Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Wednesday 3.10.13

Jenny Davis
1.  Clean and Jerk
10 x 1, start at 80% and climb from there.  All reps done as squat cleans.

2.  "Angie"
100 Pull ups
100 Push ups
100 Sit ups
100 Squats


  1. 2) Angie - 24:05 *Pleased because pull-ups took twice as long in my basement because I'm using an IBeam. Hard to kip and grip went fast.

    1) Later...

    1. 1) Worked up to succesful 220lbs and failed at 225lbs on the jerk of all things. I know I can go higher next time.

  2. C&J- worked up to 165

    Angie- 19:12rx

  3. feeling super drained, cant wait for a rest day!
    c&J worked up to 155
    angie: 21:41rx pullups and pushups were a battle for me today

  4. Angie - 13:25....one of my least favorite workouts

    Squat C&J - 245-Im a complete sloth getting under the bar for these

    1. Is there a significant difference between your Squat C&J and Power C&J? I know there is for me because I'm apprehensive about dropping underneath it I think. I can go much heavier on Power... Just curious if this is the case for anyone else?

    2. Squat clean max is about 30-40 lbs less then my power clean....major issue

    3. Ok. I am in the same boat. I'm about 30lbs behind you at this point, but have the same issue. It's something I'd like to correct so if you come upon any tips, please let me know!

    4. agreed paddy ... me no like angie... puts a funny feeling in my tummy everytime I think of doing 100 push-ups!

  5. 1. 140/145/150/155/160/165/170/175/180/185(f- refer to Donny shAnkle post from earlier this week... lol that describes that number for me!)

    1. oops! forgot to post 2...
      13:20... my pull ups felt good! push ups were the suck-fest!

  6. Beep test for warm up with my PE class
    (2) Angie 21:05 ...5 minutes slower than my PR :(
    (1) Worked up to 145 C/J

    1. Oh my goodness! I miss the Beep test!! I am going to have to find that and download it on my phone for my girls after school. I don't think the physical education teachers do it at my high school.

  7. Forgot that I told my girls strength and conditioning Club that we would run a 5k after school today since we couldn't meet yesterday since we had a 1/2 day. So that was not planned, but ran it in 24:16.

    1.I tested my max one round of bear complex since it is a wod in a comp this weekend. Got 135. Failed at 145.

    2. 17:41. Huge PR. Last logged Angie was in July...26:01. Also, I did 36 unbroken pullups! Yeah!! Push ups got ugly, though lol

  8. 1. 225, 230, 235, 240, 245, 255, 260, 265 (f jerk), 270 (f jerk), 270 (f jerk)...felt a little weak here today
    2. 14:22 angie...not a PR

  9. 1. 225,230,235,240,245,250,255,260,265,275
    2. 14:36 rxd

  10. Worked up to 230 C & J.
    16:43 on Angie.

    Been following this all year. Haven't been posting for some time. That stops today.

    Games was not the goal for me this year. Just to training outside my comfort zone and push myself harder. Best program I have ever followed. Thanks Ben.

  11. 1. 240/250/260/265/270/275/280/285/290/295(failed jerk)
    2. 14:48 RX

  12. 1. 215/225/235/245/250/255/260/265/Fail at 270 and stopped there
    2. 20:43

  13. 1. 205-215-225-230-235f-235f jerk-235
    would have liked a couple more reps but my barbell broke. I think I'll be able to fix it and squeeze a bit more life out of it. But its time to save up for a nice rouge bar.
    2. Angie 17:14

  14. 205-215-225-235-245-250-255-260f-260f

    21:43 30 sec pr, bodyweight movements big weakness for me

  15. 1.) in pounds- 170-175-180-185-190-195-200-205F jerk-205F jerk-205 success
    210clean for fun failed jerk


  16. 260-260-260-260-275-275-285-285-290-300
    all power clean & jerks

    didn't have time to do "Angie". . . hopefully tomorrow

  17. 1. worked up to 185 clean and jerk-5 pound PR. Squat cleaned 195 but failed the jerk :(

    2. We have a Jon North seminar this Sunday so didn't want to rip my hands doing Angie, they are still in rough shape from 13.5 :/ Did the WOD at my gym which was hang squat cleans and GHDs.

  18. Did yesterday's work today.

    1. Nancy - did this in the morning, not usual for me. Was tough. 20:32 - slow on the runs, down and back on gravel driveway, had to rest 30+ sec before OHS on later rounds. OHS unbroken all sets though.

    2. Worked up to 165 on Sq Snatch/OHS. Long time since snatching "heavy," left it there.

    3. FS 4x4 - 255 across

    4 OTM20: odd 3 deficit HSPU 6" on parallettes, even 30 DUs. Love working goats!

    Will be C&J and Angie tomorrow!

  19. 1 - 110, 115, 120, 125, 130 shaky, 130, 132.5, 135 failed jerk, 136 failed clean, 130kg
    2 - 19:50
    Weighted half Cindy on Monday came back to bite me. And I hate abmat sit ups with a passion

  20. 1) up to 265, spent
    2) DNF - at the 50th airsquat I shook out my legs and the right quad locked up, then the left one locked up 10 seconds later. Was not fun, but evidently it was funny to watch as I weeble-wobbled then belly flopped on the ground since I couldn't bend either leg!

    Need to be consistent with hydration...

  21. 1) 80, 85, 85, 90, 95, 95, 97,5, 100, 102,5 (new PR), 107,5 fail kg

    2) 20,39

  22. 135-145-155-165-175-185-190-195-200(F)-200(F)
    Had 200 in the hole twice but couldn't stand it up.
    Angie - 14:35. Pull ups sucked due to giant rip in the middle of my palm from Sundays 13.5 lol

  23. 80-80- 85-90-90-95-95-100-102.5 new pr 105 new pr kg

    Angie 21:16 fuc#&&#$& pushups

  24. Angie - 21:30 miserable.

    My new training partner got 19:50, his 4th wod ever. Might have some potential lol

  25. Did Angie, went out too hard on pull-ups and quads cramped halfway through squats. ~19:30

    Did C/J next day, big PR 290 - up from 280 clean, 270 jerk.
