Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Wednesday 4.17.13

Rachel got 110 unbroken HSPU yesterday.

1.  OHS
10 x 1, across or climbing.  post weights for all 10 sets.

2. Run
4 x 400m Run, 2 min rest between sets.  post times for all 4 runs.

3.  Goat Work
Spend 20 minutes working on 1-2 weaknesses. 


  1. Since I didn't qualify for regionals as an athlete, looks like I still get to go.... As a Judge. No Rep!!!! Haha.

  2. 110 Hspu for Rachel. Unbelieveable. Nice job girl!

  3. holy crap! incredible!!

    following team programming at my gym, be back at in 5 weeks!

    keep up the great work guys! :)

  4. 1. 95-100-105-110-Than 6x1@100 (i'd like to retry this using bumpers rather than dropping the weight onto my shoulders)
    2. 1:47-1:37-1:37-1:37 @ 1.5% incline
    3. Even: 1-10 minutes 6C2B (attempts - split bar, hard to tell) 10-20 minutes 3 strict pull ups
    Odd: 6 ring push ups

  5. Goat day!
    1) 135-145-155-165-175 time. Finish later
    2)130-126-126-126. Felt aster which means I am slow!
    3) later

  6. 1. 95, 115, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195(f), 195! (new PR)

    2. 130, 133, 132, 140

  7. 185-195-205-215-225-235-235-240-250-255 missed 260

  8. 110 HSPU is just crazy. Its hard for me to comprehend that.

  9. 110 hspu is incredbile!

    Havent gotten to post in a while.
    Last few bench marks:
    "Nancy"- 12:22
    Elizabeth- 3:35. wish i had video if this. sarabeth phillips was watching me and said reps were good though. 24 sec pr.
    Fight gone bad- 529. 10 rep Pr

    After 5 years of crossfit pr's dont come nearly as often.....so to set 3 in the same week was pretty awesome. Thanks coach ben for what you are doing!!!

    1. Solid work Drew!

      Just amazed how people improve themselves.

  10. wow that is incredible!

    1. 95,95,105,115,125,135,140,145,150,155

    2. 78seconds, 78, 80,80

    3. Front squat work

  11. 1. 135-155-170-185-195F-195-205-215-225-235

    2. 1:19-1:20-1:26-1:29

    3. OTMX20:

    Odd:3 Weighted Pull ups. 3x12kg, 7x16kg
    Even: 10 Pistols (5R+5L)... Working on mechanics

  12. 1. 165-175-185-195-200-205-210-215-220-225

    2. Done

    3. Logs

  13. 1) 135-155-185-205-205-225-225-245-255-265...Failed 275x3
    2) 1:08 1:12 1:07 1:14
    3) Repping Deads is a huge goat of mine so I did the house wod:
    7Min AMRAP = 7 Deads(225)/ 12 Burpees = 6 Rounds and change

  14. 1.135/145/150/155/160/165/170/175(f-tweaked shoulder on the jerk)-tried to go back down to 165 but didn't feel right so stopped there.
    2. 12-9-6 Power Snatch (105) & Burpees- kinda a goat wod...kinda fun...that's what happens when u work out with "the bros"
    3. 4x400m (around 5 min after snatch workout) 1:21/1:20/1:20/1:19-wasn't feeling these too much...and I really want to do this at a track! I know my runs are long, but I would also like to know that I am not getting slower...feel like I used to be able to run these in1:05-1:10 consistently. Guess that's the price you pay to be good at all things and not great at one thing! Ah well
    4. Gymnastics (going to mix in some High Box jumps with my gymnastics...bot are goats!)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. 1) 60-70-70-80-80-85-90-95-100-102.5 Pr (KG)

    2) 1:14-1:14-1:17-1:19

    3) Otm 10:
    Even 40 du
    Odd 8 pistols

    3x max strict pullups

  17. OHS 144-155-165-175-185-195-205-215-225-250f

    400m 1:18-1:23-1:29-1:32

    Goats L-sit/Tuck-sit & Free handstand holds

  18. 1. 175 x 8, 185 x 2

    2. 500m row instead of run due to weather
    1:43, 1:47, 1:49, 1:51

    3. Practiced butterfly kip/planks

  19. yesterdays work:
    1. 50 HSPU
    2. 19 MU
    3. 115ft.
    4. 15 @ 175. Pause at the top of rep 13.
    12 @ 175. pause at the top of 10 and 11
    9 @ 175. no pauses

  20. Ohs worked up to 235. Stayed there didn't want to push shoulders


    Kinda ran out of time for goats. Did a quick 3x20 ghd and called it a day

  21. OHS - 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 135 (new PR!!)

    1:15 - 1:20-1:27-1:30

    Goat Training - pistols & muscle ups

  22. Super excited just started the program, first post.



  23. 1) 95-105-115-125-130-135-140-145 (Fail to get it overhead at 155 - and at 150). Got frustrated so I jerked 145 back up and did 7 straight... I did drop weight on my neck/back that knocked me over doing a Bear Complex ladder this past weekend at a comp, so I know that that was in my mental game - any tips on improving the behind-the-neck jerk besides just doing it?? Obviously that is my weakness. Overhead Squats have always been strong point for me - just not the jerk :)

    2) Did the Goat work. OTM x 20
    Even: Strict Press (75lbs) x3
    Odd: Strict CTB Pull-Ups (must be unbroken and touch actual chest not just collar bone) x3

    3) My quads locked up in my rec softball games last night - not sure why - so I didn't push it as hard as I could have, but still ran pretty fast. I'd say 85%?
    1:30 - 1:31 - 1:28 - 1:30

    i have a partner comp this weekend (Capital Games - anyone else competing???). I want to do something tomorrow since I will have to rest Friday. Any ideas?! :)

  24. 1. 225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275, 285, 290, 2959(f), 300# PR!!

    300# OHS = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8NO4Jn3MPw

    2. 1:07, 1:12, 1:15, 1:20

    3. OTM X10
    1x FS
    275 x5. 280 x2, 285x 1, 290X 2

    Bench Press
    185 x 10
    195 x 8
    205 x 6
    215 x 4
    225 x 2

  25. 1) 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255, 260, 265, 270, 275
    2) 1:10, 1:11, 1:11, 1:12
    3)OTM 10 3 Deficit HSPU
    OTM 10 3 weighted pullups
    4)3x10 Strict Press and L-pullups

  26. I got my wife Tara to join this programming and she is doing awesome so far!! She is only 2 months into CrossFit and is killing it!

    My results:
    1) Worked up to 245#. PR!!
    2) 1:15, 1:19, 1:17, 1:19
    3) 20m EMOM
    -Odd min: 10 Box Jumps
    -Even min: 10 Pull-ups
    Goal was to go unbroken on everything and I did, so I'm pretty stoked about it!

    Wifey's Results:
    1) Worked up to 135#!!! 30# PR!!
    2) Running is a goat for her right now... 2:01, 1:52, 1:56, 1:49
    3) Ran out of time.. had to go to work.

    Awesome session today!

  27. 1.) in pounds 135-155-175-185-195F-195F-195-205F-205-215F

    Wanted to go for that 215 but didn't want to break the 10x1 rule

    2.)ran at 9.0 pace on treadmill for all 400's

    3.)push press-jerk-split technique
    Hand stand walk attempts

  28. Yesterday's work
    1. 30 HSPU. Paused at the bottom in the last 5 reps or so, is that kosher?

    2. Muscle ups - 5/6/5. Previous PR was 4.

    3. Handstand walks - about 10 tries, furthest was probably 12 feet. Obviously need to work on this.

    4. 15/12/9 C&J. 135/145/155. Could've gone a bit heavier but it was decently tough.

  29. 1. 185/205/215/225/235/235/235/235/235/235(f)

    2. 1:16/1:18/1:20/1:19

    Odd- MU to ring dips
    Even- pistols

  30. 1) 185-205-225-245-255-265f-265f-265-270f-270f
    10# pr

    2)1:15, 1:12, 1:12, 1:14

    3) worked on hand stand pushups

  31. 1. 135-135-140-140-145-145-150-150-155-165

    2. 1:25, 1:25, 1:24, 1:28

    3. Ring Rows, Ring Dips

  32. 1 - 80, 90, 100, 110, 115, 120, 125x, 120kg
    2 - 1:20, 1:25, 1:26, 1:27

    Joined in with group conditioning
    In 2 minutes do 15 wall balls, run 200m then AMRAP box jumps
    18, 17, 17, 13, 15, 16
    Rest 1 minute between rounds

  33. 1. 225,235,245,255,265,275(f),275,285(f),285,300 PR
    300# OHS = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLVgGesDjSg

    2. 1:09, 1:11, 1:15, 1:18
    3. OTM X10
    1x FS
    275 x5. 280 x2, 285x 1, 290X 2

    Bench Press
    185 x 10
    195 x 8
    205 x 6
    215 x 4
    225 x 2

  34. Did this today.

    1) 62.5, 72.5, 77.5, 80, 82.5, 85, 90, 82.5, 82.5, 82.5
    Blew my shoulder out back last November doing a 110 OHS (20kg PB) so taking these easy and slowly working back up.

    2) 74, 80, 84, 84

    3) Odd min: 4 HSPU
    Even min: 4 pistols

  35. 1) Did 4 light sets, watching knee
    2) 1:10,1:25,1:26,1:19. All runs were faster than my last PR of 1:27 in December, with the 1:10 being 17 secs!
    3) Alternated L-Sit holds and strict pullups

  36. 1) 60, 70, 80, 90, 95 fail, 95, 97,5 (pr), 100 fail, 100 fail ,102,5 fail

    2) bad knee so i did some rowing 1:21, 1:25, 1:25, 1:24

    3) 3MU and hand stand.
