no skin on my hands. But rows felt harder, than C2B, because of no kipping :)
    Happy of 2 unbroken sets of DUs in the first 2 rounds.

    2) 75lb, Felt confident, no fail reps.

    3) 90lb. It was so strange to me, have to do this more times!

  30. Ope
    1) 12:10 So tried doing butterfly C2B throughout. Yeah, that didn't happen. But I did get half butterfly C2B's, progress there. But I did get tag teamed by the fatigue monster and a mental midget on my last 10 dubs. Completely lost them for a good 30 seconds. Oh well, will definitely work this!
    2) 145#

  31. 1. Snatches 105#
    2. Clean and Jerks 145#
    3. Toes to rope- these were awkward but manageable. I felt like my shoulder was getting a little funky. Not sure what i was doing wrong, but felt like something was out of place when i was doing them (only on my right side)
    4. 8:12 ...feel like my pull ups are starting to come back...still very rusty, but better than they were a few weeks ago!

  32. Open

    1. 17:53!
    2nd and 3rd round took so long! Doubles unders did not come easy today, but 185 #s was probably too heavy for me to do for 10 reps in a Metcon. Did them 10, 5/5, 5/5, but there was a lot of rest in between. C2Bs were slow too.
    2. 135 lbs
    3. Worked up to 205 #s

  33. 1. snatch 185#-- felt fast and strong on the turnover. sat in the bottom for 3 seconds on each one to work core and balance

    2. Clean&jerk 235#-- felt good, sat in the bottom of the jerk for balance

    3. 225#-- did 5x3 pause squsts in the front rack

    4. toes 2 rope are werid haha

    5. metcon: 8:40-- went unbroken on all squats, 15-5 on most c2b cuz i suck, and dubs were just as many as i could get without breathin, did the last set 40-10. I hate double unders

  34. A) Snatch @ 160#
    B) Clean & Jerk @ 190#
    C) Pause Squats (Did Front Squats) @ 225#
    D) Toes-2-Rope
    E) "Heartbreak Kid" (RX'D) in 10:57
    - Front Squats unbroken
    - C2B Pull Ups did 5-5-5-5 to pace myself
    - Double Unders in 25-25, 10-10-10-10-10, 15-10-15-10.

  35. 1) HB Kid - 8:47 - UB on all FS - 10/5/5 on all CTB - 40/10, UB, UB DU
    2) Snatches - 195/205
    3) Just did Jerks - 275
    4) Toe-to-Rope - Done (fun)
    No squats today

  36. 1) Snatches - 135
    2) C&J - 165
    3) Fronts Squats - 185 across
    4) Done
    5) 12:31 - Front squats killed me, huge GOAT

  37. Regionals

    1) Snatches - 135#
    2) C&J - 180#
    3) HBBS - 255#
    4) Lots of Rope Climbs yesterday - Hands are thrashed
    5) 10:30 RX

    First post! Followed for a few weeks before the 2013 Open,looking to follow consistently into the 2014 season.

  38. Open

    1.) 7:54....this one put me on the ground after woah.

    2.) #133... no misses, but still humped the bar like I was losing my virginity on some reps. Much better overall tho!

    3.) Worked up to a set of #305

    1. Awesome work...When did you take your first breath? After the first or second round?!?! WOW!!! Great time!

    2. L.E.G.I.T!! Love the humping reference!

    3. Thanks guys much appreciated! After the 2nd rd of c2b I was gasping for air haha. Great seeing you on here tb motivating to see some masters post.

  39. M/25/5'7"/178/Southeast
    3)275 FS
    5)7:43 Rx-C2B got hairy, DUs always a kick in the teeth

  40. 1) 185

    2) 200

    3) Hatch Squat

    4) Doneskis

    5) 12:59. Subbed in 15 HSPU for the front squats because I did a ton in the hatch program. I just felt awful today, one of those days that just finishing a session feels like I won the games in the accomplishment category.

  41. 1) snatch work done at 115. Feeling good. Trying to open all the way up and not jump forward. I have a bad habit of jumping and landing a foot length I front. Only thing I can think is I am not opening all the way up and the bar is coming away from the body. Today felt better though and I was landing properly.

    2) C&J work done at 165. Also felt good. Landing felt good.

    3) pause back squats done at 225. Maybe could have got 235 but really wanted to work on the full 3 seconds and getting out of the hole.

    4) skipped due to the other side of the gym being used where ropes were and also time.

    5) 9:57. Felt like I was breathing too heavy. Feel like my metcon is slacking. However we are doing it after a lot f heavy work most if the time.

  42. Open:

    A) 9:37. Playing around with going to failure in every set. That went well.

    B) 165.

    C) 345.

    D) Death by strict press at 95. 11 + 11 rounds.

  43. OPEN/Masters (43)

    1) 12:49

    2) Snatch @ 135...Reps 3-8 felt fantastic getting under bar and shoulders locking into place!! Balance

    3) No Time...Football Practice

  44. 1) snatch @ 175 ... 10/10 all full snatches
    2) C&J @ 225...10/10 all squat cleans
    3) Pause Squats...done as back squats
    4) Toes 2 Rope = Done...holy grip
    5) Heartbreak Kid - 11:41

  45. Open
    1) 10:59
    2) 165 no misses
    3) 165
    1) 13:05
    2) 115
    3) 165

  46. open
    1- 18:40 escale a 140lbs, el c2b m costo mucho subo suficiente pero no pego el pecho a la barra, los DU no m salen muy seguido por la cuerda.

    2- 75lbs done

    3- 140lbs esta me costo fue bastante pesado para mi

  47. 1.125lbs
    3.225 across (front squat)
    4.done, suprisingly hard
    5. 9:05, c2b pullups comepletely went to shit on me in 2nd and 3rd rounds. ended up doing 5 singles at the end of the 3rd round. unbroken on FSquats and 50,50,40/10 on DUs.

  48. 1) 155
    2) 225
    3) 255
    4). I didn't count as much as I tried to concentrate
    5). 8:16

  49. Open Program
    1) 11:03 - Really hoping to go faster here, but had to break the FS once on rd 2 and 3, plus the C2B's are just not a strength of mine. Also absurdly humid here in Indiana. Oh well.
    2) Done at 130
    3) Done at 225. Next time try 245.

  50. Regionals
    1) 140

    2) 175

    3) 230--These felt really good today!

    4) Complete

    5) 15:27...those front squats took it out of me!


  51. 1. Snatch work @ 165
    2. Clean & Jerk @ 205
    3. Front Squats @ 275 across
    4. Done
    5. "Heartbreak Kid"- 8:43

  52. Open
    1. 14:45. Damn double unders took forever. No good at them when tired. Unbroken on the front squats and c2bs felt ok.
    2. 140lbs
    3. Worked up to 275. Felt ok, could've gone heavier but form
    started to break down so the weight is about right.

  53. open 1- 9:37rx had to break on ctb and that was it
    2-otm with 155 '

  54. 1. snatch 170#-- felt fast and strong on the turnover.

    2. Clean&jerk 195#-- felt good,,ixed push jerk and split jerk

    3. 255#-- did 5x3 pause back squats

    4. toes 2 rope every 45seconds 5 unbroken

    5. metcon: 7:47-- sucked. My lungs felt terrible. Still coming back....

  55. Open:

    1.) 16:32 had way more in me but at least I did it...

    2.) 125#

    5 power + 5 squat... Technique felt good

    3.) got to warm up sets but ran out of time

  56. Open.

    1. 9:46...C2B really slowed me down

    Skipped the lifting today. My back was feeling weird. I found some nasty bits in the high glute area yesterday during mobility. I was carrying a moderately heavy pack all day today on a hike so maybe that was a factor. But anyway, didn't feel good snatching 95, so I figured I shouldn't push it.

  57. 1. 70k
    2. 90k
    3. 110k
    4. Check
    5. Metcon: 9:25rx. Lungs slowed me down more than anything here.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Open
    125# front squat. 135# is pushing one rm so had to scale
    Du saved my time or it would of been worse

    65# snatch and squat snatch
    Technique is getting better

    145# one set and ran out of time.

  60. 1- @95
    2- @125
    3- HBBS @185
    4- was going to do after wod but hand ripped :(
    5- 13:00rx first 2 rounds fs/du unbroken 3rd round 5/5 23/27 c2b still smoking me and still a goat did pr my c2b butterfly (7)

  61. Regional (Canada East Hopeful)

    #1 - 145#. Went with Squat Snatch. Practicing for upcoming Comp.
    #2 - 185#. Squat Clean/Split Jerk. Footwork, work in progress
    #3 - 245#. Front Squat. Partner and I counted out the 3 secs for each other to keep it legit. My ATG is deep. Mixed blessings
    #4 - Interesting. Spun around a bit but fun.
    #5 - WOD. Had a break. Had to teach Fundamentals.
    Got it in at 10pm. First round I only counted Butterfly C2B. They get rough fast.
    RX- 12:33. If I stuck with kipping C2B I may have shaved some time off...long term goals in mind here

    1. 145
    2. 185
    3. BS @ 235
    4. Done
    5. 6:57 (FS have never felt this good before)

  63. OPEN
    9:49, snatches @ 145lbs, rom.deadlifts 10x315

  64. Metcon: 11:38 rx'd. finally getting my butterfly down
    Snatch: done at 125#
    Pause squats: 225#

  65. Did regionals programming because I was working out at the same time as Wags.
    1. 85#
    2. 115#
    3. front squat 130#
    4. Toes to Rope...failed on very last rep during 10th set but kept going til I got 5 unbroken
    5. 9:46 with 110# and 15 c2b each round

  66. Regionals
    1/2- Did 21 Min AMRAP 145# Snatch and a 195# Clean and Jerk- Gotta get lower on Split Jerk
    3.285- Did high bar back due to front squats being in WOD
    4. Done- Grip was my problem, most sets split into 3/2
    5. 11:40 Wod- Gassed- Gotta work on the engine!

  67. OPEN

    1. 15:54 (unbroken front squat sets, still working on CtB,)

    2. Did FGB at my box (316)

  68. Open
    1. 110#FS/10 1 arm snatches/50DU
    2. 72#
    3. 72/95/135

  69. Open:
    1. 16:55 @ 155#. Took long breaks between rounds.
    2. 90#
    3. 185#

  70. Open
    Day 3
    1. 12:34 RX my CTB needs work
    2. 135 these got better as I went on "probably should have warmed up"
    3. 215 I stopped here probably have a bit more in the tank

  71. 10:45 rx on wod c2b are no bueno!!!
    245 on pause fs 5x3
    Snatch 160
    C&j 195
    Rope ttr 5x5

  72. Regionals
    1) 185
    2) 220
    3) 265
    4) Done
    5) 12:34Rx

  73. Open

    1) 9:58
    2) @ 115#
    3) @ 185# - had a little more but ran out of time

  74. 1 185
    2 225
    3 275 back
    4 check
    5 8:37

  75. 1) 9:32 155# Front Squat
    2) 135# Snatch
    3) 185# Had more but didn't want form to slip

  76. Snatch @145
    C&J @185

    HBBS + pause- 225, 245, 255, 265, 275 -- these got freaking hard. Thought for sure I would fail my final rep at 275. Perfect weight.

    10x5 T2Rope- weird. Not really difficult. Didn't feel it in my core, but definitely my grip and pull.

    WOD- Rx 7:40 .. FS went 10/10/ 6+4 . Pullups went 20/ 12+4+4/ 6+4+4+3+3 , Dubs UB every round.
    -Overall felt good after comparing times. Was hoping for sub-10minutes initially.

  77. Regionals:

    1. 170
    2. 205
    3. FS @ 225, 225, 245, 255, 260
    4. Done
    5. 8:49

  78. Open

    1. 12:51, really disappointed as 1st round was 2 mins! Then couldn't catch my breath, nutritions been poor due to staff shortages and wedding this sat :(
    2. Rdl x 10 @ 90kg, could go heavier.
    3. Snatch tmoz as shdr sore.
