Sunday, October 28, 2012

Monday 10.29.12

Matt Beard, with son Rocky, 
celebrating a first place finish in Europe.
1.  Snatch Pulls
3x3 at 100% of 1RM Snatch

2.  Front Squat
2x1 Heavy

3.  3 RFT:
15 Front Squats, 185/135
75 Double unders

4.  3 RFT:
500m Row
1 minute Rest
Mike Burnes

"I just wanted to thank you for posting the Competitors WOD programming as open source. I have only been doing it since the Garage Games at the advice of Geoff. Before I used to jump around with inconsistent programming and that wasn't getting me anywhere. But in the short time I have been following your programming my strength has gone up progressively and some of my biggest weaknesses are quickly becoming strengths. My only regret is I had wish I would have done this sooner. Cant wait to have a full year of this programming and to see the gains and overall difference in my fitness. You have a great box and coaches who I can always go to for advice. Appreciate everything you do!"
-Mike Burns.


  1. 1. 245
    2. 275 (OHS)
    3. 9:52 (155 OHS)
    4. 7:38

  2. 1. 185. Not 1RM

    2. 285#

    3. 11:05

    4. 1:47/1:51/1:53

  3. 1. 225
    2. 315
    3. 7:28
    4. 1:30.5, 1:38.5, 1:41.3 Legs were fried by the end.

  4. Snatch Pull - 155#
    Front Squat - 235# (could have done more. will next time)
    WOD - 14:56 (165#s)
    3 500 meter Rows - Brutal

  5. Dear lord Jesus, please protect our CrossFit leader Ben, his family, friends, and his box from hurricane sandy. We lift him up to you for protection. Lord God we look to you for all things and we thank you for putting Ben in our sights. AMEN.

  6. 1. 255, 265, 275
    2. 325
    3. 7:15@185 unbroken/unbroken
    4. 1:36, 1:45.6, 1:42.7. Ouch. Legs were done

  7. 1. 105#
    2. 165#
    3. 15:34. (115# fs)
    4. 1:59, 2:16, 2:09

  8. 1. 100kg across
    2. 130kg across
    3.6:54 rx...broken up, a lot ;)
    4. 1:31.9, 1:39.9, 1:39.2

  9. Snatch pull 185
    Front squat 295
    WOD 10:54

  10. Wod: 14:00, 4 minutes spent trying to fix my jumprope which broke in round 1
    Row: 5:26 total row time
    snatch pulls 3x3 @ 165
    Front Squat 2x1 @ 245

  11. Also surfed 8 foot hurricane surf here in South Florida all weekend... It was Crazzzy!!! APPLYING FITNESS!!!

  12. 225
    8:30 this could've been faster but I finally got a nice rope and i'm used to using a shitty slow rope so I was having trouble with the rhythm

    the rowing killed me 1:42, 2:05, 2:10

  13. 1. 176#
    2. 287# (PR with 22 pounds didnt even feel like a 1rm max)

    3 & 4 skipped! having a bad cold and some shoulder pain so taking it easy today and recovering.

  14. 1) 205
    2) 325
    3) 8:35
    4) 1:37.8, 1:42.2, 1:41.6

  15. 1) 265#
    2) 365#,385#
    3) 8:29
    4) 1:38, 1:50, 1:41

  16. 1) 195
    2) 305 (felt awful)
    3) 7:16
    4) Ran out of time, gym was closing.

  17. 1.205
    3.9:43 dubs kill my ankle

    1. My achillies flares up bad with DUs... I feel ur pain

  18. 1: 205 across
    2: 275 2x1
    3: 11:02 I wish my rope was just like a half inch longer...
    4: 1:42.6/1:42.8/1:46.2

    Another excellent workout Ben! Thanks and be safe up there, my dad is visiting here in AZ and his flight back to Logan was cancelled till Wednesday.

  19. 1. snatch pull 215#
    2. ft squat 305#
    3. WOD 6:51 Rx
    4. 500 m rows 1 min rest: 1:36, 1:40, 1:41

  20. 1. Snatch Pull 185
    2. Front squat 205
    3 WOD 11:53
    4. 7:11

  21. 1. 225

    2. 260

    3. 11:19 RX

    4. 1:51, 1:51, 1:51

  22. 1. 205
    2. 275, 295 (tried and failed at 315)
    3. 11:39 RX. This WOD killed me for some reason. Expected to do lots better and had absolutely no gas.
    4. Ran out of time before I had to teach!

  23. 1-225 snatch pulls
    3-10:32 rx absolutely trashed legs
    4-1:43, 1:44, 1:41

  24. 1. 264#
    2. 220#
    3. ran out of time!
