Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thursday 11.15.12

Former Master's Champion "Big" Brian Curley with Russell Burger and Tucker

1.  Snatch
5x1, Heavy Across

2.  Front Squat
5x1, Heavy Across

3.  21-15-9
Wall Ball, 30/20


  1. Workin my Squat snatches cuz my OHS need work.

    1.165 across
    2.255 across
    3. My watch broke! So I smoked through it, competing only against myself. I guess changing from 2 Abmat HSPU to 1 Abmat HSPUs would be considered a PR... right?

  2. 1. 175 across
    2. 250 across
    3. As RXd 8:15

  3. 1. 175x3, 180x2

    2. 290 across

    3. 10:36, using 12 kg MB

  4. 1. 225 (missed a few times, but came back and got em)
    2. 350 across
    3. 5:54

  5. 1) 5x1 Snatch 145#.

    2) Front Squat: 265# 5x1 across.

    3) 17:41 Rx (30# wall ball).

  6. 1. 185# across. Felt 100% better than before I started. Been snatch balancing a good bit with little weight, I was smooth through my pull and steady in the bottom.
    2. 365# across
    3. 6:30 with bar thrusters instead of wall balls. All unbroken though.

    Lovin this programming!!!

  7. 1. 95 across
    2. Skipped
    3. 12:38 rx

  8. Power snatch - 205 across
    Skipped squats (knee)
    11:27 with 95# push press subbed for wall balls.

  9. 155 worked on form. The pull is fine its just my ohs. I Can split snatch 225 but I figured it would be better in the long run to get good at squat snatch
    Did not time but banged it out fast

  10. 1. 195#
    2. 285#
    3. 9:35 w/45lb plate & abmat HSPU, 12 ft target w/ 20# wall ball

  11. 180
    255 back still tweeky
    6:07 rxed
    Felt good snatch form improving finally

  12. Snatch 3x1 - 215# Across

    Front Squat - 275-310# Climbing

    Wall Facing HSPU
    Wallball 30#
    GHD Sit Up

  13. 1. 215 across
    2. 315 across
    3. 5:09 (subbed wall ball w/ 53lb KB thruster)

    My snatch I hit 6 times and it is 10 lbs heavier than my 205PR @ regionals. TTB are much better and more efficient. Today is a day where I am thankful for a great coach. Thanks again Ben.

  14. 1. 90kg across
    2. 130kg across
    3. 5:52.... Only have a 20# wb

  15. 1). 175
    2) 255
    3). 4:24 as Rx'd
    Spent a week getting over Reactive Airway Disease and it's nice to be back. Felt weak on the lifts but the metcon played to my strengths I think because it went pretty fast. Nice to get out of bed

  16. Snatch 185
    Front squat 305
    WOD 13:48

  17. Snatch 225 for 1 then had to back off to 205
    Front squat 305
    8:50 mod due to wb size of 20 lb

  18. Was a mess
    155/145 across
    255 across (that was nice as this was my max not long ago)

  19. 1. 195#, snatch was off
    2. 275#
    3. 6.34

    This was a day for me to help/train my wife. I had a great day, but not the best of numbers. Thanks again for everything you do Ben.

  20. 1. 175-185 (I know it says across but I like to build a bit). Failed at 195. So damn close though...
    2. 295
    3. 5:34. Subbed 30 in bounding box jumps for the WB since we don't have a 30 # ball. Need to get one now that this keeps coming up. Bounding Box Jumps are one of my goats so I try to work it in when I can. Did them all unbroken and then took a massive digger on the LAST ONE! Shin looks like mashed hamburger. Epic. Still finished my TTB though!

  21. 1. #88
    2. #132
    3. #16 - No timer, 3 huge goats, just took my time and worked technique.

  22. 1. technique work. 80#
    2. 165#
    3. 10:09 Rx

  23. 1.195
    3.10:40 w/45lb plate & abmat HSPU, 12 ft target w/ 20# wall ball
