Thursday, October 25, 2012

Friday 10.26.12

1.  Power Clean and Jerk
5x1 Heavy, across

2.  Back Squat
2x2 Heavy

3.  15-12-9-6-3:
DB Hang Squat Clean Thruster, 50/35
Toe to Bar


  1. No dumbells. Can 16 kg KBS used as mods/sub?

  2. C&J: 205/215/225/235/245

    Back Squat: 2x2: 365#

    12:55... Sub 100 lbs. BB for DB

    Coach Ben, question, as to Metcon work, are we still in the "metcons suffer" phase? Or should we feel some improvement? As I track my progress, I've noticed that metcons with heavy loads and those that are short and heavy domains have improved immensely. Any metcons or burners longer than 10 mins, I'm still feeling my way. Hope you can shed light.

    But overall, the programming has been enriching and awesome. I've broken plateaus, made major gains and PR'D along the way. It has fueled my passion for the sport more, and keeping my expectations open further in Crossfit.

    Props to you and the CFNE team.

    1. We are doing Metcons every training day. You should be getting fitter at all time domains. Awesome to hear about your gains.

      If you don't have DB's use KB's. If you don't have KB's use 115/85# barbell.

    2. Thanks Coach. Rest assure progress is evident, will monitor my "metcon lungs". Will keep track.

      Used 100 lbs for metcon.

  3. C&J: 1x165#, 4x185# (happy with these. year end goal was to 1RM at 185#, and now I'm doing multiple lifts at this weight)
    WOD: 14:57 (45#s)
    Backsquat: 245#

  4. Had to skip yesterday. Woke up with what I thought was just a neck tweak from what I assumed was a bad sleeping position. Turns out it's a bulged disk in my neck. Lovely... Feeling a bit better today so I did some Front Squats 2 x 1 @ 295, 2 x 2 @ 275 and GHD work. Then 15 min AMRAP 200m run and max ring dips - 10 rounds (80 dips). Prob back off the oly stuff until the neck bulge calms down.

  5. Is there a place to register for that Competitor's Competition in Jan yet?

  6. 1. Still nursing the collar bone so I did back jerk. Hit 275 for all 5 sets.
    2. 435 x 2 (10# pr!)
    3. 11:17 with 1.5 pood kbs.

    I hate burpees.

  7. C& J: 115#
    WOD: 30# 13:xx?
    BS: 2 x 170#, 2 x 175- depth questionable on second rep,- down to 2 x 165# to nail depth, working on this.

  8. C&J - 245,265,265f,265,265
    WOD - 15:03 Rx what a mobility nightmare for me. Form was atrocious. While I "did" all the DB Hang Squat Clean Thruster reps, I'm not confident I'd call any of them a clean rep.

  9. 1. C&J 5x1 243# first rep and 198# across
    2. 2x2 287#/309
    3. Wod: 11:40 as RX´d everything unbroken but veeeery slow.. body wasnt with me today!

  10. 1.) C&J 185# across 5x1
    2.) BS 2x2 305# (ugly)
    3.) 12:34 RX, worst wod i have had in a while, need to get my lungs back just wasn't feeling it today

  11. 1) 215, 225, 235, 245, 250
    2) 365
    3) 10:27

  12. 1) 205 215 225 235 245
    3) 10:05

    Lungs felt like they wanted to explode

  13. 1. 225#
    2. 315#
    3. 14:01 1.5KB's
    TTB are a goat of mine. Which means they would be a whole lot easier if I would just stop being such a little bitch.

  14. 1.250#
    2.335# low bar
    3. 8:45 45#db's. I was feeling nice so i let dr.ryan used my 50"s!

    remeasured 800 distance, realized we ran an extra :40 each 800 yesterday feel a touch better about yesterdays wod.

  15. 245#
    435# this girl wanted to video me squatting so I went bigger than I should have hahaha

    Had to go eat squats made me hungry ill do the metcon later

  16. 1. 235
    2. 355, 2 then 1, failed 2nd attempt on second set
    3. 13.27 w. 53# kb

  17. PC&J 225x3, 235x3
    Squat 355 for 2x1 (I guess I can't do 90% for 2, oops)
    WOD 11:26

  18. Goat work m/u sets of 3-4
    225 5x1 c &j
    305,325 bs
    13:03 wod back felt good today,
    Had my left knee drained tues and
    Hope that does the trick, hate the age thing

  19. 1. PCL+JERK 5X1 250lb

    2. BACK SQUAT 2X2 heavy 290lb

    3. 12:02 RX

  20. 1.PCL+JERK 5X1 215lb

    2. BACK SQUAT 2X2 heavy 305,325lb

    3. 12:40 RX

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. 1. Clean and Jerk: 5x1x215 good day 225 here I come
    2. Wod: 12:10 rx

  23. 1-
    225 (struggling)

  24. 1. 5x1 pwr Cln&J @ 250#
    2. 2x2 Low bar BS- 335#
    3. WOD- 9:07 as Rx

  25. 1. Jerks 5@ 145 -stayed light. Still recovering from competition
    2. Wod 14:02rx

  26. 1.330#
    2. 198# failed on 220#
    3. i had to go to work!
