Monday, October 15, 2012

Tuesday 10.16.12

Ryan Grage
1.  Clean and Jerk
5x1 heavy and across 

2.  Back Squat
heavy single
2x2 moderate

3.  Open 12.5
7 minute up ladder of:
3 Thrusters 100/65
3 C2B Pull ups
6 Thrusters
6 C2B
9.12.15... as high as possible in 8 minutes

Wednesday will be a rest day.


  1. 1. C&J across: 225#

    2. Squat:
    1x1: 375#
    2x2: 335#

    3. 12.5, in 7 mins, 108 (PR).. In 8 mins, 120. Fraaaan lungs!!!!!!!

  2. 1. 245 (still babying the sterno injury)
    2. 425, 405
    3. 116 in 8 mins; last time I went all out on Fran I was sick for 3 days, so I did not go full throttle here :-/

  3. 8 mins - yikes. My bad, seven minutes it is.

  4. C & J: 5 x 1: 115#
    Open 12.5 12 + 25 85 reps rx- pr
    BS 1 @ 170#
    BS 2@ 155#

  5. 1-
    c&J@ 225
    1@ 330
    2x2 @ 295
    didn't have it today pr is 113

  6. 1. #117
    2. #148 & #133
    3. 83 reps with regular kipping p.u

  7. 1. 205x1, 215x4x1

    2. 325(f)(PR=340), 315x1; 275x2x2

    *I feel very quad dominant. Hamstrings feel weak. Any suggestions as to when and how much extra hamstring work I could add in?

    3. 70 reps, my grip gives out too fast. I can't figure out what the deal is. C2B slowed me down just bc I couldn't stay on the bar. Matched my PR. Not happy though. I feel like I should have been able to crush my PR.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 1. 160 across, stayed mid range heavy working on fast punch under the bar on the jerk and also working on bending my back leg (i tend to keep it straight)
    2. 215, stopped when it felt sticky but solid
    3. 126, 2 rep PR, not bad considering I dont work on Chest to Bar pull ups like i should...definitely need some work to compete in cali with the big girls!
    for the record, i want to get through my 21s by Mid January! That is my goal! Right now i am at 18 full rounds +7 thrusters

  10. C&J - 245# across
    Open WOD 12.5 (7min.) - 125 reps (finished my round of 18's at 7:01 lol)
    BS - 1@345, 2x2@325

  11. 1) 235
    2) 355, 315x2
    3 110 in 8 mins lol

  12. Post WoD math error. 122 in 8 mins

  13. Clean and jerk 5x1 with 250
    Squat 335x1, 315x2x2
    WOD 15+5=95 reps

  14. O and that 2 mile run in 18:26
    Do the ""Beast"t continue to run on Tuesdays?

  15. 1. 105
    2 165
    3. Skipped- no time
    4.. Almost 60 but not sure. 68 is my pr. Still nervous about doing everything that bothers my back. It's getting discouraging. I made so much progress (for me) but feel like I'm falling apart now.

  16. 1. 5x1 @ 255
    2. HB BS @ 347
    2x2 @ 327
    3. My nemesis WOD
    109 reps @ 85% pace

  17. 1. 221 across
    2. A:) 264 B:)198

    3. 12.5) 90 C2B big goat

  18. 1. 1-245, 4-235, was going to get too heavy
    2. 355/315
    3. 114

  19. 9:30am
    diane: 6:23 gaining 10lbs didnt help
    2.hb bs327x1/ 2x2@ 317
    3. not having a good week hurt trap in am. Dr Ryan thinks top rib.
    Hope to come back stong on thursday.

  20. BS x1 (175), 2x2 (155,165)

    Open 12.5: 68
    PR is 76 so a little disappointing. I rarely do kipping or C2B pull-ups (always butterfly), so the C2B are a serious goat. Was only getting 4 or so at a time. :-(

  21. 1. 185#
    2. 255#, 225#
    3. 80 reps

  22. 1. 255#
    2. 325#,295#
    3. 119 reps rxd.....Taylor went first and didn't tell me his rep count. That sucker got me by one rep, way to go bro.

    1. There's a reason for that! Lol otherwise what's the fun?? Hahaa

  23. C&J - 255x3x1 no time to finish
    12.5 - 111Rx PR

  24. 0. BS 1x1x325(Pr), 2x2x295 redemption or my miserable performance last friday.

    1. C&J 4x1x295 , 1x1x205 felt good

    2. 12.5 112 reps rx

    After yesterday and today I am destroyed!, I may be pushing the "heavy" to hard nd not doing too much "moderate" but I can't keep this pace up for long.

    1. Man did you really do 4*1 c&j @295#? That's legit!

  25. 1. C&J: 115 across
    2. Back Squat: 160, 145
    3. WOD: 52 reps, nowhere near a pr. Did chest to ring pull ups.

  26. 225, 245, 255, 265....I kept going higher, it just felt good.
    335 2x2

    109 Fran ladder. Thrusters are a goat of mine. Wrist flexibility is weak

  27. 215 felt good but back still bothersome so was careful
    305, 255 cautious again here
    12.5 93 with 105 didn't go into the pain cave

  28. 1) CJ 5x1 @185
    2) BS complete, had. To do different Rep scheme assigned by my professor but still went moderately heavy
    3) open 12.5 got 106 reps (PR) and went at a slow pace...pretty excited Hoping to finish the round of 18 by March once my shoulders healed and I have my metcon lungs back! WOOOOO!!!!!!

  29. 1) CJ 5x1 @185
    2) BS complete, had. To do different Rep scheme assigned by my professor but still went moderately heavy
    3) open 12.5 got 106 reps (PR) and went at a slow pace...pretty excited Hoping to finish the round of 18 by March once my shoulders healed and I have my metcon lungs back! WOOOOO!!!!!!

  30. 1. 225 across (this used to be my 1 Rep Max)
    2. 365 x 1
    335 x 2x2
    3. 87 Reps. My core was smoked

  31. 1-235
    3-3 reps short of my pr 103

  32. 1st Competitors WOD

    1: 4x225
    2: 365
    3: 2x365
    4: 112

    Feverish the next day.

  33. 1. 155-155-160-160-160
    2. 185x1
    175 2x2
    3. 88 reps -c2b weakness
