Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Thursday 4.25.13

Recovery Day

Getting after it.  500x3 
 How are you approaching your training?


  1. This dude is as awesome as he is funny...I wonder if he likes his coffee black.

  2. 3k Recovery Row today. ~ 2 min splits.

  3. Wednesday's work today.

    1. Rowing/C2B Helen- 8:25

    2. Stayed really light, higher reps.

    5 Rounds:
    5 Bench (165#)
    10 DB C&J (45's)
    90 sec. rest

    Afterwards the mobility highlight of the night was 2 minutes each side on the quidditch.

  4. Yesterday's work

    1. Helen - 10:25. First time doing this. Unbroken for everything, but pull-ups got tough.

    2. Front squats - 5x2 - 205, 255, 275, 295, 255. 295 is a 2RM PR, but felt strain in lower back doing this

    3. Bench press - 5x5 - 225, 245, 265, 265, 265. Finally something I'm good at! The old weight room days finally paying off LOL :)

    4. Skipped dumbell C&Js.. Need to rest lower back.

  5. Holy crap do I need a rest day! Feeling beat!!
