Friday, April 26, 2013

Saturday 4.27.13

Notice the difference in rack positions. 

Teams and Individuals
8 rounds of max reps in 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds rest.
C2B Pull ups
Push ups
Sit ups
complete all eight rounds of pull ups before moving on to the push ups.  Score is total reps completed for all 32 intervals.

Rest at least 3 hours

3 RFT:
200m Run, rest time equal to 200 time
400m Run, rest time equal to 400 time
600m Run, rest time equal to 600 time
In other words... Run 200m as fast as possible rest how long it took you to run.  Then run 400m rest equal time.  Then run 600m and rest the same time it took to do the 600m before starting the 200m again.  Continue till all distance have been done three times.  Post scores for all 9 intervals.


  1. 1) 331

    2) i did not run something wrong with my knee, hurts like hell when i run

  2. 1) 343

    2) 46-117-205

    did session two 10 min after session one

  3. Sesh one: 384

    Sesh 2:


  4. Tabata:
    C2B- 68
    Push Up- 56
    Sit Up- 47 (no foot anchor, no arm swing)
    Squats- 137
    TOTAL- 308

    No Session 2 today.

  5. 1) 424 as rx'd

    C2B: 10/8/5/5/5/5/5/5= 48
    PU: 20/20/17/13/11/13/11/10=115
    SU: 12/13/13/13/12/13/13/14=103
    SQT: 20/20/20/19/18/21/20/20 =158

  6. 1) lost count almost immediately
    2) 36-1:27-2:18

  7. Session one 380....session two in about an hour and I'm not lookin forward to it

  8. On Saturdays, a training partner and I do a friendly team competition WOD against a few teams from CF Midlo. This week it was:

    2 rounds
    -10 muscle ups
    -20 power snatch (105#/155#)
    -30 thrusters (95#/135#)
    -100 doubles

    Rest 30 min and did "Tosh"
    Didn't have a watch but total time 28:12
    200s - between 40-50 sec
    400s- between 1:40-2:00
    600s - between 2:30-2:40
    Great WOD!

  9. Backwards and no rest

    Tosh-40, 126, 222; 38, 127, 218; 41, 127, 223

    Then wimpy Tabata after short pee break

    Strict pullups on girder under bleachers at track- 5 across
    Pushups 10 across
    Squats 17s then 15s after a few bad quad spasms
    Situps 12 across with some ab spasms in there for good measure

    I wimped out on Tabata but I'm happy I did it. Didn't have time for the 2 sessions today

  10. Cheryl- saw your post yesterday. Email me if you want to compare notes on shoulder stuff. I have a few things I've been doing that I like and seem to be helping.

  11. 1. Lost count;, but I know it was above 330. Just not sure by how much.

    2. 39, 1:32, 2:43
    41, 1:37, 2:47
    41, 1:33, 2:47
    Those 600m runs felt awful and slowl lol. Did them around my high school's track, so at least I know the distances were accurate...

    Will have to do tomorrow's work on Monday. Excited for 8 hours of Olympic Lifting hands-on instruction!!!

  12. Attended the B.O.X. seminar today, if you are interested in opening your open box... Its a can't miss!

    1. 385 rxd
    2. Lunch break WOD with comp team members from CFNE in a partner Tosh. One guy one girl, rest while the partner runs.

  13. Had the opportunity to do two Workouts (competition) with around 40 former teammates.
    1)5 rounds for time: 110 yard run, 10 deadlifts(135), 10 abmat situps
    2)Buy in: Grace, then 3 rounds for time:20 tire jumps(jumping in the middle of the tire and out is 1) and 220 yard run with 24kg kettlebell

  14. Sorry I've been mia for a few days. I got sick and I'm still trying to recover.

    Session 1 - 415

    Session 2-
    39, 1:20, 2:18
    39, 1:28, 2:22
    40, 1:30, 2:21

    This really sucked because I couldn't breath! lol

  15. Yesterday's work

    1. Tiger Blood - 9:34

    2. 3 sets of max hang sq cleans 225lb. 6-4-5. Happy with this. Last year this I could not do even one HSC at 225

    3. 3 sets max power snatch
    Scaled to 155. Hate to scale but i feel better since even Cheryl scaled this one lol! Only did 2 sets, grip and hands shot. Short on time so threw in the towel after two sets.

    4. 3 sets max strict HSPU
    18-14-12. ~3 min rest between sets.

    Curious.. How long does it take you to do each day's training? Honestly it takes me like 2 hours on average. Today took me almost 3 hours. I think I'm taking too much time between exercises. Should I be going faster? Tough to do by myself...

  16. 1. 401 RXd
    2. 200m: 36, 36, 36
    400m: 1:15, 1:20, 1:23
    600m: 2:00, 2:04, 2:01

  17. 1. 283
    2. 200m- :44, :42, :43
    400m- 1:31, 1:31, 1:36
    600m- 2:25, 2:29, 2:29

  18. 10x1 jerks climbing from 185-255

    Tabata: 416

  19. one big session today...very busy day!!

    warm up-
    mobility/500m row

    1. Tabata : not going to post all the breakdowns...but stayed pretty consistent C2b were the worst exercise on this one. 413

    rested about 35 min or so

    2. This was so bad by myself...i need a running partner. Totally sandbagged. In the last 600m my bro walked in...and i asked him to run it with try and help push me...he stayed right in front of me and helped me time for that run was so much faster...and i felt fine after...shows me im saving too much in the tank on these workouts. Also feeling very tight in my knees/IT bands from all the running...been rolling...stretching...icing...legs arent too happy. lol

    Round 1=:42/1:33/2:30
    Round 2= :47/1:37/2:38
    Round 3= ::44/1:29/2:13

  20. Went into my local box for open gym today for session one. Ended up doing some extra work:
    1) 20m EMOM
    -odd 1xsquat snatch @ 185#
    -even 3xunbroken muscle ups

    2) 30m EMOM
    -First min= 1xpower clean + 1 hang squat clean @ 225#
    -Second min= 7 butterfly pull ups (just learned how to finally do these)
    -Third min= 20 secs of max triple unders (was getting 5 tagged together consistently, first time with these, so very happy)

    3) Tabata
    -First time for me 306.... c2b really hurt my score

    4) Ran out of time... Most likely make up on our rest day for active recovery

  21. At level one course this weekend in Portland, OR!

    We did Fran this afternoon - 3:26

    The course is awesome. I'm learning so much!

  22. 1. Tabata
    c2b 9, Ring Row 44
    P 62
    Su 88
    Sq 133
    Total: 336

    2. Sprints
    200: 39.9, 41, 42
    400: 1:40, 1:42, 1:42
    600: 2:36, 2:36, 2:30

  23. 1. 343


    Also worked on some KB thrusters with the style of rack that's posted in the picture. Tremendous difference between that and what I was doing!

  24. 1. 5x1 across hang squat snatch 135# (make up work that I missed:)

    2. Tosh
    ughhhh brutal. I
