Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sunday 4.21.13

One of our members sent this to me.  
Individual Athletes
3 RFT:
800m Run
200m Prowler Push, 90/45
200m Double KB Farmers Carry, 70/53
20 Burpees

Teams of 4 athletes (2 men/2 women)
3 Rounds for time of:
Team 800m Run
Both Boys Push one Prowler 200m, 135# - while girls take turns holding 135 barbell overhead
Both Girls Push one Prowler 200m, 90# - while boys take turns holding 185 barbell overhead
Both Boys individually carry double KB Farmers carry 200m , 70# - while girls take turn holding 135 in front rack
Both Girls individually carry double KB Farmers carry 200m , 53# - while boys take turn holding 185 in front rack

The team may not start their 200 meters until the barbell is in the "hold" position.  If the barbell drops at any point the entire team must stop and everyone must complete 10 Burpees.


  1. Does anyone know the typical weight of an empty prowler? There is a homemade one that weights 135#...what should we do?

    1. Most prowlers weigh 75-80 pounds bro

    2. weights listed do not include the weight of the prowler.

  2. Would you guys see using a sled instead of a prowler about equal?? I don't have a prowler yet.. I know its pulling instead of pushing, but I figure its better to use my sled at same weight instead of just not doing it at all.... thoughts?

    1. Just stay low and keep yourself leaning far forward and it'll be very similar

    2. Thats the plan. Thanks man.

  3. okay that was fucking horrible!!!!!!

  4. One day behind..

    1.)Snatch OTM complex made it to 170#

    2.) 7X3 Back squat @ 255#

    3.)"Marathon Monday"- 20:27...Ouch

  5. As rx'd 35.19.

    First wod back after 6 weeks of being gone. Was rough but a good one to start back on. Glad to be back for a few weeks.

  6. 3 Rft:
    800m run
    200m tire drag 40kg
    200m farmers walk 40kg
    20 burpees


  7. Woooo them prowler pushes were rough!

  8. 29:42 atrocious. happy if I never see that one again. don't have prowler at home subbed sled pull instead, used 45# db's instead of 53# for farmer carry. when the 800s feel good you know it's bad.

  9. Took a rest day today since I had a comp yesterday. This looks fun, though! I will do it sometime this week when I have access to a prowler!

    1. haha. I just enjoy getting my butt kicked. Usually not in the mix of it, but afterwards :)

  10. Running behind this week due to a family style weekend.

    Jackie tonight: 9:25 - Just got a Concept 2 B rower for my basement today off craigslist so it was fun actually rowing!! Ibeam pull ups are a major time sucker.

    Will do Marathon tomorrow. No prowler access...

  11. Most brutal team wod so far!
    Wod around 46 min Team Bellator- Tulsa, OK
    Bullet proof shoulders tomorrow!

  12. 33:04....prowler was hard, never pushed one for that long b4....

  13. Yesterday's work
    1. Snatch complex ladder - failed the squat snatch at 165

    2. Marathon Monday - 27:39. Coulda/shoulda gone faster. Happy to string together some butterfly c2bs even towards the end.

  14. Teams 52:43. Brutal. Sh*tshow!

    1. Guys 165# x2rounds, 185# last round.

      Girls modified weight, can't remember.

  15. My result: 40:00 RX'd with 10# weight vest

    Wifey result: 39:45 all RXd but sled pull. Done at 70#

  16. 37:58 Terrible! Had to make a DIY prowler and push it up and down the gravel driveway.

  17. 33:00, oh my gosh my legs hated the prowler push. That was tough but awesome!

  18. 3 RFT:

    800m run
    200m prowler push, 90# (the uphill incline made a huge difference)
    200m kb farmers carry, 70#
    20 burpees

    42:20- Sucked but fun

  19. 32:03
    No Prowler, used a dead treadmill for (1:30)
    70# DBs 210m
