Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sunday 11.18.12

Rest Day

We will begin working on our goats more specifically in December.  I will be posting a template for this six week "Goat Killing" period soon.  


  1. All;
    I have struggled to transition "behaviorally" from power clean weights to squat clean weights, which has resulted in some poor technique as I get to the top of my power clean realm. i think this has also capped my max weights as my form is not there on higher weights which require me to get lower. Has anyone else struggled with this? I've thought about doing squat cleans for everything to get my behavior/technique right. (Maybe my techinique is poor all around, but its hard to tell)

    I am an at home crossfitter so I "coach" myself, admittedly this is an inherent weakness.

    I appreciate any feedback.

    1. I have the same problem with Snatches. My Power Snatch is about 25pounds heavier than my Squat Snatch. My OHSquat is pretty weak and i've been very slow improving it. Ive started doing only Squat Snatches now and adding in some OHS work in hope of improving it enough to surpass my Power Snatch numbers.
      Good luck and drive on

    2. I have the same problem with Snatches. My Power Snatch is about 25pounds heavier than my Squat Snatch. My OHSquat is pretty weak and i've been very slow improving it. Ive started doing only Squat Snatches now and adding in some OHS work in hope of improving it enough to surpass my Power Snatch numbers.
      Good luck and drive on

  2. Mark

    I was there a while back too. The big clean complex we did a few weeks ago was the key to me getting comfortable with the sq clean. Go back and check it out. I'm willing to bet it comes up again soon too. Generally- i like doing them from the hang and high hang to get better at them. Bottom line- you have to do it to get comfortable with it. My 2 cents
    Good luck

  3. I'm curious to see how this next phase of training will work since everyone's goats may be different from each others.
