Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Thursday 10.25.12

Heather and Russell Berger getting some tips from Chad Vaughn.

1.  Snatch 
2x1 moderate
2x2 moderate

2. Front Squat
2x1 heavy
2x2 heavy

3.  For time:
800m Run
30 Power Snatches, 135/95
800m Run
Anything is possible with training.  
You want something?  Go get it.


  1. 1. Snatch: 2x1: 175, 2x2: 160

    2. Front Squat: 2x1: 285, 2x2: 270

    3. Metcon
    Isabel 3:00 PR#
    *ongoing thunderstorm and rains.

  2. 1. Snatch: 2x1: 125#, 2x2: 125#
    2. Front Squat: 2x1: 235#, 2x2: 215#
    3. 13:16 (at 125#)

    mentally stuck at 125#. need to break through 135# barrier on all snatches.

  3. Out of Order:
    FS: 1rm w/ class: 170# 15# pr since July
    Metcon: 12:10 80#- 75# no focus today
    S. Snatch 2x1: 80#, 2x2: 75#

  4. Snatch- 2X1 @ 115, 2X2 @ 105

    FS- 2x1 @ 205-sloppy,felt so heavy today 2X2 @ 185

    Metcon- 11:04 RX

  5. 1. 185/175
    165 x 2
    2. 300/275
    3. 11:26

  6. 1) 165, 145
    2) 335, 285
    3) 11:12 Rxd.

  7. 1) 125, 125
    2) 265, 225
    3) 15:28 Rx

  8. 1. Snatch @ 130/115
    2. FS @ 195/185/185
    3. 11:00 flat ... It was raining and there was lots of long jumping along my path ... Not ideal! Was hoping to be a little faster.. Worked on bigger numbers with re snatches... My best isabel time was done as singles... I worked on doing sets of 6 with small rest ... Felt strong

    ...feeling really good this week!

  9. 1: snatch- 2x1- 95, 115
    2x2, 95,95
    2: front squat- 2x1 295,305
    2x2- 265,265
    3: 800 meter
    30 power snatch @115
    800 meter run
    Time 12:03

  10. 1. snatch 2x1 154#
    2. snatch 2x2 135#
    3. FS 2x1 265#
    4. FS 2x2 265#

    wod: 11:42 RX

  11. 1. 185# 165#
    2. 335 fail 315, 275
    3. 10:33 Rx

  12. Snatch 185, 165
    Front squat 275, 255
    WOD 10:52

  13. 1.) Snatch work, different rep scheme
    2.) Front Squat 245, 235
    will make up wod tomorrow

  14. 185, 165
    325, 285
    Did some ring dips they've been slacking because I put on 25 pounds during get ha-uge haha

  15. 1. 180, 165 (t-n-go)
    2. 260, 250
    3. 10:55 RX

  16. Running a day late,
    2. 115/120
    3. Scaled to #75 12:37, not at the #95 level yet, but it's inspiring to see those numbers by the girls getting put up.

  17. Snatch 175
    Front squat 265
    Wod 11:11 Rx

  18. 1. 6x105
    2. 2@ 155 2x2@135
    Back is smoked from competition this weekend. Had no midline.
    3. 13:12 smoked

  19. 1. 110#, 11#
    2. 220#, 242#
    3. 11:45
